8 Vs 8 Quickplay Weekend
Posted 17 March 2022 - 05:50 PM
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:02 PM
"Hell no, don't feel like it," says a significant portion of the forum. "Providing data to help you improve the game is not important to us, we're too busy complaining about how something needs to be done to improve your game."
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:04 PM
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:05 PM
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:06 PM
Duncan MacDougl, on 17 March 2022 - 06:04 PM, said:
Have you ever tried "looking for group" and teamed up with 3 other players? Concept!
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:13 PM
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:13 PM
Beffa, on 17 March 2022 - 03:16 PM, said:
"You haven't played it" > Has played 30 rounds.
I played about 10/12 games (and rising at the time of writing the post) on EVERY tier with accounts i use to play with friends.
If you're getting LRM'd by assaults in an 8v8 and can't respond to that then that's simply a skill issue on your part or your team's. Nothing else needs adding.
Kid I already know you're lying to me, you don't need to further confirm it. Everyone who's actuallly played is noticing the sudden upsurge in assault mech only teams equipped as LRM boats. And guess what? That's exactly how I know you're not playing. Because this happens every event. If you have a team or a lot of times two teams composed *entirely* of assaults, it's pretty damned rare you don't get a **** ton of missile boats. When they vote specifically only for the friendly to long range missile build maps, and not once for say, SRM's or MRM's are quite powerful. And you know what happenes they lose the vote?
That's right, they rage quit. Same **** every time we get a ton of events at once.
Why should I believe your claim in opposition to the evidence of my own eyes, evidence that dozens of people on this very forum have confirmed seeing for themselves? I mean we've got 4 threads I know of, and the only peoplle saying that "Oh no event get in my assault LRM carrier" doesn't occur are pretty much you alone?
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:16 PM
ambosen, on 17 March 2022 - 06:13 PM, said:
Seriously though, I dropped nearly 20 games this evening and had my dual AMS ready for some free sky candy... and I'm wondering where the lurm lords are. I think I encountered two... in separate games.
Perhaps they're finding that with 4 fewer players per team, you get less locks. Go get them yourself, fatties!
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:19 PM
A surprise forced mode. Bad.
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:21 PM
I do believe it raises the stakes in a match and forces everyone to actually play and not backseat like you would see in 12v12, my matches were against much higher levels of competition than usual, out of 7 games i played, i faced or played with GNX/JGX players in 6 of them.
I also encountered much more communication in those games than usual, coordination was much better and that improves the overall play experience.
Limiting group size would help make this a better mode.
I do like 8v8 in the end.
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:30 PM
Big-G, on 17 March 2022 - 02:19 PM, said:
I can tell one thing now, it's a bit of an adjustment having to depend less on uncoordinated team mates and more on myself... but the headless chicken drama is REAL...
TWLT S, on 17 March 2022 - 02:27 PM, said:
It's just not CRICKET!

ambosen, on 17 March 2022 - 02:31 PM, said:
Had to chuckle at that one...

Pyalla, on 17 March 2022 - 02:45 PM, said:
Agreed, I still prefer that...
Bronze Dragon, on 17 March 2022 - 02:56 PM, said:
Agreed, or totally confused and get roller-coastered as soon as they stick their head around the corner... *more a problem with singles*
Lockheed_, on 17 March 2022 - 03:23 PM, said:
I can just imagine the clients all grinding to a halt with the mass of data to process... but would be glorious!

