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Does Honor still have a place?

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#261 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:51 AM

View PostKittenkrusher, on 23 October 2013 - 04:10 AM, said:

Oh lol I'm not..... I know unlike someone's else here that it's a game and a story that someone thought up... It's not real. So my honor is very much intact I back my friends up and my family is happy and safe. That's real honor. Enjoy your comics kid :D
So that's my point of view real honor it's having the guts to back up your mates even if it means facing harassment a badgering. To not stick with the pack and leave ur mates out to hang. I think that if my team mate gets caught in the lines of fire and I go out there to save him or to die next to him then I have shown honor.... So yes honor does exist in this game, because I have done just that very thing and others have done it for me.

Real Honor, you would not need to defend so... strongly. Real Honor would have someone step up and defend you. The better your Honor the stronger the support.

BTW... Whats being a Kid have to do with Comics? After all, adults are creating/publishing them!

Edited by Joseph Mallan, 23 October 2013 - 04:54 AM.

#262 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 05:01 AM

Well said sir, well said!

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#263 Jakob Knight


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 05:49 AM

View PostKittenkrusher, on 23 October 2013 - 04:23 AM, said:

There was no definition in what u quoted because the whole thing was one big question..... Post to add to the conversation.... Don't post simply to attack me....quiaff

I rather thought I -was- adding to the conversation, in pointing out that the preconceptions you sought to use to support your own statements were, themselves, based upon appearance, and not actual defined fact. You -assumed- a fat person in their basement would be accepted as having no concept of honor, and based on that, your own statements would taken as valid. What I did was question your assumptions, and you take it as an attack on you.

So, neg. I did not post to attack you, nor simply. I attacked your use of sterotypes and the valuing of appearances to determine honor, a hallmark one is talking about pride instead. And that was my point.

If you want, instead, your own attacks to avoid such criticism, simply state you don't think someone who is dishonorable or has not understood the concept of honor should not be the person to determine what is honorable.

Edited by Jakob Knight, 23 October 2013 - 05:51 AM.

#264 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 05:51 AM

That would be the Honorable thing to do Jakob Knight.

#265 Threat Doc


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 11:01 AM

View PostKittenkrusher, on 23 October 2013 - 04:10 AM, said:

Oh lol I'm not..... I know unlike someone's else here that it's a game and a story that someone thought up... It's not real. So my honor is very much intact I back my friends up and my family is happy and safe. That's real honor. Enjoy your comics kid ;)
Honor also comes in NOT attacking those simply because you have the opportunity. Honor is in treating others as you expect to be treated, in kind. I dishonor myself WHEN I use slurs and foul language AGAINST people and do not advance the conversation. I always think about it, later, and try to make adjustments to my temperament so I can be viewed better, more cleanly, and then become a boon to the community rather than an embarrassment to myself and/or my unit.


So that's my point of view real honor it's having the guts to back up your mates even if it means facing harassment a badgering. To not stick with the pack and leave ur mates out to hang. I think that if my team mate gets caught in the lines of fire and I go out there to save him or to die next to him then I have shown honor.... So yes honor does exist in this game, because I have done just that very thing and others have done it for me.
The problem is, KK, when you back someone who is proven to be wrong, who has proven themselves to be dishonorable. By defending them, you may be keeping a friend, but you are also following them over the cliff. If the community, even the smaller unit-community, has defined someone within the unit as dishonorable, then for that unit-community, that individual is dishonorable, and thus may be labeled as such. If you believe you're honorable, move on, form your own unit-community, define honor the way you want to define it, and drop the old portion of your life. It is dishonorable to continue beating a dead horse, especially when you've been proven readily, by your peers in your old unit-community, to be dishonorable, already. Let it go, move on, it should mean nothing to you, further.

What I pray, for you and those who will go with you, is that if you do define honor in your unit, you allow others who come up in the unit, according to your set standards, to help you refine the requirements, the rules, and the type of honor you and they decide to play by.

View PostJakob Knight, on 23 October 2013 - 04:15 AM, said:

Well, I am certain a business executive who peers down at the lower classes from his glass office and sips fine wine while considering how many of his employees he should fire to make his company look better on the annual spreadsheet is much more qualified in your view to make decisions on honor.
Oh, but touche... very well said.

To be a unit commander, from my POV, anyway, you have to have a mixture of hard exterior and passionate interior, to be prepared to fire whom you need to, and equally prepared to promote those who've proven themselves to you.


