Posted 12 May 2021 - 10:12 AM
Posted 12 May 2021 - 01:01 PM
martian, on 08 May 2021 - 09:04 AM, said:

Hopefully, the upcoming changes will revitalize this 'Mech.
It is a nice machine and its OmniMech design gives players a great degree of freedom to swap its OmniPods and create a customized loadout.
I must admit that I will probably keep its loadout (with some minor adjustments, of course) as is, for some time at least. Ditto for the camo.
What about you? What configuration do you have in mind? Missile boat? Extended-range PPCs? Autocannons? Lasers? Mixed loadout? Will you use some Clan livery perhaps?

My favorite TBR has been the stock -D configuration (pre-tonnage retcon) for quite awhile now, although in MWO, that works best on the actual -D because the set-of-8 quirks get rid of its ghost heat. This 'mech will likely revert to the stock TBR-C. I know it's not great, but I've already got 10 TBR's (this one will be #11) in every stock configuration in and out of MWO.
If the remaining patches (mobility and rescale) do it enough justice, then this one may wind up with a Solaris build on it, and specialize in that arena.
Edited by C337Skymaster, 12 May 2021 - 01:03 PM.
Posted 12 May 2021 - 02:13 PM
martian, on 12 May 2021 - 01:11 PM, said:
Eleven Mad Cats!
Is not it ... you know ... a bit excessive?


What IS excessive, is buying five copies of the Orion ON1-M to build the -MA, -MB, -MC, and -MD variants concurrently. The -MA and -MC variants are okay, but the -MB and -MD versions quite royally suck (Light Gauss and RAC/5, respectively. Just a single one, each).
As for the original ten TBR's, it's because I have, pre-built and available at any time:
TBR-S (x2, because I bought the 'mech, then the pack, then didn't have the heart to sell either one)
TBR-WAR (currently built out as something splatty for Solaris, though it still doesn't work amazingly. I'll have to give it another try once the mobility patch hits).
Edited by C337Skymaster, 12 May 2021 - 02:16 PM.
Posted 12 May 2021 - 08:25 PM
ScrapIron Prime, on 12 May 2021 - 02:05 PM, said:
Yea, dark alleys are full of people saying the same ...

C337Skymaster, on 12 May 2021 - 02:13 PM, said:

I bet that you can't wait to see the Mad Cat III in the game, just to fill up the medium weight category.

Posted 13 May 2021 - 12:18 AM
Posted 13 May 2021 - 03:32 AM
2 Piranhas
8 Mist Lynx'
12 Kit Fox'
7 Arctic Cheetahs
4 Jenner IICs
7 Cougars
7 Adders
6 Vipers
4 Arctic Wolves
5 Shadow Cats
7 Ice Ferrets
10 Novas
7 Huntsmen
1 Hunchback IIC
8 Stormcrows
8 Black Lanners
7 Mad Dogs
3 Linebackers
6 Hellbringers
6 Ebon Jaguars
9 Summoners
6 Nova Cats
10 Timber Wolves (haven't finished the event, yet

1 Orion IIC
6 Night Gyrs
3 Warhammer IICs
7 Gargoyles
5 Warhawks
6 Marauder IICs
4 Supernovas
3 Mad Cat Mk II's
1 Highlander IIC
7 Blood Asps
7 Executioners
6 Kodiaks
7 Dire Wolves
It reads about the same going up the IS side, with the craziest collections being 9 each of Marauders, Orions, and Catapults.
You, too, can have an inventory like this, after you've been playing the game for six years and buying the occasional 'mech pack. It adds up over time.
Posted 13 May 2021 - 04:05 AM
C337Skymaster, on 13 May 2021 - 03:32 AM, said:
2 Piranhas
8 Mist Lynx'
12 Kit Fox'
7 Arctic Cheetahs
4 Jenner IICs
7 Cougars
7 Adders
6 Vipers
4 Arctic Wolves
5 Shadow Cats
7 Ice Ferrets
10 Novas
7 Huntsmen
1 Hunchback IIC
8 Stormcrows
8 Black Lanners
7 Mad Dogs
3 Linebackers
6 Hellbringers
6 Ebon Jaguars
9 Summoners
6 Nova Cats
10 Timber Wolves (haven't finished the event, yet

