That's a reasonable concern yes...
but unfortunately BT stumbled badly there
you see they made the image of the armor sections and thickness... not only was the armor illogically thin, their description of it's mechanism was primitive and nonsensical as it defy the very condition required for the mechanism to work (ie: ablating).
based on their diagram of the armor, it most certainly will fit on the power armor with ease, the other thing is that we know from their illogical mech design and how they armored each of it's part including the tiny and sometimes super thin piece that it can't be of any great thickness...
for example if we assume 5 inches of armor as minimum thickness.. then how much material is left on a Timberwolf arm beneath the armor covering it?
answer: not much at all... considering the arms are already starvingly thin to start with.
So in their attempt perhaps to avoid the obviously illogical mech design of theirs that would make questions like, how on earth do things fit into those if the armor is thick... they describe the armor as very thin, very light, etc...
That's what BT is, a soft sci fi, and like all soft sci fi it's full of inconsistency, and when they try to fix one inconsistency, they naturally stumble, and create another inconsistency... but that's why soft sci fi is entertaining for some of us, we get to pick them apart, one inconsistency at a time...
OH, incidentally? BT do have power armors... both IS and Clan (ie: elementals and the IS equivalent), but yep... their usage of them? ludicrous and their armor is INCONSISTENT as all hell, and they also have power armor in smaller scale too, you read them from time to time in the novel used by their commandos, etc...
The funniest had to be the novel in which a squad of elementals were killed by militias... in it, one of the elemental was penetrated by a bolt fired from a launcher jury rigged out of a car suspension.
so apparently... this elemental ARMOR (which is similar to battlemech armor) that can withstand direct hit from battlemech laser weaponries measuring in multi hundred MJ, can be penetrated by a makeshift catapult made of suspension spring.
I closed the novel book after that and threw it into the rubbish bin..
(note: the armor point is a valid one, however the chobham armor part is off tangent,
chobham armor is intended to defeat HEAT and kinetic energy penetrator, but to defeat kinetic penetrator more effectively abrams for example is further armored with DU armor layer as a supplement to the chobham armor showcasing that the chobham is of limited effectiveness on it's own against kinetic energy penetrator.
we don't use chobham as a kinetic projectile material since the armor isn't really intended to stop just kinetic projectile as it's primary goal in the first place and thus density isn't really the best property and strength of the armor.
on the other hand, we do use both tungsten and DU as kinetic energy penetrator AND armor as the materials are both very dense and very hard, and naturally when it comes to kinetic energy weapon or armor, we seek precisely those 2 qualities above most other things)
Edited by Melcyna, 18 April 2013 - 11:57 AM.