Best Light Mech ?
Posted 12 March 2023 - 11:48 AM
Which machine should I specialize in?
Posted 13 March 2023 - 10:29 PM

This thread has been moved to the New Player Section Light Mech Builds.
Please post in the fitting subforum next time.
Thank you.

Edited by Ekson Valdez, 13 March 2023 - 10:29 PM.
Posted 13 March 2023 - 10:32 PM
Posted 14 March 2023 - 05:59 AM
VeeOt Dragon, on 13 March 2023 - 10:32 PM, said:
I have a mac score between 200 - 300. I aim to increase it. As far as I've seen in youtube videos, those who can improve themselves get higher scores. Which model do you think is the best?

Other model suggestions that I can buy as an extra for the machines I have. building suggestions.
Posted 14 March 2023 - 08:14 PM
rvn-3L or rvn-3l(c) variant for extra xp boost to skill/level it faster.
lct-pirate bane hero with 30% c-bill boost extra money.
The 3l will give you a lots of laser and missile combos. Decent speedy engines with all the is engine options. Stealth/ECM.The pirate will be ecm/stealth with a few laser builds and some machine guns. You'll mostly run is xls or lfe 200.
Wait for an mc 50% off sale and you can get both very cheap. Decide which weapons you'll want to use the most. Rvn 3l will give you far more options build wise than the pirate. The pirate will be one of the fastest knife fighters in the game limited to mostly lasers.
Of the ones you listed fury is pretty good. It's the fastest clan light with all the xl options. you can run an lbx 20 and smls on it or do the common mpl hmg build.Lct-3m is also a good mech for lasers and speed.
Posted 14 March 2023 - 09:02 PM
(i would honestly concentrate more on having fun that worrying to much about your PSR and Match score. as long as you are contributing well to the team Fun trumps all)
Edited by VeeOt Dragon, 14 March 2023 - 09:04 PM.
Posted 15 March 2023 - 12:22 AM
My favourite light however the Arctic cheetah so far with 6xcHMGs + 2xMicropulses. I am not good with it - nor any other lights - but I tested it in FP and could bring down IS heavies with it easier than with any other clan lights.
+ I assume you have a good enough connection and hardware, yes? Otherwise lights could look like lag-fest dashing around with full speed (main reason I rarely use any of them)...
Posted 15 March 2023 - 03:31 AM
Duke Falcon, on 15 March 2023 - 12:22 AM, said:
My favourite light however the Arctic cheetah so far with 6xcHMGs + 2xMicropulses. I am not good with it - nor any other lights - but I tested it in FP and could bring down IS heavies with it easier than with any other clan lights.
+ I assume you have a good enough connection and hardware, yes? Otherwise lights could look like lag-fest dashing around with full speed (main reason I rarely use any of them)...
privacy is important.. How can I access the list of machines using ecm?
I like Fleas, but I'm easy to catch.
I use a ER LRG LAZER these days more.
I'm very good at raven.
Edited by TAMTAMBABY, 15 March 2023 - 03:33 AM.
Posted 15 March 2023 - 04:25 AM
TAMTAMBABY, on 15 March 2023 - 03:31 AM, said:
Urbanmech R80 is better than the K9, the weapon convergence is slightly worse but you get ECM.
Another thing you can do is take a Kit Fox D with 4x ASRM6 - it can absolutely wreck bigger mechs.
Or any Kit fox with PRIME torsos, PRIME right arm and P left arm and build yourself a BoomFox: https://mwomercs.com...-p-the-boomfox/
Posted 15 March 2023 - 04:35 AM
Horseman, on 15 March 2023 - 04:25 AM, said:
Urbanmech R80 is better than the K9, the weapon convergence is slightly worse but you get ECM.
Another thing you can do is take a Kit Fox D with 4x ASRM6 - it can absolutely wreck bigger mechs.
Or any Kit fox with PRIME torsos, PRIME right arm and P left arm and build yourself a BoomFox: https://mwomercs.com...-p-the-boomfox/
Thank you.
Posted 18 March 2023 - 12:15 AM
Posted 18 March 2023 - 01:29 PM
TAMTAMBABY, on 12 March 2023 - 11:48 AM, said:
Which machine should I specialize in?
My best Lights are the Wolfhound Grinner, the Locust 1V, and the Kit fox Purifier. There are some people who really swear by the Urbanmech, and that chassis is probably a bit too tough for its weight class (because of its small size combined with its durability quirk bonuses.) I'm not as much of a fan, but it's still a decent 'mech. A lot depends on how you play your Lights:
