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Battle Of The Heavyweights Weekend Event And Sale!

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#61 wildj


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Posted 04 September 2022 - 09:39 AM

I had a lot of fun with this event this weekend. It was a welcomed distraction from the Quick Play queue's, that's for sure. I do have some observations that I'd like to pass on to the devs, though. Just some feedback to help in facilitating this type of event in the future. These observations are based on my own experiences with the event, and are not meant to be representative of how others might have perceived the event.

So, elephant in the room, flamers have to be banned in this type of event. Either banned or severely nerfed. Most of my losses in this event came at the hands of flamer builds (not all, but a good portion of them). I did manage to win a few matches versus flamers, but I had to work at it (most of those were against builds with arm mounted flamers, which were relatively easy to strip). Luckily, I only encountered them in maybe 1 in 6 or 1 in 7 matches. Just to keep those numbers in perspective, I played just shy of 100 matches and maintained a 2 to 1 win/loss ratio. So, from my experience, flamer builds were not as prevalent as previously reported, but still a problem none the less.

I would have liked to have seen the maps run on a random rotation instead of one map run for a specific block of time. I would have loved to play matches on The Factory or Boreal Reach, but because of the time blocks that they were run in, I was unable to play matches on them. A random rotation of those five maps would have allowed everyone to experience battles on each map, and would curtail people running builds optimized for specific maps. But, I do realize that this could also be a limitation with what parameters can be set within the event queue.

As for 'Mech selection, I am OK with what was allowed. While I did have matches against Crusaders, I didn't notice that there was an over abundance of them (out of ~100 matches, I probably fought against 5 or 6 of them). I felt that the mix was pretty good and varied overall, though I won't be surprised if the free IS 'Mech this month is either a Catapult, Marauder, or Roughneck. I'd be fine with any of those Posted Image. My only critique here is that if the intent was to choose what the free 'Mechs are gonna be for this month, then the event should have been limited to those chassis under consideration. Again, I realize that this might be a limitation with what parameters are allowed to be tweaked in the event queue.

This was a great event, and I hope that I've provided some useful feedback. If the devs take one thing away from this, I hope that it's "flamers are bad". Posted Image

#62 Steel Raven


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Posted 04 September 2022 - 12:30 PM

So did everyone grind for the on Saturday and quite or is there something up on the servers?

#63 Horseman


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Posted 04 September 2022 - 01:03 PM

View Postw0qj, on 04 September 2022 - 08:07 AM, said:

Err... for this 2x2 Group Steiner Coliseum match, so how do we start this??
My Launch button is always greyed out, only for this 2x2 Group Steiner Coliseum thingy.

==>Do we set up our 2-man Group, each set up our Solaris Event drop deck, and press [Launch] separately??
You need to be a group leader, set Group Type = Event Queue. Then it will use your Solaris Event decks, and as the group leader you can queue the group for a match.

View PostSteel Raven, on 04 September 2022 - 12:30 PM, said:

So did everyone grind for the on Saturday and quite or is there something up on the servers?
There is, but the last item in the rotation is a 2v2 mode for which you need to pair up with someone in order to launch. I predict the pop is going to be fairly low.

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 02 September 2022 - 03:11 PM, said:

Sunday 9AM PST / Sunday 4PM UTC
Steiner Coliseum
Heavy 'Mechs Only
3x C-Bill Rewards
3x XP Rewards
10 Minute Match

Edited by Horseman, 04 September 2022 - 01:11 PM.

#64 stop moving I need the cbills


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Posted 04 September 2022 - 01:24 PM

What a brilliant idea for a team game

#65 Steel Raven


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Posted 04 September 2022 - 01:37 PM

Yeah, missed that. Group drop challenges never gel with my schedule, ether I'm working or my buddies are *shrug*

#66 mytilus edulis


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Posted 04 September 2022 - 01:49 PM

For the heavies that are also on sale for the patch science sale, will they remain on sale after this heavy sale ends in two hours? All their countdowns are set to expire with the heavy sale--not with the patch science sale in 5 days' time.

