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Mwo 2023 Plans Devlog

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#121 Woelff


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 03:43 AM

I think "Legends" is over used in gaming already and you should be looking for something new and not rehashing somebody else ideal.
If you are going to redo a mech and hang the title Legend on it then let that be the variant designation and as a main quirk give it a condensed skill tree. You still spend 91 skill points but you get more for each skill point you spend. Basic ideal would be that for just 10 skill points in range on a Legend chassis you get the same benefit of 15 skill points in range on the other variants of that chassis. This would make the Legends very unique.

As for quickplay matchmaker just make it for solo or teams or 2 max. I'm tired of dropping with a 11 soloist and getting wiped by a guild of 4 to 6 players on the other side.

Edited by Woelff, 16 January 2023 - 03:45 AM.

#122 KursedVixen


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 03:47 AM

View PostIridium Fallout, on 14 January 2023 - 08:23 AM, said:

PLEASE>>>> MECH MELEE AS IN MW5!!! I BEG YOU!!! Posted Image
Engine won't allow it.

View PostTerran123rd, on 16 January 2023 - 12:34 AM, said:

If you're taking suggestions for weapons, two that I'd be interested in seeing are thunderbolt LRMS for the Inner Sphere and chemical lasers for the clans.
No that's giving the Innersphere a nuclear football and hte clans a pea shooter.


besides with a lower damage profile and range nobody would use it it's already obsolete in game. C-Er small laser does the same damage for about the same range at half the tonnage so again chemcal lasers would be obsolete.


again obsolete for the same tonnage you could get a CLan ER large laser plus a heat sink or something else in 1 ton....

how about levelign the playing field by giving clans their RACs and HAgs and just letting IS have what they have now... (Clans need more guns to use not Inner sphere)

Edited by KursedVixen, 16 January 2023 - 03:54 AM.

#123 Kurt the Merc


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 05:58 AM

I would love to see chemical lasers.

Legend bushwacker gets my money!

#124 Thorqemada


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 06:13 AM

Yeah - "Mechwarrior Online: Final Show Down" would be more appropriate imo.

Edited by Thorqemada, 16 January 2023 - 07:48 AM.

#125 MarsThunder


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 07:23 AM

No developers (programmers) = no development.

#126 kuma8877


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 09:45 AM

View PostWill9761, on 15 January 2023 - 11:54 AM, said:

In regards to the Mechwarrior Online Legends name, I have a better proposal:

Posted Image

The reasons being that it's a better showcase of how long the game has been out (10 years). It also plays on the Legends aspects with all the hero mechs we have with notable personalities being their legacies. As a player, it fits as we are defining and making our own "legacy". As we are the legacy of this game and it feels more community oriented. When you use Legends, you are focusing on the people, but when you focus on the Legacy you're focusing on the actions of the people. So events like Mechcons, The Sarah's Jenner charity and the community event of the Battle of Wazan, those are our legacies we carry with us and will live on. This is why I say that MWO: Legacy would be better, because it encompasses all of the things that this game did during the decade and celebrates it.

As for why it shouldn't be Legends is for these reasons. We already have BattleTech Legends, Mechwarrior Living Legends and now Living Legends 2. You're gonna anger people by going this route. The word "Legends" is so oversaturated these days. It's as average as an everyday sidewalk. When I think of Legends, I think of a mobile app game or an Arena shooter. I get it's supposed to celebrate MWO, but the words, "Legend" and "Legendary" are just overrated. Like I said before, "Legends" focuses on the people, not the actions.

But, if you don't like Legacy, then "Rising Star" or "Codename: Phoenix" would work fine as well.

Have to agree here. As soon as I heard "Legends" I went to a thesaurus to try and find a better, less used title. "Legacy" is where I found myself heading too, as "mythic" feels more fantastic than sci fi and big stompy robots, to me at least.

#127 Yr_kidding


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 10:03 AM

I say we need more assaults in the game. I love that you guys keep adding mechs but they have been mainly light/medium/large or just packs of existing mechs
Me personally i think the legendary mech and battle pass concept is awesome but change up the name of the battle pass, because of obvious reasons lol. And don't rebrand the entire game to a game mechanic.
Maybe bring back the random supply cashe in game?