Do you want to skitter around the battlefield harassing enemies and adding your firepower to people who are already being attacked by a serious threat? Then you'll probably want to play a Locust, Piranha, or Flea. Looking to take a lot of damage for your size and still have great agility to support your larger teammates? I'd recommend the Wolfhound or Urbanmech. And of course if you want to scout, something fast with ECM is recommended.
PS: Actually, that's only my best Locust - I like the others, too, with the Pirates' Bane a close second. But all Locusts play pretty much the same: skittery agile 'mech that relies on teamwork and mobility.
Posted 18 March 2023 - 03:23 PM
Void Angel, on 18 March 2023 - 01:29 PM, said:
Do you want to skitter around the battlefield harassing enemies and adding your firepower to people who are already being attacked by a serious threat? Then you'll probably want to play a Locust, Piranha, or Flea. Looking to take a lot of damage for your size and still have great agility to support your larger teammates? I'd recommend the Wolfhound or Urbanmech. And of course if you want to scout, something fast with ECM is recommended.
PS: Actually, that's only my best Locust - I like the others, too, with the Pirates' Bane a close second. But all Locusts play pretty much the same: skittery agile 'mech that relies on teamwork and mobility.
Which one do you like as an effective weapon?
I'm asking for Locust.
Edited by TAMTAMBABY, 18 March 2023 - 03:25 PM.
Posted 19 March 2023 - 03:08 PM
But by far my favorite Locust to pilot is the 1V - 4HMGs and a Medium Pulse Laser. The thing is simply skitteriffic. Your main guns are heat-less, so you know all those heat control skills you normally pick? Those go into full speed tweak and about half each of the braking and acceleration skills. You can also skip some of the cooldown skill if you want to pick up even more mobility and/or consumable stuff. Season to taste - I still use laser duration and cooldown in the interests of maximizing my murder per second, since I do have to stare at my victims.
You don't want to go too far from the team in most situations, because people will chase you forever, and pure pulse Lights will wreck your day, if they don't lose their nerve under your constant barrage of HMG fire (the cone of fire makes a big difference fighting other small 'mechs.) But the 'mech is a joy to pilot, and will spoil you with its combination of speed (156kph) and maneuverability.
A word on both Locust builds: I'm using an XL 180 engine, not the 190 max. Needed the tonnage to make both builds work - unless you downgrade that MPL on the 1V to an SPL. Along with your full Speed Tweak, you'll top out at over 165kph, and only about three chassis in the game can even try to keep up with you.
Edited by Void Angel, 19 March 2023 - 03:41 PM.
Posted 20 March 2023 - 01:07 AM
Personally I would prefer fleas over locust. Flea 20 is an perfect light to get used to with ecm. Flea 17 is one of the best lights in the game. Pir 1 and the laser options are still good. Mystlynx has such weird hitboxes that it is still hard to kill if u use jj smashing (both mg and srm variant are good).
Urbie plays more like an medium, than a true light but lots of good options here (snubs, mpl, mg...)
https://grimmechs.is...im.org/Database is a good source to see what load outs are possible on which chassis.
Edited by Ignatius Audene, 20 March 2023 - 01:09 AM.
Posted 20 March 2023 - 11:02 AM
Ignatius Audene, on 20 March 2023 - 01:07 AM, said:
Personally I would prefer fleas over locust. Flea 20 is an perfect light to get used to with ecm. Flea 17 is one of the best lights in the game. Pir 1 and the laser options are still good. Mystlynx has such weird hitboxes that it is still hard to kill if u use jj smashing (both mg and srm variant are good).
Urbie plays more like an medium, than a true light but lots of good options here (snubs, mpl, mg...)
https://grimmechs.is...im.org/Database is a good source to see what load outs are possible on which chassis.
nice resource thank you

It was something like this I was looking for.
Edited by TAMTAMBABY, 20 March 2023 - 11:03 AM.
Posted 20 March 2023 - 03:52 PM
Posted 09 April 2023 - 09:49 PM
Incubus is a good ridge peeker with it's awesome weapon placements
Arctic cheetah with a pulse laser boat is fun.
pirhana is the new "MG boat"
Mist lynx is the older MG boat, heavier and slower, but can carry Ecm and JJ
Laser and flamer firestarter
Urbie with stub ppc or an AC
Posted 16 April 2023 - 10:48 AM
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