Meep Meep, on 08 September 2023 - 08:01 PM, said:
But there would be no need to 'untangle' the code if you are not trying to reuse or expand on the current the engine? It would be a brand new engine without the limitations that made the jury rigging a necessity. They had to cram in their own netcode because the engine didn't support what they did. A new engine would have the core coding to bang out whatever netcode you need without the need for dubious hacks. Currently mw5 supports basically all the same combat mechanics as mwo minus the ability to play vs other players. Again that pvp mod proved that it can be added. So how hard would it be to expand on that via devs with core access? If modders can do it devs can do it. I think you underestimate their creativity. So in the end its going to be down to funding and I think that crowd funding just like they did with the original founders preorders would go a long way to leaping that hurdle.
An engine works no different from a framework in coding except on a much larger scale (it has more in common with an OS in that regard). Unreal has a lot of stuff to make netcode simple built into it, or at least replication across clients/servers, it does not however have a lot of the "business" logic stuff (ie exact game mechanics, weapon behavior, etc, etc). It has a lot of stuff built into to make adding those easier (like the ability system, attributes, etc) but it does not mean just adding charge up or anything like that is magic the engine just supports. Weapons are also managed a bit different from standard FPS as well. From what I can tell, they did not make firing behavior an interface that you can just bring your own implementation to like you technically can with weapon cooldowns (something I've tinkered a bit with to test things out with). All weapons in MW5 are press trigger, fire something for some duration (even if that duration is one frame) and then go on cooldown. There is no charge up (MWO Gauss), there is no wind up (RACs), there is no energy to consume (think lasers but not fire and forget like MWO/MW5). All of that would have to either jammed into the existing weapon code and flex, or an these pieces would have to be teased out to interfaces that can then be backed by different implementations to enable changing behavior like that (which also requires flexing configuration for each weapon since each behavior might have different variables you can use to tune behaviors).
MW5 is not the same as MWO, there are some subtle differences that suggest they skipped some stuff. I wouldn't be shocked if they skipped Gauss charge for example just because its a single player game and there were a lot of people that hated the Gauss charge.
I'm also curious if Unreal's netcode handles latency similar to how HSR and Overwatch's equivalent works by default.
Edited by Quicksilver Kalasa, 08 September 2023 - 08:28 PM.