- Increased Range to 160m (from 135)
- Increased Max Range to 320m (from 270m)
- Increased Damage to 1.0 (from 0.85)
- Increased Heat to 0.4 (from 0.35)
- Increased Range to 270m (from 240)
- Increased Max Range to 540m (from 480m)
- Increased Damage to 1.5 (from 1.2)
- Increased Heat to 0.9 (from 0.75)
- Increased Range to 480m (from 400)
- Increased Max Range to 960m (from 800m)
- Increased Damage to 2.2 (from 1.85)
- Increased Heat to 1.35 (from 1.15)
- Reduced cooldown to 3.5s (from 3.6)
- Increased Laser Duration to 1.25s (from 1.15s)
- Reduced minimum heat penalty threshold to 3 (from 4) Firing 3 Binary Cannons applies heat penalty
- Increased burst duration to 0.42s (from 0.33s) - from 0.11s between slugs to 0.14s
- Increased burst duration to 0.7s (from 0.55s) - from 0.11s between slugs to 0.14s
- Reduced spread to 0.155 (from 0.17)
- Increased heat to 9.0 (from 8.25)
- Increased burst duration to 0.98s (from 0.77s) - from 0.11s between slugs to 0.14s
- Reduced spread to 0.17 (from 0.2)
- Decreased Jam duration to 4.5s (from 5.25)
- Decreased Jam duration to 4.5s (from 5.5)
- Decreased Jam duration to 5.0s (from 7.5)
- Decreased Jam duration to 5.0s (from 8.0)
- Decreased Jam duration to 4.0s (from 6.0)
- Decreased Jam duration to 4.0s (from 6.5)
- Primary and Secondary energy hardpoints on Left and Right Torsos are now placed on a higher location on the mech
- Primary energy hardpoint on the Left and Right Arm is now equipped on top of the mech’s forearm
- Ballistic hardpoint on the Left Arm is now equipped on top of the mech’s forearm
- Removed 10% Missile range from SO4
- Removed -10% Missile spread from SO4
- Removed 20% Missile velocity from SO4
- Removed 100% SRM ammo per ton bonus from SO6
- Removed -15% Heat from SO8
- Increased Missile range to 20% in SO6 (from 10%)
- Increased Missile spread to -20% in SO6 (from -10%)
- Increased SRM ammo per ton bonus to 250% in SO8 (from 150%)
- Added 20% Missile velocity in SO6
- Added -70% Energy cooldown in SO8
- Added 30% Missile Ammo bonus per ton in RA
- Removed Missile ammo bonuses from SO8
- Added 30% Missile Ammo bonus per ton in LT, LA, RA each
- Added 30% Missile Ammo bonus per ton in LA, RA each
- Added 30% Missile Ammo bonus per ton in LA
- Added 30% Missile Ammo bonus per ton in RT
- Increased LT, CT, RT Armor bonus to +15 (from +6)
- Increased LL, RL Armor bonus to +8 (from +3)
- Increased RA Armor bonus to +25 (from +12)
- Increased LA Armor bonus to +15 (from +6) - Excluding BSW-HR
- Increased LA Armor bonus to +25 (from +12) - BSW-HR only
- Removed 10% Ballistic range
- Removed 10% Ballistic velocity
- Removed -10% Energy heat
- Added +100% MG Rate of fire
- Added 50% Weapon velocity
- Increased Laser duration to -50% (from -5%)
- Removed 10% Missile range
- Removed 5% Missile velocity
- Removed -5% Missile heat
- Added -10% Heat
- Removed -10% Ballistic cooldown
- Removed -15% Energy cooldown
- Removed 10% Missile range
- Removed 10% Missile velocity
- Added -10% Cooldown
- Added -10% LBX Cooldown
- Removed 10% Range
- Removed 10% Ballistic velocity
- Removed 20% MG Rate of Fire
- Removed -5% Energy heat
- Added -50% UAC Jam duration
- Added -50% RAC Jam ramp down duration
- Added -10% Weapon spread
- Removed 15% MG Rate of Fire
- Removed -5% Energy heat
- Removed 10% Energy range
- Removed -10% Laser cooldown
- Added 10% Range
- Added -20% Laser heat
- Added Laser HSL +1
- Removed -5% Missile spread
- Increased Missile cooldown to -30% (from -15%)
- Removed -5% ER Large Laser cooldown
- Increased cooldown to -15% (from -10%)
- Added -60% Missile spread
- Added -60% Missile spread
- Removed Medium Pulse Laser HSL +1
- Removed 10% Medium Laser Range
- Added Medium Laser Family HSL +1
- Added 10% Medium Laser Family range
- Removed -10% Ballistic cooldown
- Removed -10% LBX-10 cooldown
- Removed -10% LBX Spread
- Removed -15% Missile cooldown
- Removed -5% Laser duration
- Increased LBX Cooldown to -15% (from -10%)
- Added -15% Cooldown
- Added -15% Spread
- Removed -10% Ballistic cooldown
- Removed 10% Ballistic velocity
- Removed -10% Energy cooldown
- Increased weapon velocity to 25% (from 15%)
- Added -10% cooldown
- Added Light PPC HSL +1
- Removed -15% Ballistic cooldown
- Removed -15% Missile cooldown
