Time To Gate Faction Play
Posted 02 June 2022 - 02:52 AM
This thread has a positive feel to it with reasonable suggestions to counterpoint the OP!
Are you sure this isn't a symptom of an alien invasion?????????
Now all we have to do, is go back and dump the same positives on Daeron's desk and pray that they are read and implemented; oh for the glorious days of FW (not CW, that was a terrible idea) when units regularly dropped 3,4 or even 5 12 mans and still had space to invites into filler drops . . .
Posted 02 June 2022 - 03:29 AM
*Tfw the meme event mode has more momentum than the flagship mode*
Real talk tho, if comp que isn't even gated, why should fw be? If you feel like sweating, t1 solo que also keeps all the chitters off your team. If you want a matchmaker, go play that.
And no, the irony that the 'no mm, get over it' argument is being applied to a top 1% player instead of a bottom 1% player for the first Time is not lost on me, it just makes me laugh even harder. Maybe they really should have tried that solo que in phase 3 :3 lol
Tl:Dr get over it. They'll never fix it, and I'm out of popcorn. Let me make more before u resume crying.
Posted 02 June 2022 - 09:35 AM
Yondu Udonta, on 01 June 2022 - 06:29 AM, said:
do you really think 1% players who don't know which way their legs are pointing or understand basic game mechanics should be playing this mode where there is NO skill-based matchmaking unlike QP?
did i suggest that only T1s should be playing this game mode? classic baboons jumping the gun and crying elitism whenever a good player suggests changes. if i didnt give a damn about new players, would i write a faction play guide that caters to new players which includes viable mechs, decks and map guides?
@ironwolfpack there needs to be a minimal level of competency in players before they delve into faction play and as the unfortunately blurry image suggests, 1% on jarls doing about 100 damage with 4 mechs suggest otherwise
@terrur didnt play during long tom, glad it got removed regardless
@lusciousbalzack not entertaining those comments, obviously not considering the perspective i have after years of playing the game mode
@cc i am willing to give gating a go despite the low population as the promise of more balanced matches would bring back players who complain about getting bad teammates for a whole 30mins compared to ~5mins in qp
@cazeral there is acclimatizing to faction play and acclimatizing to mwo. these players that i highlighted are evidently not acclimatized to mwo and as such a gate is suggested to keep them away from FP until they have understood the basics of the game. an analogy would be preventing toddlers from accessing the adult pool in the swimming complex - they are not skilled enough and they do not know better. preventing these pilots from queuing into FP will reduce the likelihood of them forming a negative attitude towards the game and help with overall player retention in the community
@klaatu unfortunately his performance in this match suggests otherwise, and mind you the opponents in this match were barely decent
@marquis i do like some of the suggestions but outside of conquest ticket changes it has been 3 years since any significant changes were done, well 3 more years of waiting for changes wouldnt hurt right?
@lordnothing your performance is perfectly fine. i think some people in this thread think that i want pugs to be cream of the crop standard, which is obviously ridiculous and not what i am looking for. also event queue may kill FP, but the uniqueness of siege and the multilayeredness of it will ensure that mid-sized units will continue to play the game mode
I can sympathize with your viewpoint as I 99% of the time either drop solo or with 2-3 of my unit so I'm very familiar with the random teammate generator either liking you a LOT or actively attempting to make you rage quit and uninstall but I still think population is way to low for gating at this point. The only real way this could have worked is if they had insured that inexperienced players only dropped in a group back in the beginning. That would have put some incentive on meeting people and learning from experienced players but even when population was at it's height that wasn't done. FP, even during NA primetime on weekends is lucky to have 3 matches going for about a 3-4 hour window; pushing out new players would just kill at least one of those if not more and I just don't have it in me to wait longer than we already do. I've gone from daily play and logging 25+ hours a week in the game to maybe 3.5 and only on Fridays and Saturdays if I don't have anything better to do. If wait times got worse I'd probably just walk away. I'm not gonna **** on the work the cauldron has done for the game or whine about whatever playstyle getting buffed that I don't like or something but I will contend that the changes have made it harder for new players to learn the mode without actively hurting their team. Alphas are higher, heat efficiency is better and a bad loadout/skill tree is even more unforgiving than even a year ago. Where previously you could do something dumb and get punished, now you make a mistake and get wiped off the map. For players who know the maps, can twist, build their mechs the right way and use cover, it's not a big deal. For a new player wandering into the open with very little ability to twist damage, they just die. I think that contributes to some of the new players having little effect on a match more than anything at this point. You can argue that practicing in QP would help them better their skills but the matchmaker is so ****** at this point that they get crushed there are well so there's really not a good solution for improving their odds at this juncture. Best people can do is try to be welcoming and talk to them; most will listed, join a group or at least ask questions and make adjustments based on that feedback. There's always gonna be a select few that just turn off all communication and blunder about but I'm still better with them being on my team than waiting extra time for a match. I guess I'm more ok with putting up with someone doing less than 100n damage than sitting in queue for an hour. That may not be how everyone feels but after 10 years of MW:O I am not willing to wait longer to shoot robots. I'd find another game before that happened. Respect to you for your guides, videos etc. but I'm gonna disagree on wait times getting longer to get better matches. I feel like this is about the best it's gonna get unless we get a massive influx of players and an actual FP/CW update that's not just band aids and prayers.
Posted 02 June 2022 - 02:03 PM
evil kerensky, on 02 June 2022 - 03:29 AM, said:
Comp Queue is gated, the gate is just set at the bare minimum (no cadets).
