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Headshots Are Possible, Get Over It

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#21 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 25 March 2025 - 09:05 PM

View PostLordNothing, on 25 March 2025 - 06:49 PM, said:

the point i was getting at is that assaults need to come with weaknesses, and being susceptible to headshots and backstabs is part of that.

I mean realistically their weakness is being slow and large which typically makes them susceptible to flanks or getting caught by off-angles whether that be backstabs, getting poptarted to death, etc. Headshots just don't normally come into play unless we are talking about 1v1s or just not having override on so is it honestly a weakness if it's not really a concern if you are playing assaults well? tl;dr headshots are a non-factor in most matches unless you really screw up and at that point it probably wouldn't have made that much of a difference so what exactly is the real point in them?

#22 Gasboy


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Posted Today, 12:27 AM

View Post1453 R, on 24 March 2025 - 06:28 AM, said:

Headcaps don't belong in a game like MWO.

Because while you are technically correct - headshots do, in fact, happen - this isn't Call of Duty where you can die thirty times in a match without issue, or where suffering a headshot is only two or three rounds of damage you were deprived of. In MWO - a game where, I remind you, it is impossible to properly armor/protect your cranial cabin in any way beyond "twist wildly so you cannot see and thus properly react to your opponent" - losing your 'Mech to headcap often means you've taken less than a tenth of the damage you might've otherwise soaked and suffer a red Arrow of Suck because some clapjob on the other team got lucky.

It feels horrible. You can mock people about 'fragile egos' all you want, but losing your entire game and having to sit through matchmaking again with your 'Mech you wanted to play locked up for the next twenty minutes because of a lucky shot is never not going to spike someone's mood. Why should we celebrate that crap?

And yet they have dropdecks and events (and originally faction play) where you do, indeed, respawn.

There are many headshots that are not luck but skill.

I get it, it sucks. For a split second. Then you get over it.

You can attempt to help your team by riding in their cockpits and offer advice.

You can exit the match and click on another mech.

Or you can go make a snack/coffee/do some web browsing while waiting for your mech to unlock.

It's not hard or trying.

#23 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted Today, 08:40 AM

View PostGasboy, on 30 March 2025 - 12:27 AM, said:

There are many headshots that are not luck but skill.

In things other than 1v1s or where your opponent isn't a spud standing still or shutting down, not really. After playing comp again for a year, they've actually come up maybe once in a blue moon? I've heard people potentially go for them more than that but most of the time it doesn't happen. More often than not someone accidentally hits a head and people try to laser scrape the remaining structure away to finish it off and even then typically the kill is through torsos instead.

#24 LordNothing


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Posted Today, 09:33 AM

any shut down in front of me is a free head. remember your override. i wont always have the right weapons or the right thermal situation to capitalize, but when i do, heads roll.

Edited by LordNothing, Today, 09:34 AM.

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