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Does Honor still have a place?

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#201 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 08:47 AM

View Postdal10, on 21 October 2013 - 08:43 AM, said:

meh, he got kicked out for being a unit wide poison. That plus he claimed to the leader of our star citizen section's face that he was promised a carrier from starting gate for donating 10 grand to the game.

Zefninja contacted Cloud imperium games (chris robert's studio producing the game) and they said no one had been promised a carrier. Longwei kept pushing that he had one and claimed it was under a NDA so CIG couldn't tell him that he had one.

We banned him the next day. Dude had one of the original model Idris's which hurts to lose, but we are better off in the long run.

He has shown a history of claiming a lot of things he does not have. :)

#202 Threat Doc


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 08:56 AM

View PostCyclonerM, on 21 October 2013 - 07:31 AM, said:

If you meet us in a premade we may agree in fighting the battle following Zellbrigen :angry:
I would if I could even start the game. I have that memory error going on. I've tried the repair tool a couple times, I've tried clearing the shaders cache, etc. My next trick is to try and uninstall and reinstall the game, but I don't think that's going to do any good. I don't know what sort of resources PGI have dedicated to this, but there aren't that many people having the problem, actually, so I imagine it's fairly low on their priority list. I played one drop after coming back from a long hiatus (from Sept 9, 2012 to something like Sept 3, 2013), and haven't been able to get in, since. It's funny, too, because when other people in AU were having that problem, I was dropping, from the first, in CB, like it was nothing.

Otherwise, I very much appreciate the gesture, and may test you on that as soon as I have the game back, and a brawler, hehe. I'm a huge fan of LRMs and distance. :)

#203 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 09:22 AM

View Postdal10, on 21 October 2013 - 08:37 AM, said:

don't worry, longwei got kicked out of house liao as well. he is now with a st. Ives group.


#204 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 03:56 PM

No understanding? ROFLMAO. You talk as if I was not there. My Clan has honor because we CHOSE not to be tainted by Bongfu. You chose to associate with him & leave with him & lo & behold the cancer that he is reared its ugly head & you had to leave the Glitter Guppies. Now you have to form yet another Clan with less members. Speaking of members, one of them is asking when the ban on the Ghost Bear channel will be lifted because he wishes he could drop with us.

You need to get your facts straight. We had three units come to US to be a part of US. One has integrated smoothly, the other two not so well. They did not take anybody with them. They kept their people. You would know the facts if you were still one of us.

You are dezgra & have no business speaking about honor. Whining to Coffi that "we will have a problem" is comical. You are in no position to "have a problem". You & you members got called dezgra, BY a dezgra. :P :P B) :blink: :D I saw the tags on the CDS forums.

NO self respecting Clan wants anything to do with you & your bunch:
Posted Image

You are dezgra. Go into your dark little corner & stay there.

P.S. Maybe you should have done some research before creating a new Hell's Horses unit. I wonder what the two others have to say. :)

EDIT: When did I say anything to your members in game? Also none of our members teamkilled your guys. They started shooting but other people got the kill. Get your facts straight, surat.

Edited by Jaroth Winson, 21 October 2013 - 04:00 PM.

#205 Tyro89


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 03:59 PM

View PostKittenkrusher, on 21 October 2013 - 03:21 PM, said:

Wow clap clap ...Jaroth personal attacks on forums with no understanding of the situation that transpired show great honor for your clan, keep in mind that i never went crying to your clan when your started verbally attacking my members ingame, though i was aware and disciplined my members for their verbal abuse still do not deny that ghostbears teamkilled diamond sharks ingame....so in short as a warning one time only ....Watch your ******* mouth pup otherwise we are going to have a problem.

p.s. Explain to me why Ghostbears ive known for along time decided not to be merged with your ghostbears smart ***? from what i hear they left for roughly the same reasons i did and they also took people with them.....

I admit, what I did was pretty low, and after reprimand and researching what proper procedure dealing with dezgra was, I will now conduct myself honorably. However, to counteract your claim, one thing most of us have that seems to be absent from your definition of honor, is commitment and consistency. The only person you show any of that to is yourself. You and your crew have done nothing but continue to make yourselves a bain to the community.

#206 CoffiNail


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 04:03 PM

Well, first... the point of the TK was resolved. Amusing how you cannot get past it though, even with you being part of the agreement of it being finished. So dragging that up is amusing. As some of CGB thinks, dezgra are dezgra.

Your OLD unit, CDS' pilots are just as disciplined as CGBs over comms, however both teams have their crusaders who are verbal. *looks to Jaroth*. Plus we are people play a video game over the internet, a bit of trash talking is a common occurrence.

Jaroth is not worried about any possible problem you make. That is why he is spouting his mouth the way he is. I should just authorize him to call a trial of grievance and get it done with like the Clan Warriors we play. He is also not MY Bear, CGB is a collective group and part of why we survive and thrive is due to the fact we have no heavy headed single individual who controls everything... Then needs to leave to form a new Clan, (twice) to get his fill of interwebs power.

No, MC's Marauders are not leaving the Clan at this time. There is a bit of friction as there can be from two merging two long existing units. In any case of the matter we are all trying to be mature adults and keep good ties and relations with each other in all cases anyways. Something you would not know about as you jump ship as soon as someone denies your way.

Yes, the bit of friction with MC is with the fact he preceded like you did. Where he put out a thought to the Clan Keshik. Was told, we like those ideas, give the Keshik time to talk about it and make a decision. Then he jumped the gun and posted what he wanted to happen anyways. The difference is, he did not get all pissy and leave when the friction hit, and has been open to conversation... unlike someone.

So, please KittenKrusher. Please watch what you post, and who you post it to, quiaff? You are a dezgra, and I would not even suggest you join the players who have formed the 'Not-Named' Clan. They at least are decent players, playing as a dezgra unit.

