- Increased Range to 300m (from 270m)
- Reduced heat to 4.5 (from 5.25)
- Reduced heat to 5.5 (from 6.25)
- Reduced heat to 9.0 (from 11.5)
- Reduced heat to 10.5 (from 12.5)
- Reduced velocity to 260 m/s (from 300 m/s)
- Increased direct fire spread to 1.75 (from 1.5)
- Increased indirect fire spread to 2.75 (from 2.5)
- Reduced velocity to 260 m/s (from 300 m/s)
- Increased direct fire spread to 2.0 (from 1.7)
- Increased indirect fire spread to 3.0 (from 2.5)
- Reduced velocity to 260 m/s (from 300 m/s)
- Increased direct fire spread to 2.25 (from 2.0)
- Increased indirect fire spread to 3.25 (from 3.0)
- Reduced velocity to 260 m/s (from 300 m/s)
- Increased direct fire spread to 2.4 (from 2.0)
- Increased indirect fire spread to 3.4 (from 3.0)
- Increased Heat dissipation to 15% in CT (from 5%)
- Added 15% Heat dissipation
- Reduced CT armor bonus to +14 (from +18)
- Increased LT, RT armor bonus to +14 (from +10)
- Increased Ballistic cooldown to -20% in RA (from -10%)
- Added +100% Ammo bonus for AC/LBX/PAC in RA
- Updated the previously existing 100% UAC ammo per ton values to match base ammo bin counts
- Reduced Cooldown to -30% in SO8 (from -40%)
- Increased Missile cooldown to -20% in LT (from -10%)
- Increased Ballistic cooldown to -20% in LA (from -10%)
- Increased Existing ammo per ton bonuses in LA to 100% (from 60%)
- Added +100% Ammo bonus for UACs in LA
- Reduced Cooldown to -40% in SO8 (from -50%)
- Increased Missile cooldown to -15% in RA (from -5%)
- Increased Ballistic cooldown to -20% in LA (from -10%)
- Added +100% Ammo per ton bonus for UACs in LA
- Updated the previously existing 100% ammo per ton values to match base ammo bin counts
- Reduced Ballistic cooldown to -25% (from -30%)
- Added 10% Ballistic velocity
- Reduced Ballistic cooldown to -25% (from -30%)
- Added 10% Ballistic velocity
- Added 50% Ammo per ton bonus for PAC 2,4,8 in SO8
- Updated the previously existing 50% ammo per ton values to match base ammo bin counts
- Added 50% Ammo per ton bonus for AC/LBX 2,5,10 and PAC 2,4,8 in RA and SO8
- Updated the previously existing 50% ammo per ton values to match base ammo bin counts
- Added 50% Ammo per ton bonus for AC/LBX 2,5,10 and PAC 2,4,8 in LA
- Updated the previously existing 50% ammo per ton values to match base ammo bin counts
- Increased Jump Jet initial thrust to 100% (from 10%)
- Increased Jump Jet initial thrust to 100% (from 15%)
- Added 100% Jump Jet initial thrust
- Added 15% Jump Jet burn time
- Increased Jump Jet initial thrust to 100% (from 15%)
- Standard Versions of the 2023 Loyalty 'Mechs and the Holiday Bonus Commando will be available in the ingame store for MC and CBills
- Additional Legendary 'Mechs will be available for purchase as Hero variants
- The BULLSHARK titles "The Ravenous" and "The Blood Tide" will be swapped in the June update
- Download the above file(s)
- For sake of ease, we recommend creating a dedicated folder for the patch file(s), such as 'MWO Patch Cache'
- You do not need to unzip or unpack the patch file(s)
- Launch the MWO Portal
- Select the three horizontal lines in the top left of the Portal Window
- Choose the 'Specify Patch File Cache' option
- In the field that appears, paste or enter the location in which you saved the patch file(s) and hit OK
- For example, C:\Users\<username>\Documents\MWO Patch Cache
- Click the blue Patch button
- The launcher will now check the Patch Cache folder you defined. If it locates the required patch files, it will unpack and use those files to apply the patch
- Once the patch is complete, launch the game