dal10, on 01 August 2012 - 05:01 PM, said:
Well, the glib answer would be "because he's standing behind you, not front of you."
More seriously, though, I haven't actively not noticed dal10, I just haven't mentioned him in story, because so far I haven't had any particular story or character development I can work through with him yet. So far, I've had Sierra interact with:
Jean: the employer (establishes why she is here)
Spitfire: the other female merc in the room (establishes her stance on her own gender)
Keed: her ex (establishes their existing relationship)
Dirk, Remi and Nikoli: her unit (establishes their existing relationships)
The bar fight: an area event (because it is affecting her)
She hasn't interacted with dal10, Chris or Kazzen, because so far, they are just "other mercs" to her and haven't done anything to colour that. As we go, I expect that will change, and I'll post about how those interactions from and to her change her opinions of others. For now, I'm expecting her next interaction to be with Chris in response to him starting the bar fight.