Scattershot Nerfed Heavily In Next Patch.
Posted 06 October 2023 - 11:13 AM
Posted 06 October 2023 - 12:14 PM
Posted 06 October 2023 - 12:41 PM
Posted 07 October 2023 - 11:54 AM
Shadowdusk, on 06 October 2023 - 12:41 PM, said:
Spread does not reduce the damage, it only... well, spreads it.
Posted 07 October 2023 - 12:57 PM
Posted 07 October 2023 - 02:46 PM
Curccu, on 07 October 2023 - 12:57 PM, said:
I have one and tried it many times post nerf. Even mid range is going to miss pellets and spread it all over the mech. It's only at short range is the spread manageable and this is 100% not a close range mech. The only upside is that mrm are still somewhat usable since its an alpha weapon and the no shake jj make it easy to poptart them out. But that leaves pretty much every other build total crap.. Ah well at least they are putting out balanced legendaries now. Huh? Scaleshot? Whats that?

Posted 07 October 2023 - 07:07 PM
Posted 07 October 2023 - 07:09 PM
Posted 07 October 2023 - 10:39 PM
Whiny snipers saying that silly LB2x is taking 0.1 damage off my paintjob and slightly blinding them was just too much to handle I guess. The really dangerous builds were MRM20x3 or Lb5 and SRM's.
We payed money for a Porche, and were delivered a Ford Pinto.
I think a 50% rollback on the nerfs to all quirks would be nice, since paying customers keeping PGI's lights on got the shaft a little on the ShadowHawk-SS
Scaleshot Viper is still brutal at backstabbing even after its first nerf.
Posted 08 October 2023 - 12:39 AM

Posted 08 October 2023 - 01:05 AM
Meep Meep, on 08 October 2023 - 12:39 AM, said:

I do see 2Ks with brawl/poptart builds quite often. How many other early legends do you see often? I havent seen a Dreadnought or Seraph in ages although the mechs are super good.
Scattershot is still decent at mid to short range in my opinion. It still flings bullets like Cent D. Of course theres the issue of being a facetime build but it can be helped with good positioning.
Edited by Samziel, 08 October 2023 - 02:07 AM.
Posted 12 October 2023 - 11:12 AM
It is stupid OP.
And nerfing a paid product is bait-and-switch; arguing that it isn't just makes you look like an azz who should be ignored.
Both the people sick of being eaten alive by the Scattershot and the people angry about their pet SRM slayer getting nerfed are in the right.
PGI needs to do a way better job with this stuff, period.
Posted 12 October 2023 - 04:32 PM
Meep Meep, on 20 May 2023 - 01:11 PM, said:
No they don't.
PGI has a long-standing practice of nerfing the shizzle out of all mechs that were initially sold for money. Why does that include c-bill mechs? Because they are in mechpacks.
Posted 12 October 2023 - 04:35 PM
Dr Wubs, on 12 October 2023 - 04:32 PM, said:
No they don't.
PGI has a long-standing practice of nerfing the shizzle out of all mechs that were initially sold for money. Why does that include c-bill mechs? Because they are in mechpacks.
I mean they get a pass from undue critisizm for nerfing them not that they are immune to nerfs.
Posted 18 October 2023 - 12:21 PM
We, in MWO also have the "cauldron" to contend with, another wrench in the works ,that has filled the void of the PGI playtester, and I feel,turned a great tactical game into a COD shooter. Besides the OP lights some with 13 micro pulse who can take down an assault in 3 orbits (or flybys as jj's now work) we have the great new HAGS , 2 HAG30s in a mech and 2 salvos will finish an assault CT .Brilliant move. Good players can hit assault CT's with ease at great range , notice the lack of fafs of late? the CT change by the good old cauldron along with the HAGS leaves it , along with other wide CT mechs, a liability on the field, thats why you see more nighstars etc as they have a smaller frontal profile- typing this as I just lost 2 Kodiaks to HAG damage from daft ranges all of 3 mins into game.Kodiaks retired.
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