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Matt And Daeron On Ngng Podcast

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#21 Enamillion89


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Posted 13 August 2022 - 07:42 PM

Can you PLEASE bring the Neanderthal, and the Raptor II to MWO?! :/

#22 PocketYoda


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Posted 13 August 2022 - 10:40 PM

François Left .... Why.

Please when they can make a Urbanmech IIC.

Edited by Nomad Tech, 13 August 2022 - 11:15 PM.

#23 C337Skymaster


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Posted 14 August 2022 - 04:35 AM

Okay, to the map discussion: [Preemptively redacted]. The original maps are "natural" design, not "bad", and the absolute symmetry of Francois' maps are a terrible aesthetic. [Preemptively redacted].

What needs to be changed are the map/mode combos, not the maps. Old Polar Highlands was a GREAT map. Polar Highlands Domination was TERRIBLE, because it forced the entire match to be played in the worst, flattest part of the map where there's no option for range trading, cover, strategy, etc. Skirmish/Assault and Conquest on old Polar were fantastic, especially if a team used VOIP to coordinate their actions. Original Polar was the direct response to player requests for a MechWarrior2-style flat map. It wasn't a complaint until Domination got introduced.

Incursion is a pretty fun game mode, and running batteries is an excellent way to level up fast light 'mechs that might not be the best at combat. Incursion on Crimson Strait absolutely has to go (and Assault on Crimson should go away, too) because the base in the inland neighborhood is too easy to push from the saddle and takes all the strategy and option away from the team that drops back there. That in no way means removing Incursion or removing Crimson (or changing Crimson). Incursion on Grim Plexus is fine. Incursion on Classic Polar Highlands is fine, because base rushing isn't easy on those maps, and if you can pull it off, you've earned that win.

Similarly, Classic Terra Therma would work well, as-is, with no meddling from Francois, IF the only mode on it is Conquest, because that forces players to play somewhere other than the caldera for a portion of the match. A team can opt to abandon the center point in the caldera and capture the surrounding locations, and it will be difficult for the team defending the center to push out in any one direction without instantly losing that center cap point. If everyone goes "outside only" then no center fight, and no bottleneck issues. Voila.

Classic HPG was already having its problems solved by the community, and by community behavior. Most of my last matches before the patch wound up being frontline fights along the ridgeline off to the side, rather than Nascar. Wall Snipers were immediately punished by mass fire from the center. Getting left behind was solved by going underneath and popping up under your team. It wasn't just a big circle-jerk of ring-around-the-rosie like Sean keeps claiming it invariably was. It might have been that way a few years ago, but it was already starting to not be before the map was changed. That map was already the most popular besides Canyon Network, so maybe it didn't need a complete overhaul?

Otherwise, I hear rumors of a map selection setup from before my time where, instead of voting, you select your map/mode options from a checklist like the region server, and if you uncheck a map or mode, then you NEVER see that, but might have to wait until the server randomly creates something from your remaining options. Thereafter, map/mode combos are RNG, rather than voted.

#24 C337Skymaster


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Posted 14 August 2022 - 04:46 AM

View PostLepestok, on 13 August 2022 - 07:37 AM, said:

Maps in the training ground. Make a list of them alphabetically.

Honestly, they're listed in the order they were added to the game. I feel like that should be maintained somewhere for historical purposes. I know the question comes up every now and then about "when was that added?" and knowing the ordering will help answer that.

#25 martian


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Posted 14 August 2022 - 09:12 AM

View PostLockheed_, on 12 August 2022 - 12:42 PM, said:

Summary ...

Thanks for the work.

View PostTiger Dad, on 12 August 2022 - 01:37 PM, said:

Sorry Francois left?

I do not blame him. CryEngine and all that stuff is kinda obsolete.

View Post13Tradesman, on 13 August 2022 - 02:47 AM, said:

Thanks for the fun video, I almost felt warm and fuzzy inside afterwards...almost. =)

Now back to the usual business.e...here is a fine list of suggestions and grivances to address.

Please add respawn game modes to QP, please add a free for all game mode for QP, focus on 'simple new maps' nothing convoluted....(literally could repurpose/modify solaris maps for this) just add symmetrical cover.

I think that PGI's resources are too limited for this.

View Post13Tradesman, on 13 August 2022 - 02:47 AM, said:

Add Group Training Scenarios...think mazes/maps with basic training AI mechs that can fire back....this will add meaning to LFG button...most people would want a chance to train together before they feel like forming a group...right?

