Andrewlik, on 17 August 2022 - 06:20 AM, said:
"Why can't I fire 15 medium lasers without this ghost heat?" "PvP balancing mechanic, otherwise people would just build mecha to one shot, and that's no fun"
"Why does this Atlas have twice the armor of a supernova?" "PvP balancing mechanic. Atlas has worse weapon mount locations - firing from the hip makes it easy to accidentally shoot the hill infront of you. Atlas is also Inner Sphere, which has less advanced technology, so the devs added 'quirks' so that it balances out compared to clan technology"
I agree that MWO is inaccessible for a variety of reasons, but these are fairly easily explained away as "to balance the game better"
LRMs suffer from the same thing Artillery suffers from in WOT - it's indirect fire. It breaks rules, which makes it feel unfair - artillery I'm real life is unfair, which is why it's used so much. In-game, LRMs have been balanced by introducing ways to play against them - IE break LOS, cover, the "incoming missile" warning system, etc.
It's just with any PvP game like this, buffing the system that works differently causes alot of complaining, so they like to keep it weak
That being said, LRMs are not *bad*, just alot more skill dependent than you'd think an indirect firing lock on weapon would be. That's good game design, though there is room for discussion as to whether they over-adjusted and whether ECM is too dominant.
Freaking 10 years in and people still say these stupid non-arguments.
PVP "balance" is a unicorn. It doesn't exist. Something will ALWAYS be meta, or something people think is out of balance. Just look at daka and laser vomit hill humpers.
Minimal exposure for maximum dps. There are 700 different ways you could adjust for "pinpoint damage" none of which have made a hill of beans of difference because we still have 2ppc 2 gauss snipers all over the place and ALL their weapons perfectly converge regardless of placement.
...seriously?...the atlas weapon mounts are SO bad they need 180+ front CT armor? and the supernova has 100? I can't even take you seriously. The IS CLAN difference in weapons has already been addressed by making them damn near on par with each other due to INSANE heat a burn time penalties to clan. It is to the point that the atlas can just close distance from 600m out and just kill you. No, this is PGI saying we need to make the iconic mech stronger, balance be damned. And it's all over the place. The timberwolf has less armor than a centurion...and it's 25 tons heavier. It's a child's response to trying to balance something. Instead of letting something be stronger than something else, they have to go massage the numbers.
Sorry for being unclear. It's inaccessible because when a new player asks me "why does 7 medium lasers overheat me, but 6 is ok?" The answer is "because PGI thought 6 was fine". Literally. And the forums have provided a litany of possible solutions, all of which were ignored. It's not something intuitive from the system or explained in any good way. Personally I think a "size" restriction on the slot or a "power draw" system would make the most sense, but oh well...
The system for locks removes entirely 1 leg of weaponry they could use actually make the game play dynamic. I literally just got out of a match in a timby with 4 strk 6's to deal with lights. A locust with stealth comes up and I can't get lock. Even with active probe. When I hit him with ppc to get the lock open. He ducks a hill and INSTANTLY I lose lock. That is not counter play. That is a hard counter. Y? Because I had literally 15 tons of equipment ammo and tech to specifically try to deal with a light mech with close range gear, and I'm unable to use ANY of it because of a PASSIVE armor choice. That is absolute dogshit game design. It is to the point that you are ACTIVELY hurting your team and chance to win by bringing lrms.
No, it doesn't break any rules. What is does is force players to play around it. Just like you are forced to respect long LOS areas because snipers are dangerous. LRMs force players to avoid areas without vertical cover. It forces players to actually care about flanking lights that DON'T come in to backstab because of passing locks. It forces players to THINK about where they are going and when. Above all it breaks the "chest high walls" game play loop which I despise with a fiery passion. This isn't supposed to slow lumbering Call of Duty. This is supposed to be a war simulator with stompy bots.
Notice that no one has a problem with AMS? That's because its a legit work around. ECM and radar derp just remove you from the game if you don't have the right set up...if there even is a right set up.
Those 2 alone counter, narc, tag, LOS, and active counter (which doesn't work at range anyway)
No, lrms are categorically bad. You are rolling the dice on :
1) do I get a map where LRMs are usable
2) do I have opponents that didn't bring low tonnage counter equipment
And IF i get both of those you now need to still play smart and coordinate with the team to get actual significant work done.
Compared to sniper
1) just show up and aim.(maybe take hi ground)