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Matt And Daeron On Ngng Podcast

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#41 TK Romero


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Posted 16 August 2022 - 08:03 PM

View PostAidan Crenshaw, on 15 August 2022 - 10:18 PM, said:

Stock loadouts for mechs represent the chassis' loadout from the TT game. Their costs already represent the equipment, thus variants that come with DHS stock are already much more expensive.

Thanks for pointing that out, I had forgotten to think of the mechs that already come with DHS installed and how that reflects the price in the store. I still stand by the overall cost of equipping DHS being high and understand the tip of the hat that PGI is doing for lore and TT.

More people starting to play and stick around so that they too can become vets or well nestled into the game would be great. Even if that does mean to stray away from TT and lore price definitions for the sake of a F2P balance. 700+ mechs... it's daunting and wanting to pick the right one could feel overbearing or even disappointing if the excitement of the purchase doesn't yield the expectation. If PGI continues to make changes to balance the F2P grind and improve the new player experience similar to the strides made this year, I think we're heading towards something good... and maybe even for a possible MW:O 2.0. (I can wish for that along with an Awesome-9Q release)

#42 martian


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Posted 17 August 2022 - 12:37 AM

View PostTK Romero, on 16 August 2022 - 08:03 PM, said:

I think we're heading towards something good... and maybe even for a possible MW:O 2.0.

Do not hold your breath.

#43 PocketYoda


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Posted 17 August 2022 - 05:34 AM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 14 August 2022 - 04:35 AM, said:

Okay, to the map discussion: [Preemptively redacted]. The original maps are "natural" design, not "bad", and the absolute symmetry of Francois' maps are a terrible aesthetic. [Preemptively redacted].

What needs to be changed are the map/mode combos, not the maps. Old Polar Highlands was a GREAT map. Polar Highlands Domination was TERRIBLE, because it forced the entire match to be played in the worst, flattest part of the map where there's no option for range trading, cover, strategy, etc. Skirmish/Assault and Conquest on old Polar were fantastic, especially if a team used VOIP to coordinate their actions. Original Polar was the direct response to player requests for a MechWarrior2-style flat map. It wasn't a complaint until Domination got introduced.

Incursion is a pretty fun game mode, and running batteries is an excellent way to level up fast light 'mechs that might not be the best at combat. Incursion on Crimson Strait absolutely has to go (and Assault on Crimson should go away, too) because the base in the inland neighborhood is too easy to push from the saddle and takes all the strategy and option away from the team that drops back there. That in no way means removing Incursion or removing Crimson (or changing Crimson). Incursion on Grim Plexus is fine. Incursion on Classic Polar Highlands is fine, because base rushing isn't easy on those maps, and if you can pull it off, you've earned that win.

Similarly, Classic Terra Therma would work well, as-is, with no meddling from Francois, IF the only mode on it is Conquest, because that forces players to play somewhere other than the caldera for a portion of the match. A team can opt to abandon the center point in the caldera and capture the surrounding locations, and it will be difficult for the team defending the center to push out in any one direction without instantly losing that center cap point. If everyone goes "outside only" then no center fight, and no bottleneck issues. Voila.

Classic HPG was already having its problems solved by the community, and by community behavior. Most of my last matches before the patch wound up being frontline fights along the ridgeline off to the side, rather than Nascar. Wall Snipers were immediately punished by mass fire from the center. Getting left behind was solved by going underneath and popping up under your team. It wasn't just a big circle-jerk of ring-around-the-rosie like Sean keeps claiming it invariably was. It might have been that way a few years ago, but it was already starting to not be before the map was changed. That map was already the most popular besides Canyon Network, so maybe it didn't need a complete overhaul?

Otherwise, I hear rumors of a map selection setup from before my time where, instead of voting, you select your map/mode options from a checklist like the region server, and if you uncheck a map or mode, then you NEVER see that, but might have to wait until the server randomly creates something from your remaining options. Thereafter, map/mode combos are RNG, rather than voted.

I 100% disagree with everything you said.

#44 Torque Spike


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Posted 17 August 2022 - 06:47 AM

View Postw0qj, on 16 August 2022 - 02:27 AM, said:

Guys, I'm having a great time in MWO, and hoping that you are too!

