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Time To Gate Faction Play

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#61 Nightbird


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Posted 28 June 2022 - 09:31 AM

View PostStab Wound, on 28 June 2022 - 08:22 AM, said:

If you feel QP is more challenging, then play QP. Most people that play FP do so because they feel QP is repetitive but FP is diverse and interesting.

#62 ccrider


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Posted 28 June 2022 - 11:14 AM

View PostStab Wound, on 28 June 2022 - 08:22 AM, said:

Well I had one battle about 8 or 9 months ago and I still remember it because it was the only FP battle I’ve had in years.
It went mostly like this…
I enter the drop into River City and type: “Hi, first time dropping” responses<also typed>..”Then you don’t belong here you need to be in QP”…”No, not my first time ever playing, it’s my first time in FP in years”…no response. <Me again> “So what do you want me to do, I’m in an Arctic Cheetah?” response, “If you don’t know what you’re doing just stay out of the way and don’t shoot us in the back!”

Ok, that was gruff but clear, nothing wrong with that response.

Now I’m expecting the voip commands from lance commander<nothing> I’m also expecting voip commands from a general commander<nothing>
No further commands typed or voiped all battle so they must be on teamspeak.

5 or more minutes of long range fire where my arctic cheetah is useless soon devolves into a chaotic scrum no different then any QP scrum except that it goes on interminably long while mechs are destroyed and are replaced until our side gets the upper hand. All that’s left is chasing down stragglers. During that scrum I’m running around in my mech taking out components and legs and not shooting the team in the back like I was told not to. I never lost that mech, and I was super proud, but I soon come to realize that I played the game wrong.

In QP we value the mech we drop because it’s all we have.
In FP your mech is supposed to be treated like a consumable and shame on you for not squeezing every drop of your consumables out of your drop deck?

That’s a weird concept but, whatever.

Anyway, that amount of time felt wasted. 23 other pilots, nobody joking around nobody talking or typing.
In QP that amount of time I could spend joking around with 4 or 5 times as many pilots maybe making a friend request or 3 and generally feeling like I had accomplished something.

If that’s typical of FP and you no longer even take territory and the W/L is fairly static, then what’s the actual point if you don’t mind my asking?

And honestly the whole concept of a drop deck feels more suitable for training new pilots then just getting one in QP. Imho it feels backwards. Like FP stole the training program and gave QP the difficult job making one mech survive the entire match! Posted Image

So my basic philosophy is to build each mech in an FP deck to be able to kill 1 wave of enemies plus 5-10% of the next wave. Holding on to one mech for the whole match is one of the things QP teaches but doesn't really benefit you in an FP match. Basically you are looking to kill 12 then damage the next 12 before switching to a fresh robot. For me personally, this means that my Scorches carry enough ammo to get around 1600 dmg if I hit everything, (they'll usually do between 800-1100 depending on if we are winning a fight or not) and instead buffing up my engine so I can get into positions faster and out of the open. The lack of Voip in your match is weird but some people don't talk much I guess. We tend to joke around a lot more in TS but we will give general advice, target calls and positions in Voip so that everyone on the team can contribute which obviously makes it easier to win. What time zone do you normally play in, if I may ask? If you are a weekend EST late night player, I'd say come drop with us and blow **** up and talk crap in TS which may make it more entertaining.

#63 katoult


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Posted 29 June 2022 - 02:50 AM

View Postccrider, on 28 June 2022 - 11:14 AM, said:

Holding on to one mech for the whole match is one of the things QP teaches but doesn't really benefit you in an FP match.

Technically the system rewards you for only using one mech out of a drop deck - your match score is divided by the number of mechs you used.

However unless one exclusively plays FP and seeks to farm matchscore for events through that (and i'm not really aware of anyone who i don't see in QP as well) it is not really a useful mechanic.

#64 Ignatius Audene


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Posted 29 June 2022 - 09:08 AM

the vets dont care for w/l or earnings. We are space rich anyway.

Sadly it is simply to late to teach new guys. I called like over 1k fp drops, but i dont bother these days. Hearding the cats is hard. But I i am not going to bother calling when its not even cats.

The gate yondu is asking for is rly low lowest bar. Without 4 owned mechs you cannot do +shgshg in fp and u cant learn anything. And for yourself i would suggest dont start under a mid and a long range (full range, nodes 10%range quirk and prob tc 4+) deck

p.s.: are the leaderboards even working currently?

