Is it just me? or is ART STRIKE, AIR STRIKE and LRM SPAM still a problem?
From my experience in the past 2 weeks Pubs do not feel fun anymore.
maybe I'm unlucky but I don't know since in the past 17 games I have played in QP (DOMINATION, SKIRMISH, even INCURSION) I have been ART/AIR stricken a Whopping total of 56 times.

In a single match on HPG on the ramps(south side) 7 ART strikes were spammed out (not at the same time ofc bc of the nerf). Constant barrage and IMO. takes little skill to do. Point and press button.
I was in a FRESH MARAUDER II with FULL SURVIVABILITY skills and still got shredded down to 2 med PULSE lasers and had to fight 2 atlas's and 3 Assassins with SRM 6 builds.
it was not even a fight... we got slaughtered game after game...
I didn't give up and kept going to see if MATCHMAKING would put me with other people. but to no avail

Its almost like every match I get pitted up against a Full squad of sweat lords who never stop playing this game.
At this point I feel like just playing MW5 with friends instead bc we cant win a match due to these issues listed above
Also I've noticed even after LRM nerf, LRM boats are still ABUNDENT like, SUPERNOVA LRM 80, WARHAMMER II-C LRM 75, STALKER 5M LRM 80... The list goes on... I've even seen FLEE's doing LRM builds... like HUH?

maybe I'm just complaining. but as a long time player since 2013. I still see a big issue with the PUB gameplay.
I don't wanna hear the BS of someone saying "get good" or stupid crap like that. I'm expressing genuine concern for the games future (if it even has one PGI)
However if you have something or add or say Great!

Good Hunting MechWarrior's - Maxzer

Edited by Maxzer, 24 February 2021 - 04:54 AM.