torsie, on 10 June 2024 - 06:08 AM, said:
We have IS Omni mech, now we need Omni versions of IS mechs, I want omni crab !

Nice idea!
But considering that PGI is still PGI I would be overly glad if I can rearm my King crab with clan-tech...
Due to technical reasons I cannot enter MechDB (still say the page overloaded, try it later) so I cannot thinker how to ruin my Scaleshot I bought for halved MC price...
What is sad. But totally unrelated to this topic...
Actually this whole topic is totally unrelate to anything what may exists...
Or not? There is some deeper truth? Could be ancient aliens?
So I now grounded and not watch TV? Because of "ancient aliens"?
OK, bad joke again. Like all my jokes I guess...
So, get to the point!

I won't say that things aren't what they are... But some BAs need some explanation what the designers consumed to got so badly < Children, do not DO drugs ever! >... Ok I properly censored myself I think...
Keep going...

Ja, huns, Jenner with turret! It's lore, dammit! But some larger lore-boi than meh (martian?) could prove that for you!
Albeit not sure how that turret may looked like 'cause no existing illustration... 'Till now, I guess...
Be good, keep going, don't drug, and try to forgive the new Dune movie and pray for Chani's redemption after her character were desacrated to the ground and literally ***-r@p3d lore-, story- and logic-wise...
Right, Unicorns! Because I thought unicorns are better last, closing word that sexually harass someone\thing through the backdoor... So, Unicorns! Unicorns don't do drugs (I hope), children, so you also don't do drugs!