Duncan1dah0, on 17 March 2022 - 04:36 PM, said:
I must unfortunately agree, the most of the matches I've played so far have fallen into the headless chicken variety.
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:34 PM
Gas Guzzler, on 17 March 2022 - 04:21 PM, said:
Perhaps they want to play the game with their friends in the game's most "casual" mode in a non-hyper-competative environment. You know, for fun.
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:35 PM
Games are way too one-sided!
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:39 PM
solarmus, on 17 March 2022 - 06:34 PM, said:
Perhaps they want to play the game with their friends in the game's most "casual" mode in a non-hyper-competative environment. You know, for fun.
Nobody is treating Quick Play like competitive play. 8v8 doesn't mean competitive.
If beating up on people that are worse than you is all you and your friends want to do, I suggest MW5
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:43 PM
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:48 PM
Would be very happy to keep the 8v8 in quickplay, just limit any groupings to max 2 ppl.
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:57 PM
alas the introduction of 8v8 which will probably become permeant is just another sign that this game is dying. i will pass on this event thank you.
Posted 17 March 2022 - 06:57 PM
Edited by sergeant sad, 17 March 2022 - 06:59 PM.
Posted 17 March 2022 - 07:16 PM
Seeing as PGI would rather hear about the reactions of their player base I will say this: The problem here is that people are not playing the game, as it is intended to be played. What I am referring to is the lack of co-ordination and communication. If people played this game as if it was them on a real battlefield, with bullets flying around them, they wouldn't stand there and not check behind them, or decide to not shoot the enemy for whatever reason... If you were in a fight; you would shoot to kill and this is a clear picture that a lot of players are not willing to dive in deep and do what they should in these situations.
If PGI had it their way, 95% of players would be playing in groups that had full co-ordination and always communicated... Coz if that was the case, no one would be having a sook about not being able to do this and that. This is what I am talking about... example: You have two situations, one situation is consisted of 24 players, where around 60% of the total is made up of "mercenary" type players that:
1) never use a mic
2) never go in a group
3) are usually the problem, due to just not being in a military state of mind
and the other type of situation is 24 players where you only have 1-3 players that are of this nature... and in that situation as soon as you drop and even before, in the lobby communications begin with a briefing of the general plan and forms for the lances... this is made up of a quick discussion that lasts around 10 seconds. As the players drop they move like commandos into their battle formations, checking around corners with every due respect and relaying the positions of the enemy mechs. The most important part of co-ordinations is to get an advantageous position in regards to the landscape and, failing that... using the power of multiple mechs to focus fire is the true test of skill and can wipe out any foe, as long as it is stronger than that of the enemies. The only way it can be stronger than that of the enemy is to take each step and use each moment to the fullest. You must respect every aspect, or you will be caught in the crossfire and ultimately choose to forfeit your place in the actual concept of a team.
This is going to sound silly, but this is how the army does it: discipline. The only way this will be solved is if there were set rules on this matter and true enforcement action, which everyone knows is highly unlikely and more utopia-driven than anything (if you could call it that). As an observation: this game only has players in it that are in groups and act like commandos, all the other "players" are not actually playing, but you could think of them like bots... bots with the vision of not using comms, not wanting to actually shoot the enemy and more than anything: bots that would rather just watch as you attempt to shoot the enemy, they are there behind cover watching you. When you ultimately fall in the battle they turn and run, not even having shot a thing. How in the hell is that playing the game? You are worse than AI and thus, you are worse than a bot. You can't even let recaptcha work as intended coz when you do the quiz to see if you're human... it doesn't matter if you get past it coz you aren't even on the same level as a bot... so who cares if you are a "human" in this regard, this is the only display of it that you have to offer, all other humanity is nowhere to be found... no brain, no plan and no outcome... just throwing it in the trash.
Ok rant over... so about 8v8. If you played the game, then this little bump in the road would be welcome. Get out there and respect the battlefield. Have you ever been on the way home, only to find a patrol on your route? This is what this is, someone has come for you on your travels and you are to brandish your weapons... open your gun case. Just a side note: if you're here to have fun and your idea of having fun is not aligned with that of a military nature, then unfortunately for you: we will be having a lot of fun, at your expense... I want to see 12v14 with the utmost of balancing to compensate. (this could be a valid solution) the 12 man team would consist of the JGx types and well-known elitist soldiers and the 14 man team can consist of the other 4 man group and most of the irregulars, just so that you don't end up with the majority of the games coming out as 12-4 or 12-0 scorecards... (this is already what they do, anyways... just not with a 12v14 match-up... they just are forced to have the teams weighted in an unbalanced nature, due to lack of players). This is only a problem coz there is a limit on how many players are allowed in a team. If you had 12v14 you could have more dynamic balancing options. Desperate times call for desperate measures... Failing to find more players, the 12v14 concept is a valid solution. Hopefully the players in the game can get on the level they should be on: on a level to compete with the likes of these elitist soldiers, you find on the battlefield.
To conclude; 8v8 < 12v12 in respect of the lack of military minded folk amongst the community. Also, 12v12 < 12v14 for the same reason.
I played the game when it was 8v8 a long time ago and since then, 12v12 has been a blessing as well as the additional content. I wish only the best for this game and the projects, surrounding its' development. Still waiting for the UE5 patch. Hopefully someone from the AI sector can chime in and help out with utilizing the new and upcoming video graphics technologies, there have been some massive breakthroughs that have the potential to land us a truly remarkable and realistic mech warrior online game... Leave the low graphics texture setting there, in case we still have people trying to play the game with a 2gb gfx card.
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