Actually this year 2022 is the most MWO fun that I've ever had, even better than summer 2020 when I've returned back to MWO... Posted Image

I totally agree with you. I was gone for several years and decided to pick it up again.
Wow, better than I remember. No not perfect, so much damn fun and different than all the other games out there. I joined back in 2012 right after the Founders closed, but played pretty regularly til about 2 years ago.
I want this to last for many many more years, but with all the free stuff they are throwing at us lately, I hope the writing is not on the wall.

#45 C337Skymaster


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Posted 17 August 2022 - 05:12 PM

View PostTK Romero, on 16 August 2022 - 08:03 PM, said:

Thanks for pointing that out, I had forgotten to think of the mechs that already come with DHS installed and how that reflects the price in the store. I still stand by the overall cost of equipping DHS being high and understand the tip of the hat that PGI is doing for lore and TT.

More people starting to play and stick around so that they too can become vets or well nestled into the game would be great. Even if that does mean to stray away from TT and lore price definitions for the sake of a F2P balance. 700+ mechs... it's daunting and wanting to pick the right one could feel overbearing or even disappointing if the excitement of the purchase doesn't yield the expectation. If PGI continues to make changes to balance the F2P grind and improve the new player experience similar to the strides made this year, I think we're heading towards something good... and maybe even for a possible MW:O 2.0. (I can wish for that along with an Awesome-9Q release)

They already have strayed away from Lore and price definitions. A Dire Wolf is supposed to cost almost 30 mil CB. As it is, they run around half that. On top of that, just about everything moves faster than it's supposed to, has more armor and can shoot faster than it's supposed to, etc.

#46 Wibbledtodeath


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Posted 18 August 2022 - 03:52 AM

Incursion needs a revamp, but not necessarily total removal (though it may need a rebrand to get people to vote for it*) It is a lot of fun in faction play and easier to defend due to having respawns in your base. Maybe add the suggested respawns to this map (and others, but make this a respawn only map).

* I do however feel the voting thing just causes repetitive maps and modes to come up and wastes time between drops. I would remove it and have a set rotation for QP. It is more an illusion of choice than real choice anyway.
This would allow maps like old polar to be rotated in but without the specific game modes that don't work (e.g. domination), similar with other poor map game mode combo's (e.g. canyon and assault). Some maps where escort worked could be put back in with this game mode (I actually really enjoyed it on certain maps).
-basically removing voting increases game variety and can also enable poor game mode/map combo's to be removed or reduced in frequency. It also enables new maps to be added that don't need to qualify for every game mode.

I also totally agree that region settings should be an indication of preference rather than a hard lockout given player population in the game. I am oceanic and have all selected, I end up playing most games in USA, then EU, then Oceanic. The game is good at adjusting for ping so while low ping is good, its not absolutely needed.

Edited by Wibbledtodeath, 18 August 2022 - 04:04 AM.

#47 AnAnachronismAlive


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Posted 18 August 2022 - 06:53 AM

The day this community does not get lost in details in any thread by voicing their most favourite mech-variant yet to be published or game-mode to be deleted, when there are far more basic matters that need adressing ... *sigh*

#48 TK Romero


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Posted 18 August 2022 - 11:37 AM

View PostLockheed_, on 17 August 2022 - 07:11 AM, said:

Daeron literally said "don't hold your breath" when asked about MWO 2.0 in this podcast and in the past it as mentioned numerous times that MWO 2.0 would not be possible because of the license running out soon. It would be too costly to develop MWO 2.0 especially under these circumstances it made no sense and they were not even sure if they could renew the license if they wanted.

Okay... I'll stop wishing upon a Dire-Star for MW:O 2.0... I'm gonna keep wishing on an Awesome-9Q though! If the Crusader happened so can the Awesome-9Q.

View PostC337Skymaster, on 17 August 2022 - 05:12 PM, said:

They already have strayed away from Lore and price definitions. A Dire Wolf is supposed to cost almost 30 mil CB. As it is, they run around half that. On top of that, just about everything moves faster than it's supposed to, has more armor and can shoot faster than it's supposed to, etc.