Edited by Ignatius Audene, 29 June 2022 - 09:38 AM.

#65 sosegado


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Posted 29 June 2022 - 10:43 AM

View PostNightbird, on 28 June 2022 - 09:31 AM, said:

If you feel QP is more challenging, then play QP. Most people that play FP do so because they feel QP is repetitive but FP is diverse and interesting.

Whoa, slow down!
I didn't mean to give anyone here the impression that FP wasn't challenging!

I'm not the worst pilot on every battlefield I drop on, just about 99% of them!

It's more likely that I survived because it was safer for the red team to ignore me then to turn their back on the better players!Posted Image ( I wonder how they knew?)

I was expecting to face the most comprehensive communications I had ever experienced. I was led to believe after years of hype that FP was all about great communications, and that was always the big knock on QP, nobody would communicate..
Instead it was a communications blackout that was just as bad as QP.

View Postccrider, on 28 June 2022 - 11:14 AM, said:

So my basic philosophy is to build each mech in an FP deck to be able to kill 1 wave of enemies plus 5-10% of the next wave. Holding on to one mech for the whole match is one of the things QP teaches but doesn't really benefit you in an FP match. Basically you are looking to kill 12 then damage the next 12 before switching to a fresh robot. For me personally, this means that my Scorches carry enough ammo to get around 1600 dmg if I hit everything, (they'll usually do between 800-1100 depending on if we are winning a fight or not) and instead buffing up my engine so I can get into positions faster and out of the open. The lack of Voip in your match is weird but some people don't talk much I guess. We tend to joke around a lot more in TS but we will give general advice, target calls and positions in Voip so that everyone on the team can contribute which obviously makes it easier to win. What time zone do you normally play in, if I may ask? If you are a weekend EST late night player, I'd say come drop with us and blow **** up and talk crap in TS which may make it more entertaining.

I usually play from 11pm EST to like 4am EST on Friday nights, so if I make it on this Friday I'll send you a friend request to ccrider, unless you use another handle when you're seal clubbing? (just kidding)Posted Image

Same for you IronWolf64 if the offer still stands?

Edited by Stab Wound, 29 June 2022 - 11:03 AM.

#66 ccrider


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Posted 29 June 2022 - 11:22 AM

View PostStab Wound, on 29 June 2022 - 10:43 AM, said:

Whoa, slow down!
I didn't mean to give anyone here the impression that FP wasn't challenging!

I'm not the worst pilot on every battlefield I drop on, just about 99% of them!

It's more likely that I survived because it was safer for the red team to ignore me then to turn their back on the better players!Posted Image ( I wonder how they knew?)

I was expecting to face the most comprehensive communications I had ever experienced. I was led to believe after years of hype that FP was all about great communications, and that was always the big knock on QP, nobody would communicate..
Instead it was a communications blackout that was just as bad as QP.

I usually play from 11pm EST to like 4am EST on Friday nights, so if I make it on this Friday I'll send you a friend request to ccrider, unless you use another handle when you're seal clubbing? (just kidding)Posted Image

Same for you IronWolf64 if the offer still stands?
only one account, this one. Friend me, I'll send an invite and you can join us in TS and blow up **** and joke around.

#67 ScrapIron Prime


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Posted 30 June 2022 - 06:39 PM

View PostIgnatius Audene, on 29 June 2022 - 09:08 AM, said:

The gate yondu is asking for is rly low lowest bar. Without 4 owned mechs you cannot do +shgshg in fp and u cant learn anything. And for yourself i would suggest dont start under a mid and a long range (full range, nodes 10%range quirk and prob tc 4+) deck

That is a pretty low bar, and was a reasonable suggestion as recently as a few months ago. But now we have Event Queue, and it uses Drop Decks as well. Telling a new player they cannot participate in Event Queue shenanigans until they have 4 non-trial mechs of certain weights would cut them out of that mode too.

#68 Sjorpha


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Posted 01 July 2022 - 02:01 AM

View PostScrapIron Prime, on 30 June 2022 - 06:39 PM, said:

That is a pretty low bar, and was a reasonable suggestion as recently as a few months ago. But now we have Event Queue, and it uses Drop Decks as well. Telling a new player they cannot participate in Event Queue shenanigans until they have 4 non-trial mechs of certain weights would cut them out of that mode too.