1 Orion IIC
6 Night Gyrs
3 Warhammer IICs
7 Gargoyles
5 Warhawks
6 Marauder IICs
4 Supernovas
3 Mad Cat Mk II's
1 Highlander IIC
7 Blood Asps
7 Executioners
6 Kodiaks
7 Dire Wolves
It reads about the same going up the IS side, with the craziest collections being 9 each of Marauders, Orions, and Catapults.
You, too, can have an inventory like this, after you've been playing the game for six years and buying the occasional 'mech pack. It adds up over time.
There is literally not a single Urbie in there. Now see your SIN for what it is, sell your 87th timberwolf and invest into your Lord-and-SaviorMech

*just pretend it's a IIC if that clan-thing of yours is for roleplay-purposes

Edited by Teenage Mutant Ninja Urbie, 13 May 2021 - 04:07 AM.
Posted 13 May 2021 - 05:05 AM
Teenage Mutant Ninja Urbie, on 13 May 2021 - 04:05 AM, said:
There is literally not a single Urbie in there. Now see your SIN for what it is, sell your 87th timberwolf and invest into your Lord-and-SaviorMech

*just pretend it's a IIC if that clan-thing of yours is for roleplay-purposes

That's because I only went down the Clan side. I've got 4 Urbies (3 with a C-Bill bonus, somehow), all with their stock engines in them.

Posted 13 May 2021 - 05:12 AM
1 Locust
2 Commandos
4 Urbanmechs
1 Javelin
3 Wolfhounds
3 Ravens
1 Panther
1 Jenner
1 Firestarter
3 Cicadas
2 Vindicators
3 Phoenix Hawks
2 Black Jacks
2 Uziels
2 Trebuchets
7 Hunchbacks
1 Enforcer
4 Crabs
3 Centurions
1 Wolverine
1 Shadow Hawk
1 Kintaro
2 Griffins
5 Bushwackers
2 Riflemen
1 Quickdraw
3 Dragons (Cuz of the pack)
1 Champion
3 Thunderbolts (Cuz of the pack)
4 Jagermechs
9 Catapults
6 Warhammers
2 Grasshoppers
3 Cataphracts
1 Archer
9 Orions
9 Marauders
4 Black Knights
3 Zeus'
1 Victor
3 Hatamoto-Chi
3 Awesomes
4 Stalkers
2 Battlemasters
4 Maulers
4 Highlanders
3 Cyclops'
2 Banshees
7 Marauder IIs
2 King Crabs
3 Fafnirs
6 Atlas'
3 Annihilators
I left out the Sunspider, Roughneck, and Corsair, because those don't really exist, and aren't worth mentioning. I just can't bring myself to sell anything with a CB bonus, even though I haven't needed CBills for three years...
Edited by C337Skymaster, 13 May 2021 - 05:16 AM.
Posted 13 May 2021 - 05:55 AM
C337Skymaster, on 13 May 2021 - 05:05 AM, said:

May the great Urbie in the Sky bless you and your stockengines.
May your AC20 never tire

Posted 13 May 2021 - 06:20 AM
C337Skymaster, on 13 May 2021 - 03:32 AM, said:
2 Piranhas
7 Dire Wolves
It reads about the same going up the IS side, with the craziest collections being 9 each of Marauders, Orions, and Catapults.
You, too, can have an inventory like this, after you've been playing the game for six years and buying the occasional 'mech pack. It adds up over time.
No Vapor Eagle? I am surprised.
Posted 13 May 2021 - 07:00 AM
martian, on 13 May 2021 - 06:20 AM, said:
Never heard of it before it came out, and it was Meta almost right away, so I automatically didn't like it. Kinda the same reason I don't like or use Radar Dep: it was meta back in the Module days, (and I always felt it was a bit OP).
That, and I run all of these with their stock weapon loadouts, and the stock Vapor Eagles always struck me as a little wonky. Looking through Smurfy, it looks like they're not as bad as I thought, though. The Huntsman-Prime reigns uncontested as the most wonky, difficult build to run completely stock.