#128 hmat77


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 10:10 AM

It would be interesting to use the lore of Battletech which is very developed.
I propose the title of "Mechwarrior Online Story Arc".
Each arc could refer to a mini battle-pass.
I know almost nothing about the lore except what you can read on the Sarna website. This would be an opportunity to share it with more people.

#129 VAL10 GhostRyder


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 10:31 AM

I would like to see a Legendary Energy Variant of the Bushwacker

Depending on how far the timeline is advanced this would be somewhat cannon as the Omni Mech version of the Bushwacker, called the Gauntlet, had a Configuration B with ECM, Jump Jets, 10 medium lasers, and 1 medium pulse laser.

Since Omnipods won't be available, instead of splitting 10 of the energy hard points between the 2 arms and only one in the right torso spread them out making for diversified builds:

RA from the P2: 2 energy hard points
RT: 2 energy hard points
CT from the P2: 2 energy hard points
LT: 2 energy hard points and ECM
LA from the High Roller: 3 energy hard points

The Bushwacker has plenty of ballistic and missile variants but only 2 with >2 energy hardpoints. Those two have very limited builds due to where those hard points are located. This Legendary version would fill a hole in the Bushwacker lineup allowing for viable energy builds which isn't currently available.

#130 Lajur Kas


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 10:55 AM

View PostWill9761, on 15 January 2023 - 11:54 AM, said:

Posted Image

I was going to suggest Mechwarrior Online: Elite...but this looks really good.

#131 Roodkapje


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 10:55 AM

View PostVoid Angel, on 15 January 2023 - 04:33 PM, said:

On nearly all Battlemechs, they fill in from the top down in the order you put them on the 'mech. A few of the very oldest 'mechs have bugs. But in ALL CASES, you can see. Where they go. On the mech, as you place them. You can do this by a process called "looking," which uses your eye-holes. Don't worry; I won't get you started on 'mechs that don't exist because you can always see where a gun is going as you add it to the 'mech.

You are very cute! Posted Image

However, in the real world we want weapons to light up or something on the mech at their position when we drag them to a spot or click on them! Posted Image

View PostC337Skymaster, on 15 January 2023 - 05:08 PM, said:

What you're agitating for is known as "Mixtech". It allows cross pollination of the tech. Rather than Clans bothering to develop their own version of a weapon, they just use the ones already made by the Inner Sphere. Something else you're failing to consider is whether the Clans would WANT to use inferior IS tech. Posted Image Also, with specific regard to Light PPCs, those have been significantly buffed within MWO, far above their actual capabilities. They were meant to be a ppc that could fit on light mechs. The Clans didn't really have the need for something like that. They could put their ERPPC on anything they wanted to, with no sacrifice in firepower.

Thanks for your reply, but...

And HOT.

Like... A LOT!!!

So why not just go for it ?! Posted Image

View Postsycocys, on 15 January 2023 - 06:02 PM, said:

The cadet tags

LOL! Totally forgot about those! Posted Image


turret mode aiming

I see players with bad aim all the time! Posted Image

View PostYr_kidding, on 16 January 2023 - 10:03 AM, said:

I say we need more assaults in the game. I love that you guys keep adding mechs but they have been mainly light/medium/large or just packs of existing mechs.

The issue is that the QP queue is usually very full with Heavy/Assault mechs so releasing more Light/Medium mechs isn't a bad idea at all Posted Image


Maybe bring back the random supply cashe in game?

Which one exactly ? The one that needed MC for unlocking wasn't exactly a success so that's why the current is the way it is Posted Image

#132 Namicus


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 11:27 AM

First off, thanks for your efforts to reinvigorate the game. I've spent many an hour having a blast with this game, which is by far the longest play game I have been invested in. Keep up the great work.

I love the legendary mechs idea and will definitely open my wallet for the content. I'd be super interested in a legendary Challenger with ECM!

#133 C337Skymaster


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 11:56 AM

View PostRoodkapje, on 16 January 2023 - 10:55 AM, said:

Thanks for your reply, but...

And HOT.

Like... A LOT!!!

So why not just go for it ?! Posted Image

Adder/Incubus vs Panther.

