No understanding? ROFLMAO. You talk as if I was not there. My Clan has honor because we CHOSE not to be tainted by Bongfu. You chose to associate with him & leave with him & lo & behold the cancer that he is reared its ugly head & you had to leave the Glitter Guppies. Now you have to form yet another Clan with less members. Speaking of members, one of them is asking when the ban on the Ghost Bear channel will be lifted because he wishes he could drop with us.
You need to get your facts straight. We had three units come to US to be a part of US. One has integrated smoothly, the other two not so well. They did not take anybody with them. They kept their people. You would know the facts if you were still one of us.
You are dezgra & have no business speaking about honor. Whining to Coffi that "we will have a problem" is comical. You are in no position to "have a problem". You & you members got called dezgra, BY a dezgra.

I saw the tags on the CDS forums.
NO self respecting Clan wants anything to do with you & your bunch:
You are dezgra. Go into your dark little corner & stay there.
P.S. Maybe you should have done some research before creating a new Hell's Horses unit. I wonder what the two others have to say.
EDIT: When did I say anything to your members in game? Also none of our members teamkilled your guys. They started shooting but other people got the kill. Get your facts straight, surat.
Edited by Jaroth Winson, 21 October 2013 - 04:00 PM.