Pts: May Patch Features! - Pts Over
Posted 14 May 2022 - 10:40 AM
I basically spent three days solid just trying to get access to the test only to find there wasn't a functional testing environment nor enough time to really get a good idea of how the new event que feature even worked, how it'd change the gameplay environment, ect. That eventually culminated in a nearly 4 hour wait per match up where players didn't clearly give up even attempting to play before the server even spawned and just hadn't logged out entirely yet. Multiple times I logged into cues where I was literally the only player near as I could tell even near a computer to play the match, I'm pretty sure just because of how freaking long it takes to get enough players even lined up.
Part of this is obviously due to the ludicrously short duration of the testing: from you guys announcing it to me getting to play one match total where other people were actually active and testing the features, was about three and a half days at most, again most of which I spent unable to participate in testing due to problems with the client and reinstallation/updating to the current test server parameters every time I tried *after* it'd supposedly finished installation. The rest is simply put, not enough people participated to really give a good look at the features, see if there were any weird bugs that could be reported or the like.
A test such as this should've been run *at least a week* simply to allow for these sorts of hiccups with simple implementation of the testing environment to be corrected, and for word to percolate through and more players to check it out. Likewise, again to be blunt, the individual events being tested should have run for longer durations, if possible been available in multiple game modes, been run in a variety of size configurations instead of the 4 versus 4 that was in actuality 1 versus one or 2 versus 0 I ended up witnessing due to other problems, and more.
Quite honestly, from a pure QA or stress testing environmenr perspective, I do not underrstand what usable data if any this test and how it was run could have given you, but if you intention was to frustrate longtime players into no longer participating in testing new patches and possible featurre changes by making it virtually impossible for most of them to do so, yes, you've succeeded.
And that's the really frustrating part. I've been playing this game off and on since the original closed beta. I've stuck with it despite a number of significant changes over the years, and despite a lot of technical issues on your end such as the day when I suddenly found my previous game account straight up didn't exist anymore, and noone via your tech support could figure out how or what happened to it, much less restore it.
Right now, I am not feeling particularly enthusiastic about any of these changes based off of what I saw, based off of what little I got to experience of how everything changed. Based off of what I saw, I'm now really worried about how much longer this game will last. You need longer, better testing before these changes. You need a more refined update process.
And i'm just gonna say it. You need to stop making changes solely for changes' sake.
Posted 14 May 2022 - 11:12 AM
w0qj, on 14 May 2022 - 09:45 AM, said:
Edit: I have 46 saved skill tree config files, located at:
C:\Users\XX\Saved Games\MechWarrior Online\MechSkillTrees
If you saved any skill trees during the PTR then they will be in the C:\Users\XX\Saved Games\MWO PublicTest\MechSkillTrees
I just made new skill trees for every mech I have, saved it to the MWO PublicTest --> MechSkillTrees folder then copied them all to the main MWO skill tree folder and a second location for backup. I just affixed (New) to each to differentiate pre/post Skill Tree patch.
As Skymaster said, they show up in the main game, but are not implementable (obviously). I was able to catch a few 1v1 event matches yesterday, but my main objective was to reconfigure and save skill trees.
Posted 15 May 2022 - 05:34 AM
Posted 15 May 2022 - 05:49 AM
Edited by LordNothing, 15 May 2022 - 05:49 AM.
Posted 15 May 2022 - 05:53 AM
Coupled with reduced +Skill leveling up, it should be good

Posted 15 May 2022 - 06:12 AM
w0qj, on 15 May 2022 - 05:53 AM, said:
Coupled with reduced +Skill leveling up, it should be good

the double xp event is the 4th event this month, that drops with the patch. i advise all players to hold on to their premium time redeem from the 3rd event so they can stack it with the double xp. simply do not redeem it until event 4 drops. i think the node costs are coming down too. but its still going to suck.
Edited by LordNothing, 15 May 2022 - 06:13 AM.
Posted 15 May 2022 - 07:07 AM
Be Rough With Me Plz, on 14 May 2022 - 11:12 AM, said:
If you saved any skill trees during the PTR then they will be in the C:\Users\XX\Saved Games\MWO PublicTest\MechSkillTrees
I just made new skill trees for every mech I have, saved it to the MWO PublicTest --> MechSkillTrees folder then copied them all to the main MWO skill tree folder and a second location for backup. I just affixed (New) to each to differentiate pre/post Skill Tree patch.
As Skymaster said, they show up in the main game, but are not implementable (obviously). I was able to catch a few 1v1 event matches yesterday, but my main objective was to reconfigure and save skill trees.
Now here is a forward thinking man! I didn't think to do that, although what with the auto-refund of any invalid nodes, I'm thinking I'll just wait and figure it all out at the time, anyway. What I am doing is spending XP from 'mechs that have 6 figures worth to fill in any missing "spacer" nodes so I don't get refunded everything and can actually see what the build was.
Posted 15 May 2022 - 07:54 PM
Nightbird, on 13 May 2022 - 02:57 PM, said:
If yes, can you unlock it? Other than ECM nodes being invalid for non-ECM mechs, there's no other real benefit and it'd be a real time-saver to create 5-6 generic trees and do minor edits here and there without copying codes back and forth.
Skill tree profiles was never locked to chassis.
What do you mean?
Posted 20 May 2022 - 06:50 AM
Marcus Castor, on 13 May 2022 - 09:10 AM, said:
Forgot to reply to this: in a fair and just world, Target Decay and Radar Dep would exactly negate each other, so two 'mechs with all of each skill would behave as though none of each skill was applied. You'd be back down to the base decay rate. As it stands, however, fully investing in Radar Dep results in instantaneous lock loss, regardless of how many Target Decay nodes, if any, are active.
Posted 20 May 2022 - 08:10 AM
C337Skymaster, on 20 May 2022 - 06:50 AM, said:
Thanks a lot, this is sad to hear, but ok.
If this behavior would be corrected, so they negate each other, could it be fair, I guess, but this is up to the developers.
Posted 26 May 2022 - 09:33 PM
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