I'll leave this here. :)

View PostRoodkapje, on 16 January 2023 - 10:55 AM, said:

Which one exactly ? The one that needed MC for unlocking wasn't exactly a success so that's why the current is the way it is Posted Image

So the MC Supply Caches were actually quite successful, but also uncomfortably close to gambling with real money (or something purchased with real money: MC). So it ran afoul of a European law that was written to target EA's FIFA card packs.

#134 Buenaventura


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 11:58 AM

Matchmaker: While it will be interesting to see what you come up with, I hope you'll be able to get this done. Since groups were thrown into the solo queue, match quality has declined. For me, I'd rather wait longer to have a better matchup than to be fast in a game that is lopsided from the start.

Mechs: New chassis could be interesting. For me, it depends on how far you'll be with the matchmaker.
Nice idea with the added preorder stuff for the Hatchetman. I'm not getting it though.

Maps: Excited for improved existing maps - although my hope of the infamous old Forest Colony maps being removed from the cycle again will probably never come true.

MWO: Legends is a bit too close to Living Legends.
Not sure about the "legendary" mechs. It sounds like a P2W scheme for now, so it would be great if the mechs became available as a standard version without boost, buyable for cbills.

New weapons: Depends on the weapons. There are some likely balancing nightmares out there if you don't have "battle value" and "needs to roll an 8+ on a standing target and then a 6 to hit the side torso" as factors. Others should be easy enough.

FP: I don't care. As a mostly solo player, it's a rather frustrating experience.

Platinum dropship deals: This is like it should've been from the start. Posted Image

Event queue: While it sure has its fans, I'm not one of those. Put a challenge up to participate and I will do so probably, but if I don't have to, I most likely won't.

#135 Pz_DC


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 01:03 PM

Dear devs! You still ignoring one of the "core" problem of this game - nometization! I mean - I like maps updsates but hey, can I pay of it? No! Why? Coz all what I have as option - buy "cocpit trash", MC-trash (got over 60k and idk how to spend it...), and mech's that's are ugly like hatch etc! Even more - no reason to buy a mech packs coz it has NOTHING rly uniqie unless you can pay 40$ (twice as much as normal pack price) for single (S) variant.
Told it long time and and ready to say it again - make smth like "loyality coins" and few was to buy it - :map design" / "mech design" / "etc-option-for-any-team-who-you-have-in-crew". SAme time You can allways control - "hey, more then 1k players spend their money for new mechs and only 10 players purchase "cocpit item" coins... Ok , so we are going to make new mech now."
Buy the way - You've made a real good job with maps, but gameplay is still same "cmpingwarrior online"... Any way to fix campers advantage like make any kill you've made on speed more then 60 kph couts twice more then a kill you've made while standing still?...
Keep going - we still ahve a millions of same-playstyle-mechs! EVERY chassis You put in game should offer UNIQIE expirience! Now we have 5-10 "meta builds" and 90% of in-game chassis offering nothing more then those same-playstyle loadouts!.. more unique quirks = more fun! Stop put those "+armor/structure/cd-etc" quirs on every mech, make smth like "when you put 2 ML with 6 SRMS on that mech those ML's generate 0 heat when fired" etc ;)
P.S. hope my bad english will not be a problem for you Posted Image
P.P.S. rly - I have nothing to buy in-game for MC - got all mechs that I want to have, can't buy new packsges for MC and no reason to do buy it for $, no need in premium time etc... How I can give You my money?... Single way - buy some MC time-to-time, like "hey, I'm still here" signal...

Edited by Pz_DC, 16 January 2023 - 01:19 PM.

#136 Grey Hook


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 01:35 PM

Hey, thank you Devs for all your hard work to keep this great game going. I watched the video but only read about 3-4 pages of the replies; my apologies if I say something that has already been said.

I am feeling pretty positive about all the things you guys mentioned. New mechs are fun to see, and the legendary mech idea might be pretty cool, if (as may have said) they can be kept from becoming a pay-to-win thing. I would love a JM6 with ECM! I also love the frequently-made suggestion of allowing players to "heroize" a mech of their choosing.

