Event Queue Impressions
Posted 28 May 2022 - 03:22 AM
Posted 29 May 2022 - 09:13 AM
Can we at least have a stock mech or use, if we have at least one, that one several times?
Posted 29 May 2022 - 11:12 AM
Posted 30 May 2022 - 12:29 AM
After 5 Atlas only matches in a row you have seen it all.
Posted 03 July 2022 - 02:43 AM
if people want more levelled playing field (same weight class matches) on smaller more dynamic maps etc there is plenty of other games that do that. mwo was special coz it is different, no small coridor choke point maps like wot etc...
Please do not take this the wrong way there is NOTHING wrong with liking different style of games, to each their own, games are for fun. Trouble is there already is plenty of games out there that have smaller teams, less variety in playable units, smaller maps, faster game play etc. SOOOO many to choose from... ruining a big team, big map, huge variety of units, slower paced more tactical game to just make it another one of those more stream lined ones is a sad thing to see.
Posted 03 July 2022 - 03:21 AM
Posted 03 July 2022 - 06:43 AM
Posted 03 July 2022 - 07:15 AM
HKO2006, on 03 July 2022 - 06:43 AM, said:
Yup won it last night a couple times on points, at mid game both teams tried to take each other's beta generators to move the clock in their favour. It was pretty damn cool. You just cannot do that without respawns because with one life, all that matters is reducing the count of enemy combatants. QP can stuff it, EQ is way more entertaining and diverse.
Posted 03 July 2022 - 09:10 AM
Only played the Vitric Station domination mode but I don't mind the map, and I don't really mind domination as a game mode. Perhaps the Domination timer could have been increased by 15 or 30 seconds, but most of my matches were pretty long and enjoyable. I think there was only one match that lasted less than ten minutes (and ended with a spawn rush).
Posted 03 July 2022 - 09:25 AM
Edited by HKO2006, 03 July 2022 - 09:27 AM.
Posted 03 July 2022 - 04:39 PM
MWO should have this for 2 weekends each month at least!
Just yesterday, on Grim Plexus 8vs8 Domination, we were behind the whole time, but suddenly (unexpectedly) won,
because we got on killing spree and killed all 4 enemy mechs in the circle, and kept the rest away from the circle!
We were behind in kills the whole time, so it was an unexpected win! GOOD times

(And I was lucky, got 3 of those 4 kills)
Posted 03 July 2022 - 10:20 PM
w0qj, on 03 July 2022 - 04:39 PM, said:
MWO should have this for 2 weekends each month at least!
Just yesterday, on Grim Plexus 8vs8 Domination, we were behind the whole time, but suddenly (unexpectedly) won,
because we got on killing spree and killed all 4 enemy mechs in the circle, and kept the rest away from the circle!
We were behind in kills the whole time, so it was an unexpected win! GOOD times

(And I was lucky, got 3 of those 4 kills)
The "Nice comeback" one? I think I was in the "winnning on kill" team, was a blast, goog play gg
Edited by HKO2006, 03 July 2022 - 10:21 PM.
Posted 03 July 2022 - 11:10 PM
Posted 03 July 2022 - 11:30 PM
Posted 04 July 2022 - 01:23 AM
On a side note, why lock the next event drop by locking you into the current one when you can field a fresh set of mechs for another, this deliberately held up progression through the event and for me, I simply gave up on the game after running through it twice, where normally I would play other fun accounts for the rewards; very counter intuitive to encouraging more people to play.
Suggestion then, don't lock the account, just the mechs as would be in QP.
Posted 04 July 2022 - 02:25 AM
Posted 04 July 2022 - 04:10 AM
Wait, it doesn't affect your tier rating, does it...?
Posted 04 July 2022 - 05:05 AM
If the silly stuff like unlimited jump jets, unlimited ammo, unlimited range etc, was not a thing, It might even become my new preffered mode of play.
I've been a big defender of 12v12 for varied and in my opinion justified reasons, but it's proven to me 8v8 is probably the best balance between the games population, and vaible team sizes. even with a currently borked Match maker all the 8v8 (with a drop deck of four) were close games. These have been easily, the best, most fun games i've played in a long time,
A lot of it, could have been down to the new map design, My impression of the new map is that it's one of the very few, in the game, that allows all builds to be viable. There seems t be no wasted space, there are place where a brawler can go, and brawl, there are spots a sniper can snipe, and a lurm can lurm, and places to go, that can counter all these builds.
Won't know for sure until 8v8 drop decks with no stupid, are rotated through the events, on different maps.
Teams could be a full wave down and some how mange a figh back.
If this became the new normal, I'd play MWO at every chance I got, and pester friends to play.
Lower numbers don't, and shouldn't even be considered, even with a fully working match maker.
6v6( with drop decks) were terrible, they were the exact opposite, of 8v8, they were always stomps, and bad ones. you suspected the outcome, by the way people posistioned, by the second drop, the outcome was assured.
There were never any fight backs, and half the team seemed afk or just yolo'd by the 3rd mech, on the losing side. Only a few of us seemed to fight it out to the end.
Could have been the map again, but I seriously doubt it, get two people in 6v6 that don't know how to use their builds properly, or won't play objective, (Domination) you've lost.
If this became the new normal, I'd probably quit again.
Posted 04 July 2022 - 09:32 AM
This mode also has the longest queue time vs other modes' near instant queue time, this says something
Edited by HKO2006, 04 July 2022 - 07:27 PM.
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