Why would the restriction have to apply to both modes?

Besides getting 4 mechs doesn't take that long.

#69 ScrapIron Prime


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Posted 03 July 2022 - 08:29 PM

View PostSjorpha, on 01 July 2022 - 02:01 AM, said:

Why would the restriction have to apply to both modes?

we have a skeleton crew of Developers. It would be easy to accidentally apply it to both modes, and possibly hard to divide the two buckets if the restriction gets attached to the drop deck.

#70 IronWolfPack64


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Posted 04 July 2022 - 10:16 AM

View PostStab Wound, on 29 June 2022 - 10:43 AM, said:

Whoa, slow down!
I didn't mean to give anyone here the impression that FP wasn't challenging!

I'm not the worst pilot on every battlefield I drop on, just about 99% of them!

It's more likely that I survived because it was safer for the red team to ignore me then to turn their back on the better players!Posted Image ( I wonder how they knew?)

I was expecting to face the most comprehensive communications I had ever experienced. I was led to believe after years of hype that FP was all about great communications, and that was always the big knock on QP, nobody would communicate..
Instead it was a communications blackout that was just as bad as QP.

I usually play from 11pm EST to like 4am EST on Friday nights, so if I make it on this Friday I'll send you a friend request to ccrider, unless you use another handle when you're seal clubbing? (just kidding)Posted Image

Same for you IronWolf64 if the offer still stands?

My offer still and always will stand. We drop faction every Friday night from 6:30 est - 2:00 am est link posted below! (I get on around 8:30 est) our secondary drop caller kicks us off at 6:30.


#71 Ignatius Audene


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Posted 07 July 2022 - 08:55 AM

Quickest wins for cw are still:

Attacker and defender random so we get rid of the def. hiding.
Get rid of phases, since they only create times where no one jumps in the que (only 5 mins remaining in the phase etc.)
Just IS vs Clan (and IS vs IS / Clan vs Clan on event base). Voila.

as an additional bonus they could fire the mechanical bird that restarts the phases.

Edited by Ignatius Audene, 07 July 2022 - 08:56 AM.

#72 Far Reach


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Posted 11 November 2022 - 08:10 PM

Just quit, like 90% of the player-base already did. Or you can continue to agonize over the minutiae.
Either way, dead game is dead and it's at least 50% our fault. Reflect upon this.

#73 Leone


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Posted 16 November 2022 - 11:36 PM

Terrible advice that.


#74 VeeOt Dragon


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Posted 18 November 2022 - 09:03 PM

honestly i quit playing FP years ago. the reason was mainly i got sick and tired of the elitist meta cry baby ********. well that and the same premade 12 mans always winning. i refused to join any units because they were always so toxic. the same comments about, you should only every play these 3 builds on these 3 mechs and nothing else, or oh you put LRM on your mech your useless and should hate yourself. the overly competitive crap just annoyed me. though i admit that FP should be restricted to those who have completed Cadet training i don't believe in any sort of gatekeeping. mind you when i got an almost full group of solos it was actually fun with lots just talkin about this or that with target and shot calls tossed in when needed. it was the Units that made things **** most of the time.

i was thinking about going back and giving FP a try again (hence why i am in the FP forum) but i think i will continue to avoid it like the plague that it has become.

i honestly play for fun, i play odd builds and things that feel fun for me. i don't mind criticism to help hone a build but the whole "your build is crap you have to only play this on that mech" is ridiculous. so yeah even if the wait times were reasonable i think i will continue to just stay in QP and the odd Event que.

EDIT: also a big draw for new players before they started giving away mechs like candy are those Drop Decks in the rewards. i know every so often an event offers free ones and they do now give away free mechs frequently enough. the result of the free mech give-a-ways is that fewer people feel the need to jump into the toxicity of FP to get some mech bays (hell if you don't like the free mech jest sell it and use that mech bay for something you want). so yeah back when i fist played FP it was for those mech bays that i badly needed. now days i don't have to bother as i have plenty of mechs and extra mech bays a plenty. i even have a good amount of MC (recently got the new Hero Crusader since it is now up for MC).