#207 Tyro89


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 04:16 PM

Posted Image

#208 Tzelik Gilmour


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 04:42 PM

View PostTyro89, on 21 October 2013 - 04:16 PM, said:

Posted Image

This is muchly epic.

#209 Threat Doc


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 04:56 PM

(Turns empty bag of popcorn upside down) Damn. I need another bag. Hey, guys, keep up the Kabuki... I'll be right back! (starts to climb down from Wolverine's shoulder to get another bag in the microwave)

#210 Threat Doc


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 05:20 PM

View Postfletchenator910, on 21 October 2013 - 04:56 PM, said:

aren’t ... we’ve ... haven’t ... We’ve ... didn’t ...
Careful, careful, watch those contractions, hehe.

#211 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 05:26 PM

Posted Image

There are the dezgra tags I was speaking of. Put on by YOUR ex-comrade on your ex-forum Clan Diamond Shark. As fletch mentioned, I was only a mechwarrior when the incident with you guys occurred. As far as the Ghost bears go, I was not the one who labelled you as that. The upper echelon did. They did so because of your actions. They told us who was dezgra & you are one of those individuals. Mind you it was not all of you. People talk, so I know stuff you think I do not know. You come here to talk about honor when you have none. That is why I replied to your post.

Have I lied?

Have I misconstrued the facts in any way shape or form?

Have I misrepresented myself, my Clan or any other?

Every time I speak, I provide proof to back up my statements.

The truth hurts. Too bad for you.

Edited by Jaroth Winson, 21 October 2013 - 05:27 PM.

#212 Tank


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 05:29 PM

View PostKittenkrusher, on 21 October 2013 - 04:45 PM, said:

i shared their playstyle which differed from the current playstyle

start again so that we could play how we wanted to play

View Postfletchenator910, on 21 October 2013 - 04:56 PM, said:

because we had a different vision, not out of spite. Sometimes things change (as well as your perception of these things) and you want to do something different. How is that wrong?

For the members that recently left Clan Diamond Shark (including myself) we had a different vision in mind for a clan and it just didn’t work out the way we had hoped for. Instead of burning bridges and creating internal conflict we chose to leave and make a new clan.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I remember Clans have predetermined vision and play-style, that what makes them Clans, or am I wrong?

#213 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 05:34 PM

Call it what you want. The tags say Dezgra. My point stands.

EDIT:Of ALL the Clans to choose, you decided on the Hell's Horses, the arch-enemy of the Ghost Bears. I am not going anywhere, surat.

Edited by Jaroth Winson, 21 October 2013 - 05:37 PM.

#214 guardian wolf


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 05:40 PM

Hey guys, keep it clean here. This is a thread to discuss whether honor has a place on the battlefield, not to slander and slang each other. Keep it clean, this is a forum. You have a problem with another member, take it to the field, and settle it on the field. And then you LEAVE IT ON THE FIELD.

#215 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 05:40 PM

View PostKittenkrusher, on 21 October 2013 - 05:38 PM, said:

Lol you have nothing ...so when CDS get on here and backs me up ....what excuse will you have prepared then i wonder??

Take your own advice. You hufffed & puffed, took your ball & left. You made the Diamond Sharks. It blew up in your face & you had to leave the Sharks & make yet another Clan. I think we look good from where I am standing. Maybe YOU should invest in a mirror.

Think before you type. Whatever you or they come up with does not change the fact that:

I said you got tagged dezgra.

You said you could not find anything of the kind.

I showed proof.

Intention is not the relevant issue. Facts are the issue. My point stands.

Edited by Jaroth Winson, 21 October 2013 - 05:42 PM.

#216 guardian wolf


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 05:46 PM

HEY. You want to argue, take it out of the thread. NOW DAMMIT. This little ******** argument/******* contest between you three, better ******* stop right now, and get the hell out of this thread. You can either discuss the topic that was described in the thread and thread title, or you can refrain from posting. Do not make me repeat myself again. You all are acting like children, so grow the **** up, or leave.

#217 ejw0508


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 05:48 PM

jaroth where you not invited to ts last night by us so you could get the answers from the horse's mouth??? yes you where and now this???? there is no honor in your claims....

#218 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 05:50 PM

View Postejw0508, on 21 October 2013 - 05:48 PM, said:

jaroth where you not invited to ts last night by us so you could get the answers from the horse's mouth??? yes you where and now this???? there is no honor in your claims....

My "claims" have been backed up by proof. You invited me to your TS3 true but I refused because Kitten was in the channel. You said 'I understand.". Remember before you type. Everything I have said has been accurate. For the record, look to your own honor sir, mine is just fine.

EDIT: The wording makes it appear I told ejw I would not go into the channel because Kitten was there. Let me rephrase:

ejw invited me into their TS3 but upon seeing Kitten in there, I refused.

Apologies for any mix up.

Edited by Jaroth Winson, 21 October 2013 - 06:08 PM.

#219 CoffiNail


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 05:50 PM

Actually, Kitten. We are not really worried about our image. We are established enough not to worry about a few stray posts by a few members. We do not need to actively recruit. We get star of new sibkin nearly every week. We are not worried.

#220 guardian wolf


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Posted 21 October 2013 - 05:56 PM

View PostCoffiNail, on 21 October 2013 - 05:50 PM, said:

Actually, Kitten. We are not really worried about our image. We are established enough not to worry about a few stray posts by a few members. We do not need to actively recruit. We get star of new sibkin nearly every week. We are not worried.

Coffi, can you please try to talk some sense into these, well for lack of a better term, children, and get them to quit this mindless argument between them. It accomplishes nothing, and if anything, takes away from the thread. I respect you as a leader Coffi, and I would hope they would respect your words and judgments as well.

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