Hunter Pack: In The Mechbay With Mark Nicholson
Posted 31 August 2021 - 08:25 AM
Posted 31 August 2021 - 12:38 PM

~D. V. "wanting to see more fun screenshots of the Hunter Pack being developed" Devnull
Posted 31 August 2021 - 03:22 PM
Posted 31 August 2021 - 04:02 PM
Aidan Crenshaw, on 30 August 2021 - 08:48 PM, said:
I'm sorry, what I meant to say was "compared to other variants" high hard point wise, that is. Once again, my apologies. I have spell check but not Brains check.
Posted 31 August 2021 - 04:33 PM
Mark Nicholson, on 31 August 2021 - 03:22 PM, said:
<<< Image from https://i.imgur.com/7F1EW9V.jpg >>>
Mark, it so happens that I am (and likely, others are) very thankful to see the images of your continued development work anyway. It shows that things are coming along, even if what is shown does not happen to be the final result. They do look very interesting, and I can see some fun potential hiding in the Camo too. Please keep the updates coming, as those of us which appreciate these and are watching will very much look forward to it. I would even suggest that you add the image to the Main News Post with a note that what people are seeing is a work still in progress, as seeing the art about how things are changing is always helpful and welcome.

~D. V. "Always happy to have the update about what is happening with that New Mech Variant" Devnull
Posted 31 August 2021 - 05:04 PM

Posted 31 August 2021 - 09:44 PM
Mark Nicholson, on 31 August 2021 - 03:22 PM, said:

Hey Mark, great to see the process you are going through and all the work you put into these designs. I suggest to post these pictures to the initial post too, so we have a developing timeline of this project.
Posted 08 September 2021 - 03:06 AM
Posted 08 September 2021 - 10:30 AM
Posted 09 September 2021 - 11:34 AM
Mark Nicholson, on 08 September 2021 - 10:30 AM, said:
<<< image from https://i.imgur.com/DXokFGy.jpg ... shrunk to a link here to avoid extra scrolling >>>
(for those who may not know, baking is the term used for the process of transferring data from high poly geometry onto low poly geometry with normal maps)
I think that is some very nice Hunting Gear which you have produced there. I sort of sense a Traveling Theme going on with all the Hunting Gear displayed here, or am I mistaken to think this? (Or is it a Camping Theme going on with those? I'm not totally sure here...) I might as well also ask... Is there any chance that they will come in both Cockpit Item and Bolt-On versions which exist for people to enjoy? That ruffled BackPack and the Raft would certainly both make great items to visually equip to a Mech on the back sections for sure, and there could probably be multiple ways that the Motorcycle would be designed to equip too!

Which brings me to a side-topic as I type this post in a bit of a time-limited hurry... Will we see any version (even if it must be a different rendering and/or sound) of these new Bolt-Ons and/or Cockpit Items from recent new Mech Packs released in the coming months for

~D. V. "Curiosity sparked about the Hunting Gear which you rendered, and wanting to learn more..." Devnull
[Edit by the Post's Author for something they missed around 1 hour, 20 minutes ago when originally typing the post... All fixed now!]
Edited by D V Devnull, 09 September 2021 - 12:54 PM.
Posted 09 September 2021 - 01:17 PM
Posted 09 September 2021 - 01:33 PM
Mark Nicholson, on 09 September 2021 - 01:17 PM, said:
As for seeing exclusive items go non-exclusive? I couldn't say.
Fair enough...

I suppose that Matt would have to stop by with an answer to that one, huh?

~D. V. "understands that not everyone holds the answer to every question, Mech Cosmetics included" Devnull
Posted 10 September 2021 - 10:59 AM
Posted 10 September 2021 - 03:22 PM

Posted 10 September 2021 - 04:03 PM
Posted 10 September 2021 - 04:08 PM
Mark Nicholson, on 10 September 2021 - 10:59 AM, said:
<<< image from https://i.imgur.com/pJGvQNM.gif >>>
Mark Nicholson, on 10 September 2021 - 04:03 PM, said:
<<< image from https://i.imgur.com/ONpzumI.jpg >>>
...and given all teh holes in it, I don't think it's going to keep anyone particularly warm, not that a mech with more than one ppc is ever going to get cold

That's still very nicely rendered, and gets a 'Like' from me! I would bet if you showed a video of it (which I could almost bet doesn't actually exist) in fast-forward motion, that result took many attempts to reach and a lot of hours spent cranking on it. Yet, that's one spot where I'm thinking that the final result there is the most worthwhile/enjoyable/satisfying part, and nobody should be worrying about what came before? Any which way, I hope you had a nice tasty pastry to eat after all that effort! Out of ("thinking outside the box"-type... no pun intended!!!) curiosity, will it be turning into an actual Bolt-On which the Stalker could equip for use?

Aidan Crenshaw, on 10 September 2021 - 03:22 PM, said:

Maybe it's only a Camo-colored Tarp that helps alter the profile of the Mech so that someone trying to shoot it has to aim a little better? Or perhaps it's something that merely helps to hide the Mech's profile when shut down and stored near a building? Of course, then the following has to be asked... Will that Camo-colored item be able to animate on the Mech when it is moving around on the field? For bonus points, one must ask... Will it be able to avoid clipping with the Side Torso while drooped on the Arm Component in that manner? But all of those questions come with one prerequisite question, which I have stated in the above paragraph of this post, and all of our guesses are null & void without an affirmative on that one.

~D. V. "catching up with nice chatter over the Stalker and related 'Bolt-On'-type activity" Devnull
Posted 10 September 2021 - 04:24 PM
Posted 12 September 2021 - 02:55 AM
Mark Nicholson, on 10 September 2021 - 04:24 PM, said:
That brings me back to a thought (which would add a lot of value to Flag Bolt-Ons in the game) that struck me after I received my Stryker Pack from someone (to whom I am very thankful) as a gift...

Is there any chance that the Flag with the Pack's Logo could have the background behind that image be recolorable? Could the Flag Pole itself be made recolorable as well? Also, could that recoloring ability be retroactively propagated to the Warden & Stryker Packs for those who have them? And if possible, could all the Faction Flags receive that same capability? (This in particular would help those who are in Units and want to match up their entire Camo config to go with that. For those not in a Unit or aren't matching it up, they would also have the option of matching their own sense of Camo choice.) All of the Flags which already exist could keep their current background coloring as their starting default, in hope to reduce the effort needed for any kind of change being made to them. Yes, I fully understand that a project like that would have to be lower on the priority list at this time, as I already figured that you're likely really busy with other things too. (I've been personally enjoying seeing your efforts in play out on the battlefields, and look forward to seeing what other things come forth too! Really, I'm not kidding here!) This idea just popped back up to the top of my mind when I read your post over and saw those words. Therefore, I thought it might be worth posting this proposal directly, with hope to see what you think of it.

~D. V. "having an idea for the various Flags that exist, and thinking it would be worth suggesting & describing" Devnull
[Small Edit by the Post Author more than 10 hours later due to something they forgot when originally typing this... It's been added, and everything is complete now!!!]
Edited by D V Devnull, 12 September 2021 - 01:01 PM.
Posted 15 September 2021 - 09:11 AM
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