Event Queue for random
Domination map 8v8 with 4'Mech Drop Deck is FUN!
Just yesterday, on Grim Plexus 8vs8 Domination, we were behind the whole time, but suddenly (unexpectedly) won,
because we got on killing spree and killed all 4 enemy mechs in the circle, and kept the rest away from the circle!
We were behind in kills the whole time, so it was an unexpected win! GOOD times
(And I was lucky, got 3 of those 4 kills)
Zephrym, on 03 July 2022 - 12:14 AM, said:
Totally agree. This was the most fun I've had in absolutely ages. I'd like to see random map 8v8, single weight class scheduled daily.
And none of this unlimited jump jet, double armour malarky. Totally unnecessary fluff. ...