Battlemaster56, on 19 June 2023 - 12:16 PM, said:
That's nice gramps, but this is a video game that one use lore as flavor for the game other than that, I welcome the a Timberwolf battlemech it atleast it's a unique change and grants more leeway compare to last time they released a hero omnimech, and guess how that turned out.
Okay, I could accept a few things. The main trouble is that both PGI&Cauldron (or any of them combinatnions\setups) again dashed forth without thinking. They just jumped off the window not considering how many **** is in the pool they would land into. A patch per month with two new whatevers per month, that is what they do. Why?!
To avoid that little time what "consideration" consumes? Always in a hurry, just dash without thinking a bit and THAT IS A MAJOR PROBLEM HERE!
Want some battlemech version of omnis? Why not take one what do exists and could be explained? Dunno, like Blackhawk or Koshi? Both are non-omni versions of existing omnimechs! Easy and logical picks? Sure!
Hmmm... Maybe that is the reason they neglected them? Or just lack the "know the lore" part?
Seriously said there were many options but they decided to bash their head into the wall and "we make this because we just the because!"
Holla for them homegirl!
<well, she did "Holla">
But IF they so stick'd to da Timby-boy oh-so badly... Look, the current look is an OMNIMECH, deal with it! Omnis looks as they do because their build-up\setup of equipments. If you "unlock" those you literally and necessary alter the overall shape! I doubt they would create a new model for the Howl albeit THEY MUST. Omnis are bulkier and if you revert them to a mere, inferior, obsolate version their look became more primitive. Revert them is essentially a f**kin' redesign!
So, yes, I were perhaps offensive. But when such things could be evaded by a few minutes of thinking who may not became angry and offensive? Or they just love all the harsh-speak they receive for such things? I know, BDSM is also a sexual minority and pride&suchz...
The Timberwolf were a bad choice for reversion without a new model. It is not some mock-up. But they threw the lore and BT\MechWarrior franchise out of the window long since...
I am very unsure about them and their deeds, seriously.
And I still say: I only buy Howl if that would be an omni! Without the chance of swapping arm-pods or suchz it is quite a meaningless design. A buffed Catapult with clantech weapons.
And if they are so boned around tech-switching: Really add 10 tons for Firestarter and Blackjack to make them OMNI! You dig this hole for yourselves, PGI! You have literally no more excuses not to have IS omnis ingame! Now it is a MUST thing for you no matter if you like it or not!
Stuffs and consequences (like I would be more hated after this again, but meh! Sometimes this must happen to force things into any directions - but the direction is now UP 2 U!)...
Sorry, I ended up more de®pressed again that I wanted...