Edited by VLADIVOSTOK DV, 15 March 2021 - 06:24 PM.

Patch Notes - - 16-March-2021
Posted 15 March 2021 - 06:23 PM
Posted 15 March 2021 - 06:28 PM
Posted 15 March 2021 - 06:32 PM
Posted 15 March 2021 - 06:34 PM
The6thMessenger, on 15 March 2021 - 06:18 PM, said:
Honestly, I'm more curious as to WHO DAFUQ ASKED FOR SOME OF THESE CHANGES?
IIRC, nobody asked for increased heat and CD with PPCs, the consensus was it was hot garbage.
People asked for range buff for Gauss, and damage buff with LGR. CD reduction with LPPCs.
Yeah, I mean the more I think about it, they are just making more work for themselves and throwing out years of data and turning a million ***** (dials) at once. At this point, either do the Gulag thing, or at the very least just make mild adjustments. PPCs underperforming, buff their damage, but keep DPS the same. Or lower their heat a tad. Something to nudge them in the right direction. We don’t need/want radical changes at this point.
Save the little resources you have for things that are actually interesting, not wasting them on controversial changes that are just going to piss people off. This crap just seems like a waste of time and really I think it’s time to stop letting people take whimsical stabs at new balance directions. Examine the data, look at the underperforming weapons and chassis and fix them. Fix maps. Add a new map. Add some IS Omni-mechs, that kind of thing. Seriously.
bad builds bob, on 15 March 2021 - 06:21 PM, said:
hopefully it helps that 0.7 KDR
Bahahah thanks for calling it out.
Edited by Gas Guzzler, 15 March 2021 - 06:34 PM.
Posted 15 March 2021 - 06:41 PM
Gas Guzzler, on 15 March 2021 - 06:34 PM, said:
Save the little resources you have for things that are actually interesting, not wasting them on controversial changes that are just going to piss people off. This crap just seems like a waste of time and really I think it’s time to stop letting people take whimsical stabs at new balance directions. Examine the data, look at the underperforming weapons and chassis and fix them. Fix maps. Add a new map. Add some IS Omni-mechs, that kind of thing. Seriously.
YES! Yes to all of that! Put some of that $7mill to work.. hire 3 or 4 people, not just one.. make some real changes!
Posted 15 March 2021 - 06:47 PM
Just a couple words on them.
This one GHR has too much rear armor for no reason
GHR-5H (C)[/color]

Those two will be too hot for not skilled mechs
WHM-6D (C)[/color]

HBR-F (C)[/color]