Nice! I didn't know that the Direwolf price was dropped by that much and good to mention the other items being balanced away from Lore and TT in favor of the online play interactions. I couldn't even fathom grinding 30 million C-bills for one Dire Whale.

Best part about not knowing the facts is learning the facts. Appreciate the information.

#49 C337Skymaster


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Posted 18 August 2022 - 02:01 PM

View PostTK Romero, on 18 August 2022 - 11:37 AM, said:

Okay... I'll stop wishing upon a Dire-Star for MW:O 2.0... I'm gonna keep wishing on an Awesome-9Q though! If the Crusader happened so can the Awesome-9Q.

Nice! I didn't know that the Direwolf price was dropped by that much and good to mention the other items being balanced away from Lore and TT in favor of the online play interactions. I couldn't even fathom grinding 30 million C-bills for one Dire Whale.

Best part about not knowing the facts is learning the facts. Appreciate the information.

Awesome 9Q would fit into the Variant packs that they were starting to do. I don't know if there are any left-arm energy hardpoint models, yet, but apart from that, the entire rest of the 'mech is already done. They just need an artist to create a unique paint so that everyone can immediately cover it with whatever their favorite stock pattern is, and they're good-to-go.

As for the deviations from Lore, I often wonder how this game would play if some of those deviations weren't there. Slow down firing times to the 10 second intervals they had on TT, slow down turn speeds to where they "should" be in relation to their top forward speed, remove increased engine caps, so everything moves the same speed, again. It'd be interesting to try it, even if just in Private Lobbies.

It'd also be interesting to see if we'd have the same Assault-weighted drop distribution if Assaults were 30 million apiece. Technically they weren't supposed to be all that common on the battlefield. Your Mediums and Heavies were your big front-line combatants. Lights were used for scouting, and Assaults were for when you wanted to scare the ever-living **** out of your opponents.

#50 martian


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Posted 18 August 2022 - 10:10 PM

View PostLockheed_, on 18 August 2022 - 04:54 AM, said:

removing the mode is the best they can do. they have no resources and there's pretty much just 2 people left.
I don't even understand why this mode has to go in the first place.
Feels, just like their ideas about changing the matchmaker, is not something that should have any priority right now.

The idea behind the Incursion game mode is not bad - but its actual form as integrated in the game is.

As one Russian Prime Minister said: "We wanted the best, but it turned out like always." Posted Image

Probably he was talking about PGI ...

#51 Voice of Kerensky


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Posted 19 August 2022 - 06:13 PM

I'm sorry, maybe this was said in a conversation, but the language barrier prevents me from understanding: was it said when exactly the Pink Station would be corrected?

#52 Knownswift


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Posted 19 August 2022 - 07:02 PM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 18 August 2022 - 02:01 PM, said:

Slow down firing times to the 10 second intervals they had on TT,

No one would play this game if you had to wait 10 seconds to shoot.

TT mechs don't have engine or hardpoint restrictions.

#53 w0qj


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Posted 19 August 2022 - 07:50 PM

Pink Virtic Station fix *hopefully* upcoming in next patch on/about 23-Aug-2022.



MrVaad: "In short, It's two missing cubemap textures. I've tested the fix with AMD/NVIDIA users. François [before he left MWO/PGI] regenerated the missing textures on his side so it should be in the next patch."

View PostVoice of Kerensky, on 19 August 2022 - 06:13 PM, said:

I'm sorry, maybe this was said in a conversation, but the language barrier prevents me from understanding: was it said when exactly the Pink Station would be corrected?

Edited by w0qj, 19 August 2022 - 09:35 PM.

#54 martian


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Posted 19 August 2022 - 11:03 PM

View PostLockheed_, on 19 August 2022 - 05:03 PM, said:

That sounds like a fitting description for the current situation in general.

The Faction Play is another nice example of this.

#55 Buenaventura


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Posted 20 August 2022 - 02:46 AM

View PostKnownswift, on 19 August 2022 - 07:02 PM, said:

TT mechs don't have engine or hardpoint restrictions.

