justcallme A S H, on 09 June 2021 - 08:14 PM, said:
You are once again making up statements without any proof or evidence.
I submit as evidence the patch notes where cauldron nerfed streaks. That is my evidence. The fact cauldron did it.
You worsened the skill gap that you are now claiming is the problem. By your own admission.
And again streaks have a very limited range. They only severely punish lights when lights enter that 270m range. Its one of the things that helped prevent lights from being able to run into the blindspots of other mechs where other mechs can barely even see them to be able to shoot them. And again id be 100% okay with reducing the range of clan streaks to 270m to match IS streaks.
Streaks did not completely counter lights they only countered lights that didnt properly assess the risk of engaging mechs with streaks inside that 270m range. Its no different than how heavies/assaults have to properly assess the risk of pushing against other mechs with ballistics. You make a stupid decision you die.
And you use the excuse that you dont want lights to get one shotted but you sure dont seem to have a problem when other weapons one shot lights from much greater distances. In fact youve been buffing those weapons so theyre better at one shotting lights at a distance.
The only thing Cauldron didnt like about streaks specifically is that even Tier5 players could use them effectively and it helped lessen the skill gap between Tier5 players and Tier1 players.
I believe players absolutely have a right to a weapon system that scares the **** out of lights at short range so lights cant ram themselves up peoples' asses with impunity. Because nobody enjoys fighting lights in an assault and not even being able to see them at all. Especially players in tier 4-tier 5 who get completely dominated by lights when theyre in assaults. Why you think allowing that is fun for the game is beyond me.
Of course you dont care about the higher tier players at all. You feed on the skill gap between worse and better players. Thats why Cauldron continually strives to make that skill gap even wider.
Again the weapon being in the game is better than the weapon being shelved. Shelving the weapon and pretending it doesnt exist is not a solution. That isnt even a compromise. You arnt even trying to find an acceptable compromise where streaks are still useful without being overpowered against lights. You just want streaks out of the game entirely. Well congratulations youve made them useless now. *claps*.
All im asking for is a compromise on streaks to make them useful enough against lights that lights dont feel comfortable engaging mechs with streaks. I dont expect streaks to one shot lights. Just not be damn useless against them or straight up worse than SRMs like they are now. It is a 100% reasonable request.
Edited by Khobai, 09 June 2021 - 09:07 PM.