If you check timestamps, he's 5 minutes in the future from Dirk, which is just enough time for Nikolai and...Vodka's char whose name I have not been informed of (Since he's changing it) to arrive and bail him out, get inside and join the others before Rasen starts knifing people.
Dirk is also two minutes in the past from Sierra's entrance. How'd she miss him at the front door?
Yeah. I thought it was pretty decent too. *shrugs* Oh well.
Sorry Thom! Didn't mean to steal your thunder, I was to drunk to hit refresh until I posted.
Now that I am half-way there I remembered to post a bio:
Name: Remi Rudbeck
Callsign: Cutlass
Place of Birth: New Avalon, Federated Suns
Date of Birth/Age: 3015 /(29 years old)
Current Mech: GRF-1N Griffin (replaced the LRM launcher of his Griffin with five Medium Lasers, an extra heat sink and an additional ton of armor.)
House Affiliation: None
Military History:
3033 - Graduated from the New Avalon Military Academy(The College of Military Science, NAIS). Assigned to the Recon Lance of McKinnons's Company(Fox's Teeth, the First Company, First Battalion, 7th Crucis Lancers) 3034 -During the Ronin Wars the Fox's Teeth were assigned to train the newly formed 1st Drakøns on Tukayyid. However, they were soon caught in heavy fighting with the 1st Altenmarkt Militia(DCMS Ronin) who were launching a supply raid. At the end of the war, the Fox's Teeth withdrew to FS territory to rebuild. 3035 - Transferred to 1st Argyle Lancers in order to aid Piperhy defense operations based on Broken Wheel 3037 - Company detachment from 1st Argyle Lancers dispatched to Morgan's Holdfast to investigate a recent increase in the activities of the Pirates of Tortuga Dominion. Captured by/Joined a band of pirates(later identified as Merrill's Marauders). 3039 - Returned to Federated Suns' territory, secured a pardon for his piracy and proceeded to become a mercenary. 3039 - Hired by the DCMS along with various other mercs to perform a raid on New Ivaarsen in the War of '39. Afterwards he formed Tombstone Barbershop Quartet (Company) together with Sierra Mueller, Nikoli Reznov & Dirk Bradbury.
Physical Description: 185cm tall, 75Kg in weight. Rudbeck stands slightly above average stature and is in excellent physcial condition, no small thanks to the strict regime of exercise he follows.
He keeps his light brown hair cut shortly when not in the field but frequently allows his beard to grow out(full beard at the moment) giving him somewhat of an unkempt appearance.
When not wearing his mech suit, he is dressed simply in black jeans and some sort of t-shirt, though he almost always wears a simple jacket to allow him to conceal his pistol.
His eyes are of a similar color as his hair(brown) and he somehw manages to convey an impression that he is perpetually in a serious mood.
Notable equipment: Carries a Serrek 7875D Auto-Pistol (a popular sidearm in the AAFS) worn in a shoulder holster & a standard military issue knife.
Open Background:
Remi was born in 3015 on the planet of New Avalon, capital jewel of the Federated Suns. He was was the eldest child of the minor noble Baron Johan Rudbeck and his wife Theresa.
Hailing from a family with strong ties to the AFFS his father was a moderately successful businessman owning a small amount of stock in Achernar Defense Technologies, whilst his mother was a Captain with the 1st Federated Suns Armored Cavalry.
It was perhaps therefore no surprise when the young Rudbeck was accepted to the New Avalon Institute of Science. Managing to secure one of the coveted spots at the The College of Military Science, the young scion at first proved to be a disappointingly average student as well as something of a disciplinary problem. However towards the end of his education he began to show signs of improvement, both in regards to his behavior and academics. Ultimately, he succeeded in placing amongst the top quarter of his graduating class.
Rudbeck's pilot final assessment described him as "an excellent but unorthodox pilot, capable tactician with an unfortunately lengthy rebellious streak. Remi appears to be a promising light or medium mech pilot, showing a remarkable aptitude for high speed maneuvers and assaults." Based on these assessments and the recommendations of one "Jacob Kovács" Rudbeck, was assigned to the Recon Lance of McKinnons's Company(commonly refereed to as Fox's Teeth and nominally the First Company of the First Battalion of the 7th Crucis Lancers). As with all Mechwarriors from a military academy he was given the rank of Sergent.
A Special Operations BattleMech Company, the Fox's Teeth proved an extremely challenging posting but the young AFFS soldier showed himself to be a quick if stubborn learner, eventually securing a place in the small unit despite the uncommonly high washout rate. Surprisingly, he also managed to incur a regrettably high number of disciplinary infractions, resulting in his demotion to the rank of Coproal.
The coming of the Ronin Wars in March of 3034 offered the promise of redemption however, as the Fox's Teeth were sent to train the newly formed 1st Drakøns on Tukayyid. What promised to be a peaceful assignment soon devolved into heavy fighting as the 1st Altenmarkt Militia(DCMS Ronin) launched a supply raid on the seemingly unimportant planet. Despite taking casualties the unit managed to defeat the efforts of the Ronin and force them to withdraw. At the end of the war, the Fox's Teeth withdrew to Federated Suns territory for rest and recovery.
Rudbeck was promptly promoted to the rank of Leftenant for his actions during the war, where he had managed to destroy or disable three enemy mechs, two lights and one medium of the Ronin forces. Soon after he was sent to the as military instructor and adviser to the 1st Argyle Lancers based on Broken Wheel in regards to unconventional warfare and to aid there efforts in combating Periphery threats.