TT mechs have pretty severe engine restrictions.
Since moving and turning (and jumping) is counted in hexes and you can't do anything with a partial hex of movement left, engine rating has to be mech tonnage times desired walking speed. Not a bit more to fit another engine heat sink f.e. or a bit less to save 3t for literally the same speed (going from XL400 to XL395 is a hardly noticeable speed drop in MWO, wouldn't be possible in TT).
You probably meant they don't have a max engine rating, which is correct.

#56 Mark Yore


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Posted 20 August 2022 - 05:21 AM

In terms of maps and modes, I'd be happy with the option to avoid choosing yet another round in Canyon Network and replace it with a random spin that eventually ends up giving us a chance of getting every variation.

Since we don't have the opportunity to choose a Mech based on the map and mode, it doesn't really matter what map comes up. Sometimes you'll get something perfectly suited, and sometimes you'll bring a LRMboat to Solaris City.

If you want to tailor a Mech for the conditions, that's what Event Queue is for.

#57 Voice of Kerensky


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Posted 20 August 2022 - 07:08 AM

View Postw0qj, on 19 August 2022 - 07:50 PM, said:

Pink Virtic Station fix *hopefully* upcoming in next patch on/about 23-Aug-2022.



MrVaad: "In short, It's two missing cubemap textures. I've tested the fix with AMD/NVIDIA users. François [before he left MWO/PGI] regenerated the missing textures on his side so it should be in the next patch."

Thx for information!

#58 TWLT S


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Posted 20 August 2022 - 07:20 AM

View PostWibbledtodeath, on 18 August 2022 - 03:52 AM, said:

* I do however feel the voting thing just causes repetitive maps and modes to come up and wastes time between drops. I would remove it and have a set rotation for QP. It is more an illusion of choice than real choice anyway.
This would allow maps like old polar to be rotated in but without the specific game modes that don't work (e.g. domination), similar with other poor map game mode combo's (e.g. canyon and assault). Some maps where escort worked could be put back in with this game mode (I actually really enjoyed it on certain maps).
-basically removing voting increases game variety and can also enable poor game mode/map combo's to be removed or reduced in frequency. It also enables new maps to be added that don't need to qualify for every game mode.

I am also not satisfied with map the selection mechanisam. Mostly I do not even use it, bc its not fun.

#59 TWLT S


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Posted 20 August 2022 - 07:23 AM

I totally forgot about one point. I start getting bothered by Sean bringing up the group thing.

Especially because his perception is totally Tier 1 based. The biggest problem I have in tiere 3 with groups is the underperforming groups. Never the less I pretty sure groups up to 4 man are a big win for the game. To suggest a test month w/o groups is the worst I have heard since a long time....

Edited by TWLT S, 20 August 2022 - 07:48 AM.

#60 VikingN1nja


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Posted 20 August 2022 - 11:34 AM

Sean keep saying, "I think this is a tier 1 problem", this is coming from a person in T1 (Sean) who plays with groups pretty much all the time. It's not tier specific. I think MM takes a T1/2 team for a game and then cannot find enough to match and fills with lower tier. Everyone who dismisses this is usually a T1 player who does 4-mans.

Matchmaker appears to be taking higher team 12 mans, usually with 4 man groups and putting them against lower tier teams as cannon fodder, hence why you get rolls. I can get 3 days of continues rolls, then 1 day of balanced gameplay.

I have watched solo streamers get 3 wins in 7 hours of gaming with an obvious disparity between the teams playing. Many of us solo players are getting kicked around because of this obvious imbalance. It also reduced c-bills, positive match score and so on as games are done in 3 mins.

Group play was amazing when I used to play as you could go head to head against the top players, learn from loss and sometimes actually win. The thrill was also much better than quickplay, as the stakes were much higher.
  • It's simple if you are leaving 4 mans in quick play, do not put them in a game until another 4 man is on opposite and the tiers are somewhat matched on each side for solo.
  • If the matchmaker cannot do that remove 4-mans from quick play and allow seperate group play of 3x 4-mans, 2x 6's 12v12 etc.
  • Whatever just pair groups up who will use coms and to go head to head in a group queue.
  • Allow 2-mans in quick play and let them sync drop like old times.
  • If the comp players won't play after removing the cannon fodder, then let them go, why should casual solo players have to suffer over and over at the hands of groups

Edited by VikingN1nja, 20 August 2022 - 11:52 AM.

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