I was unaware of myomer being used in humans before the clan invasion, since I know the clans brought a lot of medtech advances with them, I assumed it was one of the ones the brought. My bad!
Dirk found a pre-succession war mech buried under a landslide (which wouldn't do much damage to a tank in modern day nevermind battletech armour types!) but it then took him three years to get it to the point at which he could
test it. He didn't find a hugely expensive mech that he received for free over 20 years before it was invented. Additionally, TSM was only fit for use in battlemechs at that point, it was probably a few more years before it was suitable for use in humans. So for no reason, you've received a very extensive surgery for no cost, in a public hospital, where they armoured your body (I don't think many hospitals do that) and gave you special ops level wargear over 20 years before it would be possible to do so.
I don't mean to rag on your character, but I've been worried since your bio went up that you're very quickly going to eclipse everyone else because your bio was full of so many things that for an ordinary man would have taken three or four lifetimes to learn how to do and had very extensive gear. Your first post in the RP was pretty okay apart from terrifying everything that lay eyes on you and being a focus of attention - because anyone undercover would be trying to avoid doing that. But from there it's been escalating to the ridiculous edge of things. I don't mind if everyone has a tremendously OP character, but when everyone else is playing...actually the best way I can see to put this is this:
Average merc: Level 5
The Party: Level 6-10
Dai10: Level 30.
Your character is several power levels ahead of us, with all the gear that entails. Which can to a point work - if you stay in the background and use the advanced abilities and gear as rarely as possible. In the RL RP I'm running, I have my level 9 Techpriest in with my level 4 players. I have just shy of 5x their experience points. But I keep him out of the way, in the background. Nearby or off controlling something. So if they need him, he can show up guns blazing, but otherwise, they're left to their own devices. If you want to play Dai10 as a behind the scenes enabler, it's a lot easier to overlook a lot of his more ridiculous points. But you want to play him as a main character, leading the vanguard with the rest of us, and that's going to get very boring, very fast for the rest of us. Everyone wants to be a badass, but no level 10 can be a badass around a level 30.
The key to good RPing is maintaining a balance. What does the party need? Where are we weak? What advances can I get that suit the party? But the one thing the party rarely needs is one guy who can solo the entire campaign without breaking a sweat, but brought the other players because he enjoys their company. Believe it or not, we're genuinely trying to help you out here. From your posts, it's clear you've got a good imagination and if you can sort out your grammar issues (

) you'd be pretty good at getting it down on paper/screen too. The problem is you don't see the lines between normal/above normal/elite/master/god. Most of the party is in the above normal bracket, with a couple edging into elite. For myself, I'd put Dirk in the above normal bracket. Yeah, he's a mad genius, but he doesn't actually have the resources to indulge it or the focus to be able to fly down a path for too long, and at best is an average fighter - in a mech. In personal combat, he's nearly worse than useless. Plus, he's a bit of a coward.
Dai10 has no major weaknesses. 'Partial Amnesia' is not a weakness. It's carte blanche to remember whatever you want whenever it's convenient. Example: You say Dai10 has no memory of his past, but is aware of it. Initially I read that as 'Dai10 is aware that he did something to **** someone off, and they want him dead. He has no idea who or why.' But after your last post my interpretation became 'Dai10 remembers the exact events of the last time assassins came for him and why they did and what happened to him. However he cannot remember the colour of his underwear that day.' And his partial amnesia is supposed to counter for extreme prowess in martial arts in multiple forms of hand to hand combat and blade combat, marksman skills, battlemech piloting skills, battlemech hacking skills, hacking skills, stealth...hell the list goes on. In your background you managed to infiltrate the palace of the coordinator and hack through the most advanced firewall in the DC to steal a tonne of files off his laptop
and remain undetected while doing so,
and get out undetected. That would easily put you in the master bracket if all you were was a computer hacker working for DEST/ISF/LOKI/Similar. Adding anything else to that puts you in the god bracket, and you did a lot of adding
As for your points on Dirk finding the Helepolis, the odds are low, but explainable. As for Guardian...well suffice to say if you check threads like the OOC: Solaris RP thread, you'll see we've had plenty of these conversations with him in the past. As for Kazzen's bodysuit, who said it was fully sealed? The stormtroopers in Star Wars have internal mikes and external speakers in their helmets - because an armoured helmet will muffle your voice without augmentation. They have a voice distorter on the speaker to help add to the 'faceless' aspect for intimidation purposes and also stop a trooper's voice being identified.
For custom mechs, anyone with the C-bills scraped together can get
anything put together on Solaris or Outreach. And it wouldn't be *that* expensive either. A salvaged commando in decent shape would easily pull together enough funds to get jump jets added to a battlemaster.
The Quartet also has several modifications, because we're a merc unit that's been around five years and have a decent tech crew. Being borderline (and former) pirates, we know where to go for facilities. And, we have a salvage crew to acquire us assets to fund to buy what we need!