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Patch Notes - - 12-December-2023

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#121 KursedVixen


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 09:02 AM

View Postthe check engine light, on 12 December 2023 - 08:48 AM, said:

3. ATMs being fired beyond midrange are being criminally underutilized barring edge cases.

probably because like Lrms they have a minimium range while almost every other weapon does not and people like me do not want to be caught dead with weapons that have a minimium range... they removed it from alll ppcs so time to remove it from ATMS... even if it is at a reduced damage value

#122 ShootterMcGavin


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 09:07 AM


#123 KursedVixen


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 09:18 AM

View Postthe check engine light, on 12 December 2023 - 09:06 AM, said:

60m is pathetically easy to work with if you aren't a turret. Summoner runs them REALLY well, the VGL-3 is a good choice.
it still exist and i'm sure many people don't realize it's not the distance shown on the target but the distance shown on your range finder to the right of your aiming reticle.

Edited by KursedVixen, 12 December 2023 - 09:19 AM.

#124 torsie


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 09:57 AM

To me it seems like there is no solution for missiles Posted Image.

When things dont go your way they are near impossible to use, those lasers shooting them down are super good and if there is more of them there is nothing you can do. Many maps play completely against you. They are slow and easy to avoid. Even though you are sort of support, you pretty much have to be in the front, with your laser pointer and even if all this goes good, you are still limited by how well your team plays, because drones all over the sky and people targeting for you makes for one heck of a fireworks ! Posted Image

Then you have situation when the stars align and playing against them is absolutely awful Posted Image. You are getting nonstop bombardment from everywhere, no way to fight back, all those little shin chompers running underfoot, telling everyone where you are. And any moment when you fight against someone, there is always blue rain coming on you, and you either stand and take it and lose, or you run and get shot in the back. Its just not fun. (I know what I am talking about, I have gauss guns ! Posted Image)

1. Give missiles to everyone, so you still have lots of fireworks, but only if everyone has the opportunity to use them, instead of having one person carry everything and the grocery. Like one small-ish missile launcher.

2. Make those anti missile lasers smaller, let anyone equip them, but make them much less useful and make them shoot down only things that are not targeted on you. This would force people to stick together and play as a team, as they should Posted Image, but also wouldnt make everyone instantly immune to missiles.

3. Maybe something like those consumables, that one allowing you to call in bombs. You could plop it somewhere and people with missiles could shoot on that place, like some kind of lock on the floor, you could just continue shooting and maybe hitting someone, because without directly seeing what you are shooting, its kinda difficult to make "indirect shots".

4. Request missiles button, if you are shooting on someone, maybe within some shorter range or something, you could call for help, but that would appear only to people who have some kind of missiles and they could instantly send some rockets in your direction to help you. Maybe these could be faster or ignore/avoid obstacles better, and in return they could maybe do less damage or something questionmark? Posted Image

5. Or, or maybe something like opening the map, and you could click somewhere on the grid and shoot there, like if you know there are people there, but you cant shoot them directly, so you can just shoot around them, to annoy them? Like real life artillery would do?

Also give people lots more missile ammo, so they can just rain it all the time. Or none of it. Or all of it! I dont know Posted Image.

I dont know, maybe I am just being silly Posted Image but from what little I tried playing and from what I am reading on forums (and this goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back) I dont think there is a solution to this specific kind of weapons in this game, either you can shoot people without playing or you cant, just a single on/off switch. Posted Image .

Dont mind me, just rumbling Posted Image .

Edited by torsie, 12 December 2023 - 10:20 AM.

#125 Jormunrek


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 10:37 AM

View Postthe check engine light, on 12 December 2023 - 09:06 AM, said:

60m is pathetically easy to work with if you aren't a turret. Summoner runs them REALLY well, the VGL-3 is a good choice.

ATM's have a min range of 60m. IS LRM have a min range of 180m.
Since coming back to the game I haven't played lrm boats much, except to skill up mechs not at 91pts as far as I can tell that minimum range still exists on IS LRM platforms...
But I also almost never run an LRM only kits. ATMs on quicker, more agile mechs sure, but not big bulky SLOW mechs.
Not to mention that 60m is infinitely more manageable than 180m.

#126 Cyrilis


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 10:47 AM

So, just in case I missed it... How do we get the December Festive Mechs? is there an event scheduled? redeem code? 27th december 50 machtscore as usual?

#127 martian


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 10:51 AM

View PostCyrilis, on 12 December 2023 - 10:47 AM, said:

So, just in case I missed it... How do we get the December Festive Mechs? is there an event scheduled? redeem code? 27th december 50 machtscore as usual?

No details have been announced so far.

#128 torsie


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 11:29 AM

Needs more PURPLE !!! Posted Image

PS: How do you post picture ?!Posted Image

Edited by torsie, 12 December 2023 - 11:43 AM.

