- Reduced heat to 3.6 (from 3.8)
- Reduced heat to 4.2 (from 4.5)
- Increased minimum heat scale penalty threshold to 7 (from 5) - Firing 6 Streak SRM 2s now has no heat penalty
- Introduced a splash mechanic similar to C-ER PPC and SNPPC. Each slug now does 4 damage to the component it hits and 0.5 damage to adjacent components each, instead of 5 damage up front.
- Decreased time interval between slugs in a burst to 0.13s (from 0.14)
- Introduced a splash mechanic similar to C-ER PPC and SNPPC. Each slug now does 4 damage to the component it hits and 0.5 damage to adjacent components each, instead of 5 damage up front.
- Decreased time interval between slugs in a burst to 0.12s (from 0.14)
- Introduced a splash mechanic similar to C-ER PPC and SNPPC. Each slug now does 4 damage to the component it hits and 0.5 damage to adjacent components each, instead of 5 damage up front.
- Decreased time interval between slugs in a burst to 0.11s (from 0.14)
- Reduced LRM velocity to 160 m/s in indirect mode ( from 190 m/s )
- Reduced LRM velocity to 224 m/s in direct mode ( from 266 m/s )
- Reduced Maximum flight trajectory height to 100 m (from 150 m)
- Advanced Sensor Package now provides a 20% Range boost to an equipped TAG laser. Boost is removed if Advanced Sensor Package is destroyed.
- Artemis Fire Control System now upgrades the LRM Velocity to 190 m/s in indirect mode and 266 m/s in direct mode
- Radar deprivation node values are reduced to 16% per node (from 19%)
- Removed Lower Arm Actuators from both arms
- Added 30% Jump Jet burn time
- Added 30% Jump Jet initial thrust
- Added -25% STD/ER Small laser duration
- Added 20% Capture accelerator
- Increased STD/ER Small laser range to 30% (from 20%)
- Increased Missile cooldown to -25% (from -15%)
- Increased Missile velocity to 50% (from 35%)
- Added -35% Pulse laser cooldown
- Added -10% Laser duration
- Increased Target info gathering speed to 40% (from 20%)
- Removed -10% Missile cooldown
- Increased Cooldown to -20% (from -10%)
- Increased Missile velocity to 35% (from 20%)
- Removed 15% ER Medium Laser range
- Removed -10% ER Medium Laser duration
- Added 20% Medium Laser Family range
- Added -10% Medium Laser Family duration
- Increased Machine Gun rate of fire to 75% (from 25%)
- Increased cooldown to -20% (from -10%)
- Increased UAV range to 30% (from 20%)
- Removed 20% Capture accelerator
- Removed 10% Weapon velocity
- Removed 10% Energy range
- Removed -10% Laser duration
- Increased Cooldown to -30% (from -10%)
- Added -30% Medium Laser Family duration
- Added +8 LT, CT, RT Armor bonus to SO8
- Added 5% Heat dissipation to CT (consistent with other Adder CTs)
- Added -5% Heat to CT (consistent with other Adder CTs)
- Added -20% Overheat damage taken to CT (consistent with other Adder CTs)
- Increased heat to -10% in SO8 (from -5%)
- Increased ER PPC heat to -25% in SO8 (from -20%)
- Removed -10% Heat
- Increased screen shake (Improved Gyro) to -100% (from -65%)
- Piranha PIR-A AMS hitbox changed to front side torso, Hitting the AMS will no longer register on rear
- Added blank geometry to Warhammer WHM-4L to fill torso holes
- Fixed a bug where Gorewing eye Bolt-ons weren’t glowing for some players
- Executioner EXE-M now available for CBills
- Gausszilla and Stone Crusher are now available for MC
- Stone Rhino now available for MC
- Download the above file(s)
- For sake of ease, we recommend creating a dedicated folder for the patch file(s), such as 'MWO Patch Cache'
- You do not need to unzip or unpack the patch file(s)
- Launch the MWO Portal
- Select the three horizontal lines in the top left of the Portal Window
- Choose the 'Specify Patch File Cache' option
- In the field that appears, paste or enter the location in which you saved the patch file(s) and hit OK
- For example, C:\Users\<username>\Documents\MWO Patch Cache
- Click the blue Patch button
- The launcher will now check the Patch Cache folder you defined. If it locates the required patch files, it will unpack and use those files to apply the patch
- Once the patch is complete, launch the game