PGI said years ago that changes like you described are not going to happen. Sorry.

View Post13Tradesman, on 13 August 2022 - 02:47 AM, said:

Game balance needs to focus on on engaging combat- > Absolute Max range regardless of quirks or skills = 1200 meters...most long range weapons should max between 800M-1000M...think back to MW4....Raise the optimal range for weapons but lower the max range for the usual suspects (ER PPC, ER Lasers, Gauss, LRMS etc.) We don't need folks sitting in the backfield for half the match...it is time for them to get some real skin in the game.


The last game patch has actually boosted Assault Gauss sniping.

View Post13Tradesman, on 13 August 2022 - 02:47 AM, said:

Light mechs need to play by the same rules as other mechs...if they get hit they need to have a proper gyro jarring effect...if they try to climb up ridiculously steep hills they need to be impeded/stopped...or allow assaults and heavies to climb the same slopes...either solution would be fine.

How often do you play light 'Mechs?

View PostVoice of Kerensky, on 13 August 2022 - 06:53 AM, said:

Francois no longer cooperates with PGI? It's a pity. I liked his last two maps.
Well. I wish him success in his new business or in a new place.

In my opinion Hellebore Outpost is his best map. The reason is simple: It actually rewards 'Mechs that either equip jump jets or come with hardwired jump jets.

View PostEnamillion89, on 13 August 2022 - 07:42 PM, said:

Can you PLEASE bring the Neanderthal, ...

PGI said 'No!' to physical attacks years ago. Now it is too late to implement them. Sorry.

View PostEnamillion89, on 13 August 2022 - 07:42 PM, said:

... and the Raptor II to MWO?! :/

The required technology is not in MWO. Sorry.

#26 KursedVixen


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Posted 14 August 2022 - 08:27 PM

View PostLockheed_, on 12 August 2022 - 12:42 PM, said:

• Don't hold your breath on MWO 2.0 <- quote Daeron

So there going to stick with this old easily expoited engine then?

View PostBowelhacker, on 13 August 2022 - 12:14 AM, said:

Time for all those bigmouthed ************* full of ideas to step up then.
indeed, you mean to tell me they have no modelers at all anymore?

Edited by KursedVixen, 14 August 2022 - 08:36 PM.

#27 The Chancelor


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Posted 14 August 2022 - 11:21 PM

It will be difficult to find new programmers and map designers because nobody wants to work with cryengine 3 anymore.

Please convert the game to the newer cryengine that you also use for MW5! A single good programmer could do this in three to four months.

#28 martian


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Posted 14 August 2022 - 11:34 PM

View PostThe Chancelor, on 14 August 2022 - 11:21 PM, said:

It will be difficult to find new programmers and map designers because nobody wants to work with cryengine 3 anymore.

Currently the entire PGI's MWO team consists of approximately 2-3 people.

View PostThe Chancelor, on 14 August 2022 - 11:21 PM, said:

Please convert the game to the newer cryengine that you also use for MW5! A single good programmer could do this in three to four months.

You can apply for a position at PGI. Just click this link: Find a career with us

#29 AnAnachronismAlive


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Posted 15 August 2022 - 04:55 AM

View Postmartian, on 14 August 2022 - 11:34 PM, said:

Currently the entire PGI's MWO team consists of approximately 2-3 people.

Sadly seems to me, that there have not been more than 2 people with somewhat proficient abilities / workload allocation to create content on PGI's side even before Mark and Francois left.

So it is kinda nice to hear, that MWOs current revenue situation seems to be in a good spot - even in a better spot after the Crusader release. Even better this money was not spent on potentially hiring more artists to avoid Mark and Francois working crunch or - to be even more creative - get some engineering time into MWO. Might have provided (brazilian based) opportunities to ease the grip on new mech and/or map releases a little by offering gameplay changes to the content starved but wallet-happy community.

At least we can pay for more platinum packs. Just let's pretend them to be "content", so MWOs revenue situation for PGI stays comfortable and cozy ... or even net some EG7 boni.

Boy, talking about dignity here ... a community that keeps your game(play) fresh for free via simple quirk- and weapon changes! And no, I am not intending to devaluate the packs with new variants and maps here, but in the end it was and to some extent still is the new build-potential and connected variant-viability that kept people invested.

Sry for the sarcasm, but most of us really tried to help after PGIs blatantly told us to be out of ideas on how to keep MWO running. Don't gonna start about managing community expectations in that regard ...

