CCC Dober, on 07 November 2012 - 04:26 AM, said:
Let me put it another way. Clans have their own sets of currency. Performance and honor. Both of them contribute to rank, command, privileges and prestige. It is much harder to gain honor because at times it seemingly contradicts performance considerations. Performance without honor is deemed waste- and shameful by most Clan Warriors.
To make it short: the moment you want to monetize the Clans way of war, you are doing them a serious disservice. They don't fight for money in the first place, very much like the samurai back in the days of old Japan. That's a major difference compared to the IS. Please re-evaluate your logic in this particular case.
Actually, the Clans do have a hard currency unit, called a Kerensky (with what references I can find indicating that 1 Kerensky equates to 5.13 c-bills).
Clan Jade Faclon and
Clan Wolf use it is listed on the official BattleTech site, and it is presumably the universal currency unit among the Clans.
It would be fairly easy to implement a Clan economy where Clan players are compensated with Kerenskies (or would it be "Kerenskys"?) based on battle performance (much as IS players are compensated with c-bills), where personal honor (as determined by how one plays the game and an honor system integrated into the game itself) serves as a multiplier - "more honorable" players would have a larger multiplier and would thus be better-able to afford to maintain a stable of higher-priced units (e.g. highly-customized
Mad Cats and
Daishi) while "less honorable" players would have a smaller multiplier and could only reasonably afford to run lower-priced units (e.g. IIC-caliber/non-OmniTech units)...