Perhaps that fat guy in the basement is there because he stood up when that executive tried to cover up corruption and graft and was then 'released for cause', losing his job in response for standing on his principles. Perhaps that fat guy in the basement tries to tell people that doing something because you can is not the right thing to do. Perhaps that fat guy in the basement is there because he refuses to leave his parents to fail in their old age while he is off enjoying life and making millions.
I'm certainly not the fat guy in a basement, and I didn't lose my job for standing up -in fact I got promoted-, but I have been laid off for some time, now, so this sort of bites me. However, the argument about "...doing something simply because you CAN, is not the right thing to do", actually hits home with me, as that's the entirety of the argument I was trying to make when AU went south. My Command & Staff, former military people with rank and experience, and one punk kid I thought was more ready for the job than he actually was, didn't agree with me, and were much like those people who say "I will do whatever is necessary to win." Foolish.


Your definition of how a person is to be known as honorable, and who is qualified to make such decisions is in need of serious reworking, quiaff?
I actually think Kittenkrusher has a GOOD base for knowing what honor is, but it's like a Kindergarten version, and requires research, depth, and maturity to understand it. The Kindergarten remark is not a dig, honestly, it's a way of determining how far he has to go to understand.

  • It's not just what you say, it's also how you say it;
  • It's not just backing up your friends, both on and off the battlefield, it's about making sure they're right in what they're doing (PK/TK is NOT right, on ANY SIDE);
  • It's not just participating in the community, it's helping to shape it, through helping other players, through being a positive force, and for helping to convince others of what is truly right, not supposedly right;
  • It's not a corporate thing, though it's formed by the community and/or unit-community overall, it's an individual thing, the person claiming to be honorable determining to follow the established and, more often than not unspoken and/or unwritten rules concerning honor;
  • Honor is a life-long thing, a life-style. It does NOT change regardless of what section of your life you're engaged in at the time, including while playing computer games;
  • Honor is not just about serving others in a real or faux military unit, it's about making sure your friends and your superiors look better as a result of work, in not asking for favors from them, but rather doing the work assigned you with all the gusto you can muster, mister. It is not just about receiving orders and carrying them out, but about trying to find a better outcome to allow your superior(s) to save face, perhaps even advancing better;
  • Honor is not just about having a glorious death, on and off the battlefield, real or cyber, but it's more important that you ensure your actions, deeds, and the manner in which you give yourself to the battle, allow you and those who follow you to stay alive. If you have to sacrifice on the battlefield, sacrifice for others, and take as many of the ******** as possible with you.
I hope this helps?

#266 Threat Doc


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 12:27 PM

View PostKittenkrusher, on 22 October 2013 - 01:45 PM, said:

Who decides honor though...who decides who is dezgra... some fat guy in a chair in his basement??
Something else occurred to me while I was out walking a minute ago, and it has to do with the people who establish honor for a unit-community being the same people who've come into leadership.

During the War of Independence (1775 - 83), the 1st American Revolution, though many of the officers were British-trained, they were not exactly well-tested war-wise. Nearly every officer in the British Army, during that time, came from noble families, not just anyone out of the sticks with the ability to lead; unfortunately, nobility does not, necessarily equate to leadership. So, of the Revolutionary forces who were Officers in the British Army and then settled in the Colonies, few of them were well-trained in warfare. Many of the remaining Revolutionary Officers were Christian Pastors, who lead their flocks like military units, gaining rank and position as a result of their ability to lead their parishioners. They were not war-trained, had no experience with it, and were instead pissed and passionate to get a country for themselves and stop living in a country ruled from another country thousands of miles away.

It was very similar for the Civil War (1861 - 65) a century later, after four full generations (about 20 - 25 years per) had come and gone and warfare was hard to grasp, no matter if you lived in the civilized portions of the U.S., or were a dirt farmer. This time, those who came from a strong family background of leaders, prior nobility, cattle ranchers, and plantation owners, as well as the ministers with their flocks, became the leaders, formed the units, and went to town. Again, a distinct lack of military training...

So, when you curse the fat guy that works at 7/11 down the street who comes home and sits in his basement and commands a unit, you remember that the U.S.A. was freed by men and women who stepped up, took the reigns, took command, developed their various military systems, tactics, strategies, definitions of honor, and lead. Anyone who steps up to do the work -and I've done plenty of it, so I know- may not be a perfect leader, and they may not lead the way you would, but you joined them, they didn't join you, and they determine -with help to varying degrees- how things work in THEIR unit. If you can't stand that... well, it's a game community, so have at it the way you think it should be.

