MechaGnome, on 14 December 2021 - 10:19 PM, said:
No it doesnt.
Brom96, on 15 December 2021 - 05:31 AM, said:
So far, the teams fight in the center on the narrow patch of high ground, surrounded on both flanks with high raise outcrops which usually make for head on collision between the two teams. Support to flanking movements is almost non existent due to the cover offered by the outcrops and possibility to shoot teammates in the back in tightly packed formation.
We shall see if folks improve the tactics (hopefully) and start using other parts of the map, as is the case with Canyon.
Flora is indestructible.
At least there is some cover to protect you from sight/snipers.
In summary, interesting map, but detrimental to my playstyle. Shall avoid.
Sounds like we just gotta learn the map better. Its been out for less than a day, it always takes time.