One area that hasn't been mentioned that I think might be helpful for retaining new players is access to information. MWO is a delightfully complicated game. It is therefore a bit frustrating to have to go sorting through youtube videos, forum posts, reddit comments, etc, to get answers to basic questions about game modes or equipment. "What are the damage values/range brackets for ATMS? Does TAG speed up lock time? What do the various towers do in Incursion mode? How does one earn a savior kill or scouting bonus?" etc. Google any of these questions and you'll find a mix of opinions out there, with no official source to verify against. The fact that the answers to these questions can change (with patch updates, quirk passes, etc) makes it seem even more problematic that neither the game nor the website offer actual info that new players need in order to figure stuff out. I'm not a coder/developer so I don't know how complicated it would be to compile something like this, but it feels like it should be toward the easier end of the scale.

Ok, that's my two cents. Overall I am pretty excited about the direction things seem to be heading in. Keep up the good work!

#137 TheCaptainJZ


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 02:21 PM

"Legacy" is much better than "Legends".

#138 simon1812


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 02:21 PM

MWO going out with a bang! Now thats a rebranding worth writing home about am I right!?

#139 Void Angel


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 02:41 PM

View PostKursedVixen, on 16 January 2023 - 03:47 AM, said:

Engine won't allow it.

No that's giving the Innersphere a nuclear football and hte clans a pea shooter.


besides with a lower damage profile and range nobody would use it it's already obsolete in game. C-Er small laser does the same damage for about the same range at half the tonnage so again chemcal lasers would be obsolete.


again obsolete for the same tonnage you could get a CLan ER large laser plus a heat sink or something else in 1 ton....

how about levelign the playing field by giving clans their RACs and HAgs and just letting IS have what they have now... (Clans need more guns to use not Inner sphere)

Objecting to an in-game implementation of new tech based on how the tabletop ruleset - when you frakking complain about not slavishly copying the rules on every post you make - is unhelpful and disingenuous.

Let's see here; the Inner Sphere and Clans share a lot of the same weapon types, but:
  • the Inner Sphere has MRMs - the Clans have ATMs
  • the Inner Sphere has two specialized Gauss Rifles - the Clans have an entirely new class of (Heavy) Lasers
  • the Inner Sphere has two specialized PPC variants - the Clans have a new weight class for pulse/ER lasers.
  • the Inner Sphere has omni-me... - oh wait, no they don't.
  • the Inner Sphere has Rocket Launchers - the Clans have Light TAG
  • the Inner Sphere has the Command Console - the Clans have a Light Active Probe.
  • the Inner Sphere does have RACs - so... sure? "IS OP, BUFF CLANZ?"
A simple comparison of the number of weapons is reductionist to an embarrassing extreme, of course. You have to look at the two tech bases holistically, and that's not a one-for-one comparable thing. For example, Clan space-efficiency interacts synergistically with the increased heat cost of their weapons and the longer bursts of most of their ACs, and we can't compare the Inner Sphere's fragility/weight tax on speed directly to the better pinpoint potential of their autocannons. In order to determine whether one or the other tech bases is producing overall better builds, we have to put them into the fray, stress-testing their builds to see how they perform.

And the best stress-testing arena out there is comp play.

In the WC 2022 finals, the finalist teams both brought predominantly Clan 'mechs. 35 out of 48 'mechs used were Clan chassis. But, lest we resort to the old lie that "the best players just all like the Clan's theme," mathematics would like to point out that some of these players did choose Inner Sphere 'mechs - 13 of the dropped chassis were from that tech base. So there's no way to support the absurd canard that Clantech is underpowered and just shored up by the best players' stylistic choices in game lore. They brought the best 'mechs they had for the best strategies that they had, because they owed it to their teammates and their opponents to bring the best. And while they pulled from both tech bases - predominately, they chose Clans.

This pattern has been borne out since the introduction of the Clans into MWO. Original Clantech endured repeated nerfs while retaining its dominance, and needed to be re-buffed in some cases later on - but they've never been the downtrodden, disadvantaged waifs your posts always make them out to be.

If you've got preferences about what you want to see in this game, let's hear them - just stop necroing threads and shoehorning your tabletop fanaticism into every topic on the boards.

#140 Void Angel


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Posted 16 January 2023 - 02:44 PM

View PostRoodkapje, on 16 January 2023 - 10:55 AM, said:

However, in the real world we want weapons to light up or something on the mech at their position when we drag them to a spot or click on them! Posted Image

Actually, in the real world you already have what you asked for, and now you're moving the goalposts by asking for pretty lights. Just admit you didn't think of looking at the 'mech model, and go on about your day with some integrity.

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