Yondu Udonta, on 01 June 2022 - 06:29 AM, said:
Out of interest: On which metric and at what point would you like to see a gate applying?
Posted 03 June 2022 - 09:11 AM
Posted 03 June 2022 - 11:30 AM
Posted 03 June 2022 - 11:43 AM
Posted 04 June 2022 - 09:05 AM

Posted 04 June 2022 - 11:38 PM
Yondu were right when said FP needs some controll. I were happy fool when during my cadet time jumped into FP when have no mechs nor decks. Brought trial mechs, zero skills and were dead weight for my team. Literally the "not knew where my legs face". Were not fun for anyone, really. At least FP needs a restriction of "X played macthes" or "no-trial full drop deck" as it assumes the candidates learned the basics. I learned it the hard way and now I am sorry that I ruined the match of others because I were a stubborn "I can do that, do not tell me yer crap!" idiot.
FP needs population? Sure. But not without certain basic restrictions. Newbies came, got hammered while ruin matches, then never return because of the "bad experience". It is a very multi-layered problem what could be examined from many aspects and directions where almost everyonce could have right whila also missed some points. No absolute solution perhaps but sure: Some restrictions needed otherwise ruined experience should drive newbies away and also keep old players in safe distance because of "unskilled hordes" (not sure this is the exact reason for everyone but could be one of them).
I could write a whole novell known that much of my opinion could be wrong. So it is better for everyone if I stop now...
Posted 05 June 2022 - 02:06 AM
@cc understandable perspective, perhaps such restrictions should come into place only when significant changes come to the mode
@katoult trials, cadets, tier 5s minimally
@duke exactly, no one benefits when new players come into the game mode and get stomped. some people may enjoy beating on noobs but i find it sad myself and rather wait for a more balanced match. yet a suggestion to prevent the extreme low end of the skill spectrum from playing the game mode gets branded as elitist in nature
Posted 05 June 2022 - 04:26 AM
Posted 06 June 2022 - 10:12 AM
Yondu Udonta, on 05 June 2022 - 02:06 AM, said:
mwo championship que does not have divisions. at least it didnt last time i played in it, over 2 years ago. private leagues are not equivelants to a pgi created, in game que, so im not counting them.
i also think it is highly hypocritical for an fw vet to complain about this, especially one who is one of the best players in the game. you cant tell new players to fw to join groups and play as a unit to avoid stomps, then complain things went badly while your not in a group and not playing as a unit. the "no mm" thing works both ways. instead of getting mad at your pugs, you should do what we did in the old days and drop in a 12 man. your a relatively large streamer. it should be easy for you to get a group together merely by asking your viewers to come play with you. if more people started forming full groups for coordinated fw instead of going to farm dmg for their epeen, the mode would be in a much better place.
Edited by evil kerensky, 06 June 2022 - 10:13 AM.
Posted 07 June 2022 - 08:56 AM
u dont make any sense, i tell new players to play as a group so that they can learn from more experienced players and having group comms helps performance and awareness. matches can go bad, that i can accept, what i cannot accept is people who have no business in faction play in the game mode.
oh dropping in a 12 man, literally uncountable how many times pugs who solo drop talk **** about groups.
also solo dropping = farming dmg for epeen lmao, please if i wanted to farm dmg i would bring dakka and farm, not diet pepsigoose
Posted 07 June 2022 - 12:13 PM
Yondu Udonta, on 07 June 2022 - 08:56 AM, said:
thats exactly my point, its more tryhard than fw. it is infact, the most tryhard of all the que options on the main page, and yet there is no gate to it. why would fw, which is a less competetive, slightly rp based mode, be even more gated than that?
Yondu Udonta, on 07 June 2022 - 08:56 AM, said:
im suggesting that you can more easily avoid this situation by making friends and playing in a 12 man. im sure you can do it if you tried. it is the intended way to play the mode anyways. solo players, even the bad ones, are there to fill gaps for groups with less than 12 players to ensure more timely matches. without those 2 bad players, the que would be infinitely longer.
Yondu Udonta, on 07 June 2022 - 08:56 AM, said:
your literally suggesting banning them from the mode, so who cares what a bunch of bad players think of you dropping in a 12 man? i think its worth a try if your triggered enough to make a whole thread about 2 players because they did poorly. i believe all the fw greats, from nkva, to evil, to bcmc, to gnx; they all dropped in 12 mans regularly. maybe you can ask one of those groups to let you play with them.
Posted 07 June 2022 - 04:08 PM
disable premades in FP, you will see big rise of fairplay
Posted 08 June 2022 - 12:43 AM
PiVoR, on 07 June 2022 - 04:08 PM, said:
disable premades in FP, you will see big rise of fairplay
FP not popular game mode, you have only few people are playing it 12 DSX (or other unit) still 12 DSX in queue, whether they are in the same group or not.
Posted 08 June 2022 - 03:59 AM
Posted 08 June 2022 - 05:04 AM
Paul Meyers DEST, on 08 June 2022 - 03:59 AM, said:
I think removing cadets from the game mode makes total sense. However I would not remove trial mechs. Speaking from experience when dropping with new players (not cadets). Many times the trial mechs are way better than what they have for their drop deck. That or they need the trial annihilator it to fill the tonnage.
Posted 08 June 2022 - 05:45 AM
IronWolfPack64, on 08 June 2022 - 05:04 AM, said:
Ok, the trials are not thhhaaaaaaaaaaaaat bad anymore. But still they are decent QP-Builds and not necessarily usable for FP.
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