So, I were on a "kind of vacation". Literally not spent about 10 days at home but cannot call it a "vacation". Why? Because I ended it more fatigued and exhausted as I began it... Wait! That's the true meaning of a vacation, right?
And I were capacitated, insisted, suggested (dunno the proper english word for it, sorry) to make an arc instead of the usual 6-panel stripes. That is the danger if someone likes these 6-panel, BT-verse nonsense what even YOU can see in this god-banished topic...
The trouble is not the part if someone likes them and become a fan (even if I not understand, why?!). Trouble is the ancient wisdoms survived the passing centuries with a reason, or so to say...
You know: "Never argue or debate with Idiots, Gods, Facts and Women..."
I did argued\debated and lost. I learned the lesson, thank you very much!

So, what started with "Cool stripes!" ventured through the "Why no story-arc yet?" right to the "Make a story-arc for me, pretty please?"... Hellmarch? Women. Learned: No argue nor debate. No pain, no gain? No-no? No more bad jokes suddenly? Ah-hahaha-ha! Women won, deal with it...
Eh, where were I? Ja, I were "asked" to made the following "kinda story-arc". I did it. "Ima wise ape, survive therefore!"
May I add that it were she who "suggested" the theme itself? Yepp, vacation...

Well, li'l sis worry the mental outcome of things? Should she? Absolutely! But Didi has the point: Anyone may deserve a vacation! If that brings some childhood memories? Keep the big gal under controll and what could possibly happen?
No, noone were officially thrown in a volcano... Sorta...

Yes, Didi play in the other league. On a hot, tropic vacation things may happen... Like random dates with random people in a fancy-n-moody bar? Well...
What? The red lady? You may pre-order the story on DVD! Right now! For 19.55$ you now get a Clint IIC legendary mech! If you pre-order the 25.99$ bundle you get the DVD and two (2!!!) legendary Clint IIC, one for the kids! PRE-ORDER NAAAAUW!

Well, I were lazy and used a PNG found on a free site for Cara. I remember I saw this gal somewhere though... Or something very similar? Dunno. But re-made her eyes, painted a red shirt and a belt on her (Lady in Red, haha, what a cheap joke!)
As for Cara, well, I need to make a character sheet about her (when women start to ask things continuity became eternally... I mean, sure, nice thing!)...

Well, originally Cara were meant as a GF. I decided to not choose that way because my knowledge about modern lesbians are limited and not wanted to made something offensive because of that. I apologised my plot-twist with "artistic freedom" but promised the character sheet would call Cara as a lesbian...
Do not ask me 'bout that. If someone wants a gay char I do it. A single fact on a char-sheet is different from a story-role. Well, maybe that "Lady in Red" DVD you pre-ordered...

Lazy stuffs a cinema scene. Reality: Not wished to draw more parts for Cara just for a story I not even wanted at the first place... I mean, sure, never go against the will of a woman...
Women and their things. The world would be doomed without them.

I were lazy again - n kinda tired after a few beers - so a single panel. Not to mention I not wanted to draw jumping dolphins differently in different panels because, well, beers... Never drink and drive? Some other wise adage mayhaps? No?

I released Cara's character. I did. Because I were told the Jade Falcon logo unfitted to her character... WUT?! A Jade Falcon logo is fits for any characters! 'Cause it that awesome n dat is fact!
Oh, I see CJF-haters gathering slowly on horison!

Hula-dance! And that smile

No, she would not talk about BT-stuffs in such a hula-cloth! Damn lazy I am, that's f**kin' why!

Untold stories of the dancing queen? To much dance may bad for you? Beat the men of half-an-isle is exhausting? C'mon! We knew already Gogo is a lazy-cat...

I like zoos. Like animals and nature. Zoo-scene is mandatory? No, but crazy-cool! Let's arrange that Elephant vs Rhino cage-fight! Just joked, 'cause sure the phant would win...

"When we met, how the bright sun shone"... Yeah, Paul Mauriat made a masterpiece...
What? 'cause the choco-cream! Sorry, 'cause the sunny beach!
Albeit I like the vanilla 7days croissaunt (not sure how it written properly as I am not a french).

Holiday is over! To bad! Really? "It could be longer!" Bah! Say someone who just read and not worked on it (Worked? I really dared to use that word? Shame on me...)...
So, yepp, it's over! Time to bed! Nighty-night! The Darkness burn your soul!
Ok, just because I am such a cruel person, one more stuff:

Yes, Orion is a favourite. And that she trully said those sentences! Worry not, she do knows what it really means!
Those whom not:
"Time flies. I not fear Reaper."
Edited by Duke Falcon, 15 April 2024 - 06:44 AM.