#30 martian


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Posted 15 August 2022 - 06:47 AM

View PostAnAnachronismAlive, on 15 August 2022 - 04:55 AM, said:

Sadly seems to me, ...

I heard that Alex Iglesias has left PGI too.

As far as I know, currently the entire MWO team consists of Daeron Katz and Matt Newman. Anyone else in the MWO team?

#31 TheCaptainJZ


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Posted 15 August 2022 - 08:40 AM

View Postmartian, on 15 August 2022 - 06:47 AM, said:

I heard that Alex Iglesias has left PGI too.

As far as I know, currently the entire MWO team consists of Daeron Katz and Matt Newman. Anyone else in the MWO team?

There's another guy that helps implement the Cauldron changes and there's probably a number of shared people who maintain the infrastructure and patch mechanism etc. They might be able to pull a few work hours from another employee working elsewhere for something specific but at this point, that's all it sounds like they have.

As much as MWO needs a new engine, that's just not realistically attainable without massive funding to the tune of the original Founders program (5 million) I'd guess. Just gotta make due with what we've got.

#32 Steve Pryde


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Posted 15 August 2022 - 10:45 AM

View PostThe Chancelor, on 14 August 2022 - 11:21 PM, said:

Please convert the game to the newer cryengine that you also use for MW5! A single good programmer could do this in three to four months.

MW5 runs in Unreal engine 5. But yeah, an engine swap had to be done years ago.

#33 TWLT S


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Posted 15 August 2022 - 12:03 PM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 14 August 2022 - 04:35 AM, said:

Okay, to the map discussion: [Preemptively redacted]. The original maps are "natural" design, not "bad", and the absolute symmetry of Francois' maps are a terrible aesthetic. [Preemptively redacted].

I am suprised these topics are not discussed more often in general.
Espeically the assault mode on crimson is so one sided. I´d really like to see the win/loss ratio btw. the both sides.

#34 C337Skymaster


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Posted 15 August 2022 - 02:31 PM

View PostThe Chancelor, on 14 August 2022 - 11:21 PM, said:

It will be difficult to find new programmers and map designers because nobody wants to work with cryengine 3 anymore.

Please convert the game to the newer cryengine that you also use for MW5! A single good programmer could do this in three to four months.

View PostSteve Pryde, on 15 August 2022 - 10:45 AM, said:

MW5 runs in Unreal engine 5. But yeah, an engine swap had to be done years ago.

It's actually UE4, but close! One of the Mod Teams (the ones behind Clan Invasion Mod, I believe) either created, or adopted, a Mod that converts MW5 from UE4 into UE5, and were talking about that enabling full VR support. Personally, I'm excited to finally have MechWarrior in VR. :) (Just because you "can" do it in MWO, doesn't mean that you "should" do it, or that you can do it well).

#35 TK Romero


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Posted 15 August 2022 - 03:29 PM

What I want is the Awesome-9Q.

From the posts, agree on more new player details about how chassis upgrades work, endo vs ferro and why one over the other to make the best use of C-bills and crit slots. The give away Atlas-K3 came with ferro where endo would have made better use of the crit slots. Sure, I understand that it's because of lore in most cases, but in a video game of arcade-like pew pews, lore builds are niche. Have to pay c-bills to remove Ferro and then c-bills to install the Endo. This is not in any way influenced by misinterpreting the description of ferro and endo way back in closed beta and wasting c-bills. Much shame on me.

Double Heatsinks, why are these not the default option by now? Single heatsink builds are another niche, viable, but a niche. For 1.5million C-bills on EVERY mech that makes the switch, why? For new people they're gonna see the 2 million C-Bill Light mech and then mouth drop at the 1.5 million upgrade. Can it not simply be that you can select which one of the two is going to be used then click and drag away into those empty crit slots?

Where ammo is stored, years ago and it may still be current, there was ammo priority based on where ammo is stored. Does anyone know if that is still accurate and how many people would know there is a priority? I think it's important to know that as ammo is being consumed where the ammo is being emptied to avoid critical hits that lead to ammo explosions.

Engines... I cannot even begin to say how much I dislike having to own so many engines. If needing to grind for F2P games, why not still have the option to buy a single engine but also allow unlocking the engine for free to use? Having more of the same engine is mainly a QoL for not having to swap the engine around between other mechs. It's annoying to be honest, but doable. For vets, this may just consume X amount of engine inventory to unlock the tech and for new players consume X amount of available engines + c-bills and for impatience MC to unlock tech.