#67 Big-G


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Posted 04 September 2022 - 02:40 PM

View PostMark Yore, on 02 September 2022 - 11:38 PM, said:

I've played a number of mechs and 1v1 is a different style of play, especially for mechs that run hot and need time to rest. So some of my more reliable builds have fallen over when they're not with a team.

However my BoomJager hasn't been beaten yet and I'm tempted to swap some of my ammo for an upgrade to the TC.

Duels/Solo 1v1's are mostly won by sturdy full on CQC, heavy armour and cooler running builds. Especially against flamers, and so far 18 of my 210 heavies (I played about 28) have been very good at it.

View PostOrion_, on 03 September 2022 - 05:23 AM, said:

For completely obscure reasons we may never know, I hope the Orion K and maybe a IIC win this. Finally got one of these suckers an have been having a blast

Indeed, one of my successful builds is a K Posted Image

View PostTerran123rd, on 03 September 2022 - 06:13 AM, said:

Maybe this is a hot take, but this event really highlights how BS flamers are. There is no counter, there is no mitigation, just an "I win" for whoever has it as they permanently stun-lock whoever they're hosing down.

They may have made some sense in tabletop, but they have no place in MWO, and I will die on this hill.

Unfortunately I don't agree.. a couple of my brawling builds were able to run even under the assault of 6 flamers at a time. It takes careful knowledge of your heat management skills and knowing which weapons you can fall back to in controlled bursts that do high damage and low heat... LBX and SRM's in chains with a rhythmic tap for me Posted Image

Gotta laugh at the "ban flamers" comments, so ban something because other's worked out a smarter build? Learn to focus builds on heat management and DPS/burst damage and you should be able to run hotter under a flamer assault without dying instantly.

View PostSaved By The Bell, on 03 September 2022 - 11:50 AM, said:


Cause we don't all think our waste don't stink...

It's comments like these that show lack of maturity.

View PostSoul Arrow, on 03 September 2022 - 01:15 PM, said:

Why does anybody think it's wrong for experienced players with customized 'mechs to have an advantage over newbies? That's how it is in most MMOs. It's one of the reasons to play the game. It's really not hard at all to get one good heavy 'mech set up, especially with sales going on right now. I've gotten most or all of my victories in this event with C-Bill 'mechs.

Agreed, in real life, experience wins out on amateurs and needs to be an incentive for those to actually work at getting better.

View Postambosen, on 03 September 2022 - 07:17 PM, said:

Man am I running into a lot of Archer MRM boats in this event for some reason.

Might be because they are effective, I find builds with MRM30+ in two or more tend to do well in CQC.

View PostLordtulakhordTTV, on 04 September 2022 - 12:10 AM, said:

i will not be wasting my time on this "event" haha Thanks though.

That's good for you and more for us...

View Postcazeral, on 04 September 2022 - 06:55 AM, said:

An incredibly badly thought out and toxic event - why are the Crusaders even in it, can't buy them for C-bills and they are in serious need of a nerf bat attack.

Builds with multiple flamers (lots of skill there)

Match rewards are a joke, 3x experience and creds, brilliant if you win, but not worth logging into the game if you don't. With no tier matching, all that happens is that those higher tiered or with creds enough to troll build their mechs with full skill tree have a massive advantage over new players or those from lower tiers.

Best pathetic event for driving away the newer folk we desperately need.

All I read is, "I'm unable to think out of the box and build a smarter CQC loudout" or just simply an inexperienced player complaining about not learning from this to see how to build their own CQC builds. Posted Image

Take this as a learning opportunity to see how mech science works.

Edited by Ekson Valdez, 07 September 2022 - 08:42 PM.
quote clean-up

#68 Krovakon


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Posted 04 September 2022 - 02:55 PM

Having an event queue with event challenges that supports no matchmaking and requires third-party programs to coordinate and get running is a pretty terrible event. Why even use the event queue for that when it's just a private match with tonnage restrictions? I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out why I couldn't use the event queue until I realized it doesn't have matchmaking enabled so you need to make your own group and get people into it to even launch it.

