Matt Newman, on 02 March 2022 - 09:18 AM, said:
Time to add Uzeil to the march free mech!
And a "Big Thanks" for adding the 2021 complete updates.. This is great having the patches in an easy to find location. You guys really did do a lot last year even if it did fall short of everything you set out to do. I hope to see much more added to this map by December.
II do hope that flex team can do some stuff and maybe hit on some of the long standing QOL improvements even if it is just a Hover tag so we can see the stock Quirks for the mech without going back to the Sold store or removing them all on your mech or a few more Favorites style tab filters. Even if you could add 2-3 more, (just do it the same way, Instead of a single favorites start add a few more to the mech portrait leading to a couple other tabs.) Just a couple more filter tabs would make a world of difference.
A better global chat system or even just a bit of an update could also do wonders for finding a group or just people to chat/ask question about the game. I know your chat is mainly for faction, but a simple Open chat for QP, newbie Q's and such would be a welcome feature. Even just merging the faction chats into a single group would be a big improvement. Unless i'm missing something there isn't a Strat to Faction outside of Win matches.
It's never to late to improve the chat/group system.