In 3037 after two years of considerable efforts to combat the large number of pirates residing nearby the planet, it was decided by high command that a company detachment from the 1st Argyle Lancers would be dispatched to Morgan's Holdfast to investigate the continual increase in the activities and number of the Pirates of Tortuga Dominion. Despite a lack of intelligence and with strong protest from several commanding officers including Rudbeck the operation now refereed to as "Operation Red Sand" was undertaken.
It proved to be a disastrous decision as the company was encountered a numerically superior band of pirates a mere twenty kilometers from their landing zone. Heavily outnumbered and outgunned the three lances assigned to the operation were forced to perform a fighting withdrawal, suffering horrendous casualties as a result. Leftenant Rubeck as he was then known elected to perform the duty of rearguard and despite managing to down one enemy light mech along with heavily damaging another, he was isolated from the rest of his lance and his was last seen in a hopeless fight against a lance of medium mechs.
With over 50% casualties the task force returned to Broken Wheel in a sorry state and any rescue or relief attempts were promptly abandoned.. Rudbeck was listed as Missing in Action, but the soldiers and officers of the unit privately suspected that the Leftenant was dead.
This assumption later proved to be incorrect as during a raid on the small planet of Marielund by a now infamous band of pirates referred to as Merrill's Marauders, Department of Military Intelligence informers of the Federated Suns managed to spot and identify a Jenner piloted by one Remi Rudbeck, recently listed as MIA. Later investigation would show that the AFFS soldier had in fact been captured by the pirates and eventually elected to joined them.
Merrill's Marauders spent the following the years between 3037 and 3039 earning a bloody name as a professional but dangerous group of pirates. Composed largely of former AFFS and CCAF soldiers, they were formidable foes for the various armed forces that attempted to apprehend them. Though a generally amicable group of pirates, largely interested in profit, the group became infamous for occasional acts of bloody violence when it served their purposes to make an example. Ultimately, Rudbeck along with the rest of the Marauders was linked to at least 45 raids on Federated Suns territory, 18 hijacked dropships, as well as various other acts of crime or piracy.
In 3039 after two years on the run, Rudbeck returned to Broken Wheel and managed to secure a pardon for his numerous acts of piracy from then governor Baron Thomas Von Rohr. The price for such mercy was a significant sum of money as and information valuable to the Federated Suns. Rumors suggest that the pirate Rudbeck may have discovered some form of Star League facility in his time traveling the periphery, providing the locations to the Federated Suns in return for his pardon. Whilst other sources indicated that the he had turned Prince's Witness and offered information retaining to pirate activities in the Periphery.
No longer a wanted man but viewed as a something of a villain by those who knew of him in the Federated Suns Rudbeck headed towards the heart of the Inner Sphere, ostensibly to pursue a career as a mercenary. MRBC records indicate that he was hired by the DCMS along with various other mercs to perform a raid on New Ivaarsen in the War of '39. Shortly thereafter he was listed as one of the founding members of the notorious "Tombstone Barbershop Quartet" together with Sierra Mueller, Nikoli Reznov & Dirk Bradbury.
Deep Background: Later/Tomorrows, I am drunk.
Pilot Assessment/History:
Despite what one might at first assume about an ex-pirate Rudbeck is a remarkabley disciplined man both in and out of combat. He is widely regarded as somewhat of an expert in the field of unconventional warfare and similar tactics. Having perfect many of the tactics he learned from his time with the Fox's Teeth and at the NAIS over the last decade.
He is extremely calm under fire and deals adequately well with stress during combat, though if he has a choice he will dispatch his enemies in a manner than minimizes the risk to him or his lance.
Such facts are perhaps not surprising when one considers that despite his disreputable reputation and history as a pirate, Rudbeck was at one point a soldier and he was trained by some of the finest instructors in the Inner Sphere.
Rudbeck is at present a capable field mechanic, though he is by no means as skilled as a trained one, his time in the Periphery clearly taught him a trick or two.
He began his career piloting a simple light mech, eventually he received assignments to pilot medium mechs in which he would gain the majority of his combat experience. If given a choice he elects to use fast and maneuverable mechs preferably equipped with energy heavy loadouts. Two years in the Periperhy as a pirate taught him the value of never needing to rearm.
Rudbeck also holds a deep and inherent apathy towards military courtesy, discipline(beyond that concerned with the efficiency of a force) and ranks. Something which his military record more than clearly illustrates.
Locationsomewhere near a bucket of water and the gates of hell.
Posted 31 July 2012 - 05:56 AM
The Outlaw Kazzen, on 30 July 2012 - 07:52 PM, said:
Someone call the doctor. We need a Tardis!
doctor who?
ChaosGrinder, on 31 July 2012 - 05:21 AM, said:
Location: Rancher’s Council Club, Baker’s Stake Date: August 19, 3044 Local Time: 18.48 hours
More where comming. A tall, slim guy, allmost asking to be called atventurer, a rugged chubby guy with a dirty beard, a guy wearing a cowboy outfit. This should be the team. She worked with a lot of people, every age, every class but this was another first for her.
" Interesting to meet you", was all she said to the newly arrived. " Call me Spitfire."
She took another drag from her cigaret eyeballing the team. This was about to get really interesting. The mission had to be something special . At least according to the crew that was hired. And that was her first Problem. She was used to work alone or in small groups of two or three people. whatever it was , time would tell- or said Mr Owen.
chaos i think you got a bit of a time mix up in your post. at 1848 i think only 2 people would be showing up. correct me if i am wrong.