#69 Voice of Kerensky


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Posted 04 September 2022 - 04:15 PM

Thanks for the extra mechbay!
While completing the task, I remembered one of the reasons why I did not play in Solaris 7. Of the 10 fights held on Saturday in 9 fights, my opponents tried to destroy only my legs. What pleasure from such a game is a mystery to me.
Unfortunately, people often spoil any good idea themselves.

#70 w0qj


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Posted 04 September 2022 - 04:27 PM

Thank you !!

Finally got into a Group of 2 in the final 15 minutes of this 2x2 Steiner Coliseum Solaris Event, got in 3 games,
and it was brilliant! Wish we could have played for more Posted Image

By the way, that was my first ever Solaris Pairs fight; too bad the Solaris Achievements have been disabled though Posted Image

Anyways, I would definitely play more Heavy/Assault Solaris type Events in the future, if they nerf/disable flamers like what they did to Solaris7 (2021) previously!

View PostHorseman, on 04 September 2022 - 01:03 PM, said:

You need to be a group leader, set Group Type = Event Queue. Then it will use your Solaris Event decks, and as the group leader you can queue the group for a match.
There is, but the last item in the rotation is a 2v2 mode for which you need to pair up with someone in order to launch. I predict the pop is going to be fairly low.

Edited by w0qj, 05 September 2022 - 01:30 AM.

#71 The Chancelor


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Posted 04 September 2022 - 09:48 PM

View PostSaved By The Bell, on 03 September 2022 - 10:51 AM, said:

Dont know maps.

Lost all, all time enemy streaks, srm or snubs, very boring and stupid. First tried, then played fast only for reward.

I see why Solyaris was bad.

Its not for casual player and usual mech.

It is not bad. In a 1 vs. 1 duel you have to plan completely differently, after all this is not a normal shooter!
With mechs of this size, it ends in an open exchange of blows. You therefore need a strong alpha strike (pinpoint!) to shoot off the Crael's arm, for example. For this you can save ammunition and install more weapons, armor or heatsinks.
The skill tree also needs to be adjusted. No range, but max cooldown. Little radar deprivation, but max seismic. Last one is realy funny and helped to get in the back of most of my oponents for all are just rotating...

Edited by The Chancelor, 04 September 2022 - 09:48 PM.

#72 Horseman


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Posted 05 September 2022 - 12:46 AM

View PostBig-G, on 04 September 2022 - 02:40 PM, said:

All I read is, "I'm unable to think out of the box and build a smarter CQC loudout" or just simply an inexperienced player complaining about not learning from this to see how to build their own CQC builds. Posted Image
Take this as a learning opportunity to see how mech science works.
Or quite possibly unable to aim due to years of LRM abuse.

View PostVoice of Kerensky, on 04 September 2022 - 04:15 PM, said:

While completing the task, I remembered one of the reasons why I did not play in Solaris 7. Of the 10 fights held on Saturday in 9 fights, my opponents tried to destroy only my legs. What pleasure from such a game is a mystery to me.
It's 1v1. Enemies will try to destroy you as efficiently as possible, which usually means CT or legs.

View PostThe Chancelor, on 04 September 2022 - 09:48 PM, said:

Little radar deprivation, but max seismic. Last one is realy funny and helped to get in the back of most of my oponents for all are just rotating...
You don't actually need seismic. Shut down your music playlist and listen in to the headphones - you can hear where your enemy's footsteps are coming from.
I forgot the name of the player who taught me that, just that it was a tense duel on Ishiyama shortly after Solaris launch. I had Seismic and he anticipated my movements so well I though he had it too; asked him after the match and his response was that he just needed to listen to my footsteps to tell where I'm heading.
He was right, too - since then I've skipped Seismic from my Solaris builds and used Mk I Eardrum instead.

Edited by Horseman, 05 September 2022 - 12:48 AM.

#73 hmat77


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Posted 05 September 2022 - 02:20 AM

Thank you for this event. I didn't get a chance to play SOLARIS until it was removed from the game (shame about the steam achievements...). This event was fun and forced me to rethink the configuration of the mechs I used to adapt them to combat.

#74 cazeral


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Posted 05 September 2022 - 04:01 AM

View PostBig-G, on 04 September 2022 - 02:40 PM, said:

Duels/Solo 1v1's are mostly won by sturdy full on CQC, heavy armour and cooler running builds. Especially against flamers, and so far 18 of my 210 heavies (I played about 28) have been very good at it.