#129 Tarteso


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 11:56 AM

View PostVoice of Kerensky, on 11 December 2023 - 05:56 PM, said:

I would like to say a little to those who endlessly whine about the place of LRM in the game.
1) You don’t know what a truly oppressed weapon is. Every fight I see at least 3 - 4 LRM mechs. Which roughly corresponds to the percentage of other types of weapons presented in each individual battle. In each individual battle you will find the same number of mechs: short/medium/long range energy; short/medium range missiles; short/medium/long range ballistics; mixed builds (missiles/energy, energy/ballistics, missiles/ballistics). That is, you are blatantly lying. LRMs are as prevalent in the game as any other weapon system. And what is typical is that lurm boats, based on the results of the match, always have an average damage approximately equal to other types of weapons. And, to understand what a truly oppressed weapon is, you can look at the streaks. This weapon is truly oppressed and unplayable. And every meeting of a mech with such a weapon in battle is a good reason to open a bottle of champagne.
2) Half of those negative features of LRM that you constantly talk about can be easily solved - equip your mech with a TAG/NARC/UAV, don’t hide behind cover, go out to the enemy, shoot at him, share the damage with your team equally. But the problem is in your psychology. A typical lurmlover needs only one thing - to stand behind cover and inflict damage on the enemy without risk to himself, while his team is forced to face the enemy face to face. That is, every inveterate lurmuser is led by banal cowardice. Yes, you can come up with a nice excuse for yourself that you are supposedly helping the team in this way, that this style of play is the only correct style of play on the LRM. But this is just a false excuse for his cowardice.
3) For some reason, defenders of the LRM are always bashfully silent about such an absolutely unbalanced system as the NARC.
4) Do you want to destroy the ECM? Do you want to remove the radar dep from the game? Do you want instant lock on target? Maybe you want to pay for this by losing the ability to hit 100% of the missiles in a separate mech? Perhaps then PGI should consider giving LRM boats the ability to hit only the area where the locked mech is standing, and not the mech itself? Maybe if the ECM/radar dep is removed, 40-50% of the missiles will hit the ground and only 50-60% of the missiles will hit the locked mech? All other weapon systems have a huge chance of not hitting the enemy. And only the experience and accuracy of a particular player can reduce the chance of a miss. Or do you still need the ability to stand behind cover and shoot enemies with impunity with 100% efficiency from a range of 1000 meters? Do you want that? Well then I have bad news for you. As long as PGI and Cauldron have at least a little brain, this will never happen.

Wow, what a post.

Talking about psychology, what about your pathological hate, and kinked, and flawed, view for this weapon and their users? Cowardize, false, impunity, ... wow. You forgot lurmaggedons.

#130 Jormunrek


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 12:08 PM

Will we be getting mech challenges for the two new legendaries as well?

#131 Poseidolon


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 12:15 PM

View PostJormunrek, on 12 December 2023 - 12:08 PM, said:

Will we be getting mech challenges for the two new legendaries as well?

Beyond their normal battlepass?

#132 Jormunrek


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 12:45 PM

View PostPoseidolon, on 12 December 2023 - 12:15 PM, said:

Beyond their normal battlepass?

Oof nm was thinking of something else, my bad. =)

#133 PsionicMantis


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 01:09 PM

Gonna go blind from the muzzle flash with a Rac5 on the Hatchetman 6D. would it be possible to tone down the muzzle flash? XD

#134 ColdBrewed


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 01:11 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 09 December 2023 - 10:20 PM, said:

Look for ongoing events and sales all month, including the Phoenix Protocol Event, the Advent Event, the annual Stocking Stuffer Event, the December FREE 'Mech event (see the very special FREE 'Mechs below), and the 12-Days of Christmas Treasure Hunt - where you'll get to hunt down participating developers and content creators to win Dev Kill Medallions and bonus MC!

the annual Stocking Stuffer Event, the December FREE 'Mech event (see the very special FREE 'Mechs below), and the 12-Days of Christmas Treasure Hunt

When do these events start?


#135 PsionicMantis


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 02:48 PM

Anyone else getting extremely long load times? Im getting massive lag spikes when trying to select mechs, and the time to load into matches has become extremely long. Ive never had this issue before, any ideas?

#136 KursedVixen


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 02:49 PM

View PostPsionicMantis, on 12 December 2023 - 02:48 PM, said:

Anyone else getting extremely long load times? Im getting massive lag spikes when trying to select mechs, and the time to load into matches has become extremely long. Ive never had this issue before, any ideas?
does the mechbay still have christmas lights and trees?

#137 PsionicMantis


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 02:51 PM

View PostKursedVixen, on 12 December 2023 - 02:49 PM, said:

does the mechbay still have christmas lights and trees?

yeah, but its worse than before the patch today.

#138 Shadowdusk


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 03:14 PM

When is the sale starting?

#139 -Ramrod-


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 03:19 PM

Why nerf Clan heatsinks? Would you guys quit neutering the damn Clans. The Chamber Pot...er Cauldron I'm sure is to blame.

#140 nvx 116


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Posted 12 December 2023 - 03:47 PM

Who gonna tell them that 90m was base ecm with out skills pre patch also the wepon changes are useless revs didnt need a damage increase they needed a heat increase only. Same with like 90% of the clan lazers.. and add a jam chance to machine guns like how they did with the ultras.. they are giving too many buffs with out balance in mind

Edited by nvx 116, 12 December 2023 - 04:05 PM.

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