Edited by Thornhold, 15 March 2021 - 06:48 PM.
Posted 15 March 2021 - 07:01 PM
wow. just wow.
to have the arrogance and naivete to think that this was correct......................
Posted 15 March 2021 - 07:08 PM
Edited by MookieDog, 15 March 2021 - 07:15 PM.
Posted 15 March 2021 - 07:11 PM
Just do the Gulag changes. If we get crap like this when you guys bang rocks together, maybe take the easy way out and copy the other kids homework. They actually play the game unlike 99% of PGI.
Posted 15 March 2021 - 07:16 PM
Posted 15 March 2021 - 07:20 PM
bad builds bob, on 15 March 2021 - 06:21 PM, said:
hopefully it helps that 0.7 KDR
Just a quick question. Which ***** comp player are you? You made this alt account 4 days ago to whine about these changes for what. Use your real account. Are you afraid that Russ will no longer love you for criticism? Are you afraid of being labeled a crying *** *****? Don't worry about it. You will still hide in back behind everyone else and spam your long range shots. We will still try to rush pass your team to get to you. You can still meatshield your entire team with these nerfs. The fact that you are creating alt forum accounts to hide behind as you whine is the best salt mining of all. I'm going to double my blood pressure meds tonight from this glorious post. This might even get me to buy the Stryker pack in support of these changes.
Posted 15 March 2021 - 07:21 PM
Thanks to this patch, I learned that Gauss is a sniper weapon. Yes, a sniper weapon with an optimal range of 660 meters...
Once again, I was convinced of the violation of the logical apparatus of the development team.
Fix drop points on maps? No, we cannot do this even on one map. We also cannot reduce the size of assaults and restore their mobility. But we can buff the AC-2, which will kill big slow mechs even faster, for example, on the Tourmaline Desert. Yes! Let's do it!
Guys (PGI), please think about the following: you still haven't done anything positive for the gameplay, but you have already uncovered your favorite nerfhammer. And for what weapon systems? For those weapons systems that really require high skills from the player: from the ability to find the right place on the maps, to high precision shooting skills.
But, you did not say a word about the fact that you are considering the possibility of turning your attention, for example, to LRM. The lowest skill weapon system, players on which reproduce literally uncontrollably.
I have a theory: the developers (if they play this game) are playing LRM. Therefore, they don't like weapon systems that can ruin their game. Hence the nephr of the PPC.
Continue to trample on weapons that require skills. Continue buffing non-skill weapons. Just remember to rename the game to LurmWarriorOnline.
I want to say a lot. Alas, the language barrier does not allow me to do this fully and correctly.
If in short, there is only bewilderment and swearing in my head.
Sorry for negative.
Edited by Voice of Kerensky, 15 March 2021 - 11:20 PM.
Posted 15 March 2021 - 07:27 PM
Edited by TitanMonke, 15 March 2021 - 07:29 PM.
Posted 15 March 2021 - 07:31 PM
Admittedly I am confused, and wondering what y’all were considering with respect to this balance pass. I’ll comment once I’ve actually had a chance to drop and test the changes. I feel like my dual Gauss Warhammer is either going to be awkward to adjust to or amazeballs off the bat. My Battlemaster obviously needs an immediate re-crafting, as i know from the numbers it’s too hot now. Honestly I was already ready to adjust and re-adjust depending on the rebalancing efforts anyhow. No hard feelings. Frankly, though, I am also understanding where some of y’all are coming from with the backlash. This is literally nothing like anything I have seen or heard from the community with respect to what we want as a majority. That said, I’m not gonna condone reactionary insults and rage-quitting. Ima go and have fun anyhow. I’ll join y’all to play and test once I get some time tonight and after the patch, and comment later.
Edited by The Brewer, 15 March 2021 - 07:36 PM.
Posted 15 March 2021 - 07:41 PM
If I interpret the change to PPCs and Gauss systems correctly, you are (1) reinforcing their on-paper intent of high-alpha mid- to long-range marksman weapons in an extremely heavy handed way in preparation for (2) future stats tweaks to both weapon lines to better differentiate them amongst themselves so that they ultimately are (3) unique niche weapons in the eventual post-weapon balance pass ecosystem? These changes sound like nerfs on paper (or at best, make the weapons more clunky to use while not addressing any of their perceived problems), and I fear with how some people here are recoiling from the patch notes we may never see the "what can be."
Giving us a tentative "here's how what we did now is planned to translate into future changes" roadmap for these weapon balance passes is going to be necessary I feel, because the detail we have right now seems to be set up to end in failure - either you'll walk things back to placate the most outspoken voices resulting in things remaining stagnant, or you'll push on and players may feel you're ignoring their concerns by nerfing their favorite weapons and burn the good will built up since announcing the resumption of MWO development. Addressing this in the next Dev VLOG is a must, and more detailed notes with subsequent patches will help assuage this problem in future. (Sorry for telling you guys how to do your job...I feel like an *** for basically lecturing but I figure being very direct about concerns from my point of view as a customer is the best thing to do).
The Autocannon changes are nice, but there is no denying it does reduce the skill needed to operate the weapons, as it reduces necessary lead time. Is the team certain this is the intended path they want the game to take? Also, the ammunition between ACs, UACs, and RACs is the same thing as far as I'm aware, so they should have the same velocity. I personally like DAKKA and don't especially mind making it more forgiving, so I like the change - but take that with a grain of salt due to my bias for ballistics.
I cannot comment on exactly how the missile changes on MRMs will affect the game, I assume it's either a band-aid to reduce AMS match score bloating, or a step towards said goal.
The MASC change I suppose to be an attempt to make it more in-line with the Battletech universe (double the speed but risk breaking the mech's joints from overuse). I'll admit, I didn't even know it gave you added benefits beyond the temporary speed cap increase, so the loss of added mobility doesn't affect me as much as others in a direct way. Double the run time is excellent, but whether the simplification is good or bad only time will tell.
The Trial Mech changes are great, straightforward boat builds with medium-range efficacy is a solid way to introduce totally new players to the Mechlab. The Grasshopper and Direwolf seem a tad heavy on their back armor. Nothing more to say, I'm not knowledgeable enough to give full loadouts beyond my prior generalization.
Intro movie and map lighting fixes are all positive changes and solid quality-of-life fixes. Padding each patch with a few fixes like these will add up over time an improve the general user experience. But quality trumps quantity; personally, fewer meatier patches that make drastic mechanical improvements to gameplay will always best a larger number of lighter program QoL-fixes. This patch is going to be an unfortunate one if nothing else than the fact that we are learning of it MUCH too late; this notes-to-live patch lead time should never occur again in future if avoidable.
It's a real shame the spawn fixes couldn't debut at all, but I expect we'll hear more about it in the next Dev VLOG.
There are some teething troubles with communicating with us still I perceive, but please don't let that make you guys posting-shy here. Things will work out so long as a dialog is maintained, even if these first few months have started out rough.
Eagerly awaiting the next VLOG, roadmap, and that Stryker pack launch.
Posted 15 March 2021 - 07:44 PM
Make PPC's useless to all but POP Tarters
Make Gauss Useless....
Don't address the fundamental problems with gameplay.
Didn't figure they would do anything to nerf the Machine gun Problem,,,.,the lack of maps, to many lrms, lazer vomits from hell, Fearless Indestructible Light mechs taking out heavy and assault mechs in 10 sec with machine guns!!
This isn't Battletech,,,, This really isn't Mechwarrior... this is counterstrike with a different skin.
Guess I will head out into the real world and get real things done and leave the trashing of an almost adequate game to the "Professionals".
I'm done for now.. Think I will log back in in november and see if anything productive has happened or not.
Posted 15 March 2021 - 07:44 PM
Posted 15 March 2021 - 07:54 PM
EWDijkstra, on 15 March 2021 - 07:41 PM, said:
good post, I agree with a lot you said, but if what you said here is true, if PGI is setting up future rework later, I have to encourage them to not do this ever again. If you want to rework a weapon, don't do half of it now, leave it broken and scuffed, and then wait until later to fix it (and what a disaster if that "fix" made it still worst then it once was). Either go all the way in and do all the changes you want or leave it alone.
Posted 15 March 2021 - 07:58 PM

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