Weapon systems, equipment, etc, I feel the same way like how I do about engines. How many should be purchased before I have enough? Also being billed for not having enough armor inventory, do away with that nickel and dime.

In a nut shell, allow the ability to unlock Mechlab tech to freely customize mechs. I know that in game currency has to get used for something, I mean there are over 700 mechs in the game, gotta catch 'em all and skill them to be the very best somehow right? Mech bays cost MC, so faster acquisition of mechs means more mech bays and the potential of more money being thrown in PGI's direction.

Really hoping the topic of MWO 2.0 picks up steam. Modders are importing or creating assets for MW5:Mercs. Why not import and start fresh with the Unreal Engine, start with a handful of current maps, I know for certain that there is data on the most popular maps. I know this would be a huge undertaking to import or create that much. MW5:Mercs is practically half way there with the IS mech models. I don't wanna rush the move to Unreal if that's even on the table, if PGI needs more time to make it as good as possible, I'd rather be patient and twiddle my thumbs until that time arrives.

Rant rant rant rant rant..... I know. Really true though, PGI this year has made tremendous strides by comparison than it has in previous years and has appeased the player base for the most part. Skill tree changes... thank you very much. Quirk UI layout, thank you very much. Finally making the Crusader, you made lots of people happy. It may not be perfect for everyone, but it has gotten better. Please keep making this game better.

#36 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 15 August 2022 - 10:18 PM

View PostTK Romero, on 15 August 2022 - 03:29 PM, said:

From the posts, agree on more new player details about how chassis upgrades work, endo vs ferro and why one over the other to make the best use of C-bills and crit slots. The give away Atlas-K3 came with ferro where endo would have made better use of the crit slots. Sure, I understand that it's because of lore in most cases, but in a video game of arcade-like pew pews, lore builds are niche. Have to pay c-bills to remove Ferro and then c-bills to install the Endo. This is not in any way influenced by misinterpreting the description of ferro and endo way back in closed beta and wasting c-bills. Much shame on me.

Double Heatsinks, why are these not the default option by now? Single heatsink builds are another niche, viable, but a niche. For 1.5million C-bills on EVERY mech that makes the switch, why? For new people they're gonna see the 2 million C-Bill Light mech and then mouth drop at the 1.5 million upgrade. Can it not simply be that you can select which one of the two is going to be used then click and drag away into those empty crit slots?

Stock loadouts for mechs represent the chassis' loadout from the TT game. Their costs already represent the equipment, thus variants that come with DHS stock are already much more expensive.

View PostTK Romero, on 15 August 2022 - 03:29 PM, said:

Where ammo is stored, years ago and it may still be current, there was ammo priority based on where ammo is stored. Does anyone know if that is still accurate and how many people would know there is a priority? I think it's important to know that as ammo is being consumed where the ammo is being emptied to avoid critical hits that lead to ammo explosions.


#37 w0qj


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Posted 16 August 2022 - 02:27 AM

Guys, I'm having a great time in MWO, and hoping that you are too!

Actually this year 2022 is the most MWO fun that I've ever had, even better than summer 2020 when I've returned back to MWO... ;)

#38 Snoopy


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Posted 16 August 2022 - 04:23 AM

I welcome the open communication regarding the current employee situation. Not happy about that, but thanks for the transparent communication!

I would be disappointed if incursion was removed. Adjustments are welcome, but don't remove them. The game mode offers too many positive options for this and represents a pleasant change from rush-kill-nascar.

I'm really excited about this year's 2022 Annual (Loyalty) Reward Posted Image

Edited by Snoopy, 16 August 2022 - 04:24 AM.

#39 ghost1e


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Posted 16 August 2022 - 05:35 AM

Any chance we can get 4k or maybe 8k textures for at least mechs? Modern GPUs have the VRAM for it and as long as you guys have source files in that resolution it shouldn't be much work to introduce them to the game, for a good bit of extra beauty in-game.

#40 KursedVixen


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Posted 16 August 2022 - 05:08 PM

View Postw0qj, on 16 August 2022 - 02:27 AM, said:

Guys, I'm having a great time in MWO, and hoping that you are too!

Actually this year 2022 is the most MWO fun that I've ever had, even better than summer 2020 when I've returned back to MWO... Posted Image
I see the same problems i've had since shortly after the clan packs launched....

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