Edited by VeeOt Dragon, 18 November 2022 - 09:14 PM.

#75 Duke Falcon


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Posted 20 November 2022 - 07:47 AM


you should only every play these 3 builds on these 3 mechs and nothing else, or oh you put LRM on your mech your useless and should hate yourself

That, it seemed for me, changed. Noone ever complained me because I used my refits instead of "HBR-lasboat exclusive" or whatever. Not even scorn me if choose lurmer deck for defense. I have a few matches where I even got provided locks by the others to soften-up targets for them. They named me a target, granted me lock then finished the weathered targets.
Maybe I play in a special time when such people are present. Not sure. Maybe some changes trully happened.
As for premades? Pretty much overwhelming still but considering how hard to get into a match it have a strong sense. As a PUG I have to wait ages. As member of a group my chances vastly increasing to get into the next match. Not a perfect system but not even PGI care to make it better (C'mon! MAKE DEFENDER\ATTACKER RANDOM AND SUCH! Or at least test the concept or what!).

#76 VeeOt Dragon


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Posted 20 November 2022 - 06:02 PM

yeah i wouldn't know as i have not played FP in years.

#77 Ignatius Audene


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Posted 21 November 2022 - 06:27 AM

Fp is far more longer range focused than qp. U dont need to exclusively run the x meta builds, but especially if u want to pug fp u NEED a extreme range deck (erlarge, erppc, cac2) with full range nodes and best range quirks/Tc. Otherwise u will just be an burden for your team throwing kill lead on alpine etc.

#78 KursedVixen


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Posted 24 November 2022 - 12:00 PM

View PostIronWolfPack64, on 30 May 2022 - 10:21 AM, said:

That makes one of you. The day we start cutting off players from certain game modes until they are “good enough” is the day faction play dies. What needs to happen is to encourage new players to get involved with a unit (signing bonus mechanic?) or reintroduce a more new player friendly game mode such as scouting. If you want an already small community to shrivel and die then go ahead and cut off the only hope this game mode has. Trust me most people would rather play the game than wait an hour in que…..
might help if it didn't turn into a one sided fight when IS gets into close range with clan... faction play is best with IS vs IS and clan vs clan..... also something needs to be done about spawn camping. i haven't touched Faction play since i left CWI just after the Tukayyid event...

Edited by KursedVixen, 24 November 2022 - 12:07 PM.

#79 Duke Falcon


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Posted 25 November 2022 - 11:52 AM

View PostDing Toast is Ready, on 24 November 2022 - 07:42 PM, said:

Who cares? Seriously. Just don't play it and drink their tears when the mode is shuttered because people (shocker!) don't feel like showing up just to get wailed on for a pittance and a "GG Posted Image)))"

Let the T1s choke on each other, and when MWO dies ******* laugh at them.

Posted Image

NOHWAHY! I loves FP so much (even if I am perhaps the worst active player of it)!
GG? That is all? I always welcomes everyone at the beginning! Why? Because courtesy, sometimes others welcomes back, but most importantly because of why NOT?!
Sometimes even offer batchall for zellbringen. Noone ever accepted so far... Inner Sphere, how dare you refuse my batchall?! (Seriously, noone needs those free kills Posted Image)

#80 VeeOt Dragon


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Posted 09 December 2022 - 09:22 AM

View PostKursedVixen, on 24 November 2022 - 12:00 PM, said:

might help if it didn't turn into a one sided fight when IS gets into close range with clan... faction play is best with IS vs IS and clan vs clan..... also something needs to be done about spawn camping. i haven't touched Faction play since i left CWI just after the Tukayyid event...

honestly i think the Clan vs IS was fine (again haven't played FP in a very long time). each side has their advantages. Clan has the longer range advantage generaly while IS mechs tend to be better armored. each side should and does have advantages and disadvantages. hell if you followed TT rules then all Clan Equipment would be downright better but Clans tended to bring fewer mechs to a fight than IS (they would essentially bid away units to see who would fight the foe. so one commander would say "i can beat them with just 8 mechs" an another would say "oh yeah i can do it with 6 and i wont take any Assault mechs". the commander who claimed the fewer/lighter units would get to fight and would gain more "honor" the fewer they brought compared to the enemy forces (win or lose with much more "honor" for the win of course).)

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