C337Skymaster, on 21 January 2023 - 02:24 PM, said:
So while you have done your math correctly, your conclusions are wrong.
I'm not sure that you even understood what my actual conclusions really are because the numbers I presented are just the result of what the person I responded to asked for: machine gun damage that has the same relative damage balance and general effect as they have in the table top (and not even more nerfed values due to incorrect notions of machine guns not being anti-mech weapons or incorrect damage numbers from table top) . Also kindly take note that pretty much my entire text used Conditional 1 tempus which - as the name suggests - hinges on a condition ... here to actually adhere to original relative strength of machine guns when compared against AC/2s. Nothing in my statement said as a conclusion that those number
should be used in MW:O.
C337Skymaster, on 21 January 2023 - 02:24 PM, said:
The key is not to increase MG damage to equal AC/2's as they currently stand, but to increase AC/2 cooldowns until they more closely match with MG's. Currently in MWO, MG's do 5 times the DPS as they do on TT (1 vs 0.2).
Now I can sort of throw your first statement right back at you: You did your math right but your conclusions are based on false premises:
1. DPS is a statistical metric that only works within the context of the game that you apply the metric to. So comparing DPS stats between two mechanically different games - here MW:O and table top - is futile / useless from the get go. In this case the table top operates based on abstracted 10 second rounds with a random damage distribution on the target where MW:O - as a shooter style game - has near perfect damage registration on the target with actual aim in a real time environment => You simply cannot directly compare the AC/2's 0.2 dps in tabletop against the 2.78 dps in MW:O because the latter value is already the result of balancing damage values within MW:O.
2. If you want to really argue that AC/2s have too high dps values when making that useless comparison against table top then you'll have to argue that for all weapons. I guess this game would absolute "thrive" with 10s cooldowns on very weapon or a maximum of 2 dps per weapon.
=> So no, "the key" certainly isn't to nerf AC/2 cooldowns in order to get them closer to table top dps values. The same is true for any other weapon system as well.
C337Skymaster, on 21 January 2023 - 02:24 PM, said:
Currently in MWO, AC/2's do 13.89 times the DPS than they do on TT (2.78 vs 0.2). SRM's do 5.38, 3.58, and 2.87, (2's, 4's, and 6's, respectively) times the DPS. etc.
Which should give you some hints:
1. Absolute DPS comparisons between the two games are useless and show that the user has fallen into the pittrap of using statistical metrics without understanding the actual meaning of said metrics or how metrics are supposed to be applied.
2. All Comparisons must ultimately be relative between the two systems as well as releative within the respective game itself and all comparisons between games can only ever go "so far" => If you want to (somewhat) stay true to the original you can only compare the relative strengths within each individual game.
3. The solution to "the problem" (provided that we actually find one that everybody agrees to exist) has to come from within the dynamics of MW:O and can only optionally try to uphold the spirit of the original.
4. When talking about the spirit and realities of the original one should get one's facts correct (like actual damage numbers)
-OUTLAW-, on 21 January 2023 - 02:12 PM, said:
All-in-all, even with doubled or tripled armor, there is more firepower flying around an MWO battlefield, at much higher rates, and much more accurately concentrated, than the armor we carry was EVER intended to withstand.
All direct consequences of the chosen game environment and while you are correct that MWO obviously has increased damage rates and more accurate / less randomized hits the plain truth is: If you were to try to transfer "intended" damage rates and armor rates plus (lack of) accuracy of the table top into a first person shooter game you'd create an even bigger clusterf* of game than what we (allegedly) have here in MW:O
Edited by Der Geisterbaer, 22 January 2023 - 03:23 AM.