While the price politics certainly can be discussed, upcoming quirks gotta be taken into account, when judging the "potential viability" of this mech - and the Cauldron has proven most variants can be granted a solid and fun2play niche with a bit of flexibility / creativity in terms of quirks (plus there is still hope, that new quirks can be implemented with some engineering-hours at hand).
MechPacks - or the financial access to certain content-combinations - are an itchy topic to discuss, no doubt. On the other hand I am somewhat glad, that PGI tries to provide new content that implies more than just a re-hash of already existing assets again.
Assuming this pack to be some kind of a "last bullet" to prove, that creating MWO-content can still be financially rewarding for the company and the connected implications for future manpower being allocated, I will - additionally motivated by the pure 3025-nostalgia and decent aesthetics the Crusader provides - buy it and furthermore feel like it is worth buying with the C-Bill, MC and GSP-Goodies in mind. Mebbe Mark Nicholson will bring up some decent looking bolt-ons in the upcoming weeks as another incentive.
Potential discussions about different approaches when talking about future mech releases, mechpack-options and a pricing reasonable for customer AND company would be appreciated though.
Dunno how to make sure (if not for packages), that less interesting variants get bought though - if em ain't being heavily supported via quirks etc.
Edited by AnAnachronismAlive, 06 April 2022 - 11:25 PM.