Edited by C337Skymaster, 13 May 2021 - 07:04 AM.
Posted 13 May 2021 - 07:46 AM
C337Skymaster, on 13 May 2021 - 07:00 AM, said:
Never heard of it before it came out, and it was Meta almost right away, so I automatically didn't like it. Kinda the same reason I don't like or use Radar Dep: it was meta back in the Module days, (and I always felt it was a bit OP).
That, and I run all of these with their stock weapon loadouts, and the stock Vapor Eagles always struck me as a little wonky. Looking through Smurfy, it looks like they're not as bad as I thought, though. The Huntsman-Prime reigns uncontested as the most wonky, difficult build to run completely stock.

The Goshawk (Vapor Eagle) was in the 3055 tech manual, so its been lore for a long time. Its a lesson in giving a mech too good a hardpoint layout, though. high torso mounts plus poor geometry equal Uziel, high torso mounts plus excellent geometry plus clan equipment and plenty of spare tonnage equal Vapor Eagle.
I don't use them either, but only because I try to stick to inner sphere mechs. Just preference. Radar Deprivation, however... you're a brave one for not using that! I think of that as part of the survival tree, honestly. 100% radar derp means less armor lost to lurms. (That and I almost always take seismic sensors, so i have points in the tree already...)
Posted 13 May 2021 - 08:02 AM
ScrapIron Prime, on 13 May 2021 - 07:46 AM, said:
I don't use them either, but only because I try to stick to inner sphere mechs. Just preference. Radar Deprivation, however... you're a brave one for not using that! I think of that as part of the survival tree, honestly. 100% radar derp means less armor lost to lurms. (That and I almost always take seismic sensors, so i have points in the tree already...)
So this is the hazard I run of coming up through the computer games, and having 100% of my TT knowledge be attained within the last couple of years, and 90% of that from Critical Rocket's YouTube channel. I'd heard of the Goshawk a couple times (maybe I only heard of the real bird, not the 'mech?), but NEVER heard the term "Vapor Eagle" until it landed in MWO. There are a few others that are like that, too: Huntsman, for one. I mostly wound up with those once the Clan tonnage cap for Scouting was reduced to 50 tons (locking out the streak crow), and I needed a new streak boat. The Nova doesn't have enough missile hardpoints or enough free weight to be an effective streak boat.
As for Radar Dep: I run seismic on EVERY 'mech. Not even "almost". I add Seismic before I add any other skills (even Advanced Zoom, although that's 2nd on the 'mechs that need it, or third behind ECM, technically). I got prejudiced against Radar Dep after watching a 'mech strobe along the top of a hill, because while the hill appeared smooth, the invisible texture was jagged, and the 'mech kept going behind invisible peaks. On that day, I decided Radar Dep was broken and I would never use it. Technically, I've got 40% on all my ECM 'mechs because the ECM nodes are locked behind them, but I don't touch it on anything else.
My skilling order is:
Heat dissipation (if necessary)
Heat Generation
Ammo/weapon skills
Any leftover nodes go into consumables, or if the 'mech runs REALLY cold, armor.
Posted 13 May 2021 - 08:33 AM
Seismic + Radar Derp
Rarely do I put points in anything else. One point for a second consumable slot, plus any ECM or AMS nodes as needed.
I know a lot of folks will say "survival tree", but I usually skip that. Most mechs will live longer by simply not standing there rather than by having 5 extra points of armor someplace. And lets face it... 100% Radar Deprivation often gives me that 5 extra points of armor by virtue of being less target-able!
Posted 13 May 2021 - 08:50 AM

Posted 13 May 2021 - 11:09 AM
Personally I'll skill up operations and armour, dependent on how often I overheat first, with mobility thrown in after if I need more torso speed for better twisting, and finally firepower once I've settled on a loadout.
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