- Removed -20% Energy cooldown
- Removed -20% UAC Jam chance
- Added -15% Cooldown
- Added -30% Weapon jam chance (UAC/RAC)
- Added 10% Range
- Removed -10% Ballistic cooldown
- Removed -15% Missile cooldown
- Removed -5% Missile heat
- Removed 5% Ballistic velocity
- Removed 10% SRM Range
- Added -15% Cooldown
- Added 10% Range
- Removed -10% Ballistic cooldown from SO8
- Removed -15% Energy cooldown from SO8
- Removed 20% MG Rate of fire from SO8
- Added -20% Cooldown to SO8
- Removed -20% Ballistic cooldown from SO8
- Removed -10% Energy cooldown from SO8
- Added -20% Cooldown to SO8
- Removed -15% Missile cooldown from SO8
- Removed -10% Missile spread from SO8
- Increased Cooldown to -35% in SO8 (from -25%)
- Removed 10% Heavy Laser range from SO8
- Removed -5% ATM Heat from SO8
- Added Heavy Laser HSL +1 to SO8
- Removed 25% Ballistic velocity from SO8
- Added 25% Weapon velocity to SO8
- Added +7.5% Mech top speed to SO8
- Added +8 CT Armor bonus
- Added +7 LT, RT Armor bonus
- Removed -10% Missile cooldown from SO8
- Added -25% Weapon spread in SO8
- Added 20% Ballistic velocity
- Added 20% Ballistic range
- Added Missile HSL +1
- Added -7.5% Ballistic heat
- Added 15% ER PPC Velocity
- Removed -5% Heat
- Removed -10% Spread
- Faction Play domination timer changed to 3 minutes from 1:30 minutes
- Base destruction time changed to 30 seconds from 15 seconds
- Emerald Taiga has the following updates:
- New buildings placed in the north generator area
- Cover added for the middle generator
- New (T)rial 'Mechs have a skill tree baked into the Quirks (not available for purchase)
- (C)hampion 'Mechs now have a 15% XP and a 15% CBill bonus
- Hellebore Springs and Alpine Peaks rotation weights have been reduced
- Viridian, Terra, and Hibernal rotation weights have been increased
- Frozen City Classic Day has been removed
- Frozen City Classic Night rotation weight has been increased
- Forest Colony Classic and Forest Colony Classic Snow have been temporarily removed (see USER.CFG below)
- Incursion has been removed
- As the possibilities of user.cfg changes are becoming more common throughout the community, we’ve also removed Forest Colony Classic and Forest Colony Classic Snow from the map rotation until we can repair the issue on those maps
- We are currently working on a fix for Viridian Bog that should be in the October patch, so that map is remaining in rotation
- Changes made in user.cfg do not impact the gameplay of the maps used in MWO Comp Championship Series 2023
- Targeting computers will now affect X-Pulse Lasers, Binary Laser Cannon and Hyper Assault Gauss Rifles
- HAGs are using LBx/UAC barrels instead of Gauss barrels. This has no gameplay impact, the weapons still function correctly.
To make the patching process easier for players with limited download caps, we'll be providing direct download links for the patch file(s) that comprise this patch. This will allow you to download the patch file(s) elsewhere, for manual injection into the MWO patcher through a Patch Cache folder.
Aside from allowing you to download the patch file(s) elsewhere, on another connection, there are no additional benefits to performing the patch this way; the patching process itself will be the same.
This direct patch download process will only work for players running the standalone client. It does not apply to players running MWO through Steam.
Patch File(s): - http://patcher.mwomercs.com/patch/Production/frontend/FrontendPatch_422.zip
- Download the above file(s)
- For sake of ease, we recommend creating a dedicated folder for the patch file(s), such as 'MWO Patch Cache'
- You do not need to unzip or unpack the patch file(s)
- Launch the MWO Portal
- Select the three horizontal lines in the top left of the Portal Window
- Choose the 'Specify Patch File Cache' option
- In the field that appears, paste or enter the location in which you saved the patch file(s) and hit OK
- For example, C:\Users\<username>\Documents\MWO Patch Cache
- Click the blue Patch button
- The launcher will now check the Patch Cache folder you defined. If it locates the required patch files, it will unpack and use those files to apply the patch
- Once the patch is complete, launch the game