. . . .

All I read is, "I'm unable to think out of the box and build a smarter CQC loudout" or just simply an inexperienced player complaining about not learning from this to see how to build their own CQC builds. Posted Image

Take this as a learning opportunity to see how mech science works.

[redacted] players *that can only see what benefit they can get for themselves at the cost of others' enjoyment . . . . its what killed the S7 mode in the first place and has done irreparable damage to the player base in general, which according to Jarl's is barely 10% of what it used to be.

Edited by Ekson Valdez, 05 September 2022 - 10:43 PM.

#75 -Dazed-


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Posted 05 September 2022 - 04:48 AM

Just want to say, I’m just coming back to the game and the event queue this weekend was really fun. I’d love to see more small team events (2v2, 3v3, 4v4). I also think it would be neat to have comp options with less players per team. As a big Mechwarrior 4 player, the different variables of different numbered teams was always fun. Also, smaller teams are a lot easier to form for, providing shorter queues and more games. Not sure if things like this have been explored or not, but just my thoughts. Having fun!

#76 KrocodockleTheBooBoxLoader-GetIn


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Posted 05 September 2022 - 05:46 AM

If you didn't play the crap out of this event you missed out. Easy to make 1m cbills in under 10 minutes

#77 Tromoskyon Rex


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Posted 05 September 2022 - 05:58 AM

View PostIlostmycactus, on 02 September 2022 - 08:10 PM, said:

It's only really good if you want a second of something you already have. Otherwise why focus on winning with only one?

The key is to have a mech with the same name as you so you have a silly agenda to push.

This event was a complete and total blast for me. Between the ON1 K and ON1 iiC I got around a 6-7 W/L with most of the losses being from either an ON1 ii C when in the K or from Crusaders. The 2 v 2 event was definitely more brutal towards the end there getting most of the opponents as pretty high tier players, one of which being a JGx guy in a CRD 6T who CTd me faster than I knew was even possible. Even the stomp Ls were fun though to see other builds. IMO the best part of it all was the rapid fire drops. That and the 10s of millions of C Bills.....

Edited by Orion_, 05 September 2022 - 06:11 AM.

#78 w0qj


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Posted 05 September 2022 - 06:41 AM

A warm welcome back to MWO!

Events are all about smaller groups, sometimes 8vs8, 6vs6, and now Solaris Events trying out 1vs1, & 2vs2...

And 4vs4 is a great idea to explore also! ;)

View PostSyphonStorm, on 05 September 2022 - 04:48 AM, said:

Just want to say, I’m just coming back to the game and the event queue this weekend was really fun. I’d love to see more small team events (2v2, 3v3, 4v4). I also think it would be neat to have comp options with less players per team. As a big Mechwarrior 4 player, the different variables of different numbered teams was always fun. Also, smaller teams are a lot easier to form for, providing shorter queues and more games. Not sure if things like this have been explored or not, but just my thoughts. Having fun!

#79 All Your Bases


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Posted 05 September 2022 - 06:59 AM

Awesome event thanks! Hey can we not have the Mechs we've gotten in the last year or two though? I brought 3 people over to this game in the last 9 months. Would kinda suck if they ended up having 1-2 mechs for the free event they just got earlier this year :)

#80 w0qj


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Posted 05 September 2022 - 07:25 AM

Hey, a warm welcome to your friends for us!

With these monthly free mechs, you'll build up a stable of mechs in a short while... and if you don't like the free monthly mech, you can sell it for CBills and keep the free MechBay!

End-October (holloween...) is traditionally a loot bag event, and that's just 8 weeks away!
Yet more loot to further kickstart your friends' mech stable ;)

MWO has never been more generous!

View PostAll Your Bases, on 05 September 2022 - 06:59 AM, said:

Awesome event thanks! Hey can we not have the Mechs we've gotten in the last year or two though? I brought 3 people over to this game in the last 9 months. Would kinda suck if they ended up having 1-2 mechs for the free event they just got earlier this year Posted Image

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