If people don't follow you, or they follow you until they can usurp your authority... you're doing it wrong.

#267 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 02:56 PM


If people don't follow you, or they follow you until they can usurp your authority... you're doing it wrong.

Kat Wolf you have NO idea how spot on you are. It is as if you followed the entire chain of events yourself. ;) :( :( <_< :lol:

Wow Kitten, even somebody who does not know the details, knows you ****** up. ROFLMAO!

Kay Wolf

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Edited by Jaroth Winson, 23 October 2013 - 03:04 PM.

#268 Wales Grey

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 03:21 PM

View PostTilley, on 09 January 2012 - 12:38 PM, said:

After reading on an old clan website from MW:4, I remember just how much focus was placed on the honor system. Back then, there were certain cheats that most people knew about and knew how to spot when used. I'm just curious if honor will play such a role in the upcoming MW:0. If I remember correctly, during a lance battle, legging the opponent was considered cheap and dishonorable. I am by no means suggesting that this rule is followed now, but wondering what online ground rules some of the clans might decide to choose. Often times, legging a smaller mech was the only way to hit the d*mn thing and get it to slow down. Legging is just an example, just wanted to hear everyone's thoughts about honor and it's uses for online play.

Honour is less than worthless. It is used by groups to control social norms, ostracizing people who do not follow the "approved" format or technique. This is done to force conflicts into areas where the "elites" are able to prevent any challenges to themselves. The specific example you cite, people whining about legging, resulted in the loss of an entire dimension of tactics and play as a result.

That said, the concept of a "gentleman's agreement" is another matter entirely. If I'm playing a game with my friends, I usually strive to do what I think would be the most "fun". This is different from the concept of "honour" because this is a totally voluntary restriction on my part; one I do not expect any opponent I have to reciprocate. If I think it would be the most fun to take the game seriously, then I do so. If I think it would be the most fun to goof off and mess around, I do so.

#269 Tilley


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 03:30 PM

View PostWales Grey, on 23 October 2013 - 03:21 PM, said:

Honour is less than worthless. It is used by groups to control social norms, ostracizing people who do not follow the "approved" format or technique. This is done to force conflicts into areas where the "elites" are able to prevent any challenges to themselves. The specific example you cite, people whining about legging, resulted in the loss of an entire dimension of tactics and play as a result.

That said, the concept of a "gentleman's agreement" is another matter entirely. If I'm playing a game with my friends, I usually strive to do what I think would be the most "fun". This is different from the concept of "honour" because this is a totally voluntary restriction on my part; one I do not expect any opponent I have to reciprocate. If I think it would be the most fun to take the game seriously, then I do so. If I think it would be the most fun to goof off and mess around, I do so.

Perfectly fitting for a Liao....This is a game correct, but do not mistake the competitive nature of gamers. I have a feeling that with the upcoming 1 vs 1 death match game type, you will see honor duels set up on a regular basis. Feel free not to take part in them, hide behind the mountain and use your LRMs until the enemy is softened for your advance...do what you must to win...and be forgotten forever.

#270 Wales Grey

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 03:36 PM

View PostTilley, on 23 October 2013 - 03:30 PM, said:

Perfectly fitting for a Liao....This is a game correct, but do not mistake the competitive nature of gamers. I have a feeling that with the upcoming 1 vs 1 death match game type, you will see honor duels set up on a regular basis. Feel free not to take part in them, hide behind the mountain and use your LRMs until the enemy is softened for your advance...do what you must to win...and be forgotten forever.

Sir, you seem to have confused me for a roleplayer. I am not a roleplayer. I do not pick factions based on "canon" or "lore". I do so based purely on color.

Besides, people who lose are forgotten faster than people who win.

#271 Tank


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 03:44 PM

View PostWales Grey, on 23 October 2013 - 03:36 PM, said:

Sir, you seem to have confused me for a roleplayer. I am not a roleplayer. I do not pick factions based on "canon" or "lore". I do so based purely on color.

Besides, people who lose are forgotten faster than people who win.

300 Spartans lost, and their sacrifice will be remembered forever by mankind. ;)

#272 Tilley


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 03:46 PM

I am not confused my friend. I know you do not play a role in this game. I was just reinforcing the fact that if you choose to play a role, you may get more out of this game other than the kill rush that fades so quickly. If you tell a story, and others play into that story for weeks..all of which ends in one duel of honor...it can be quite exhilarating. Play how you wish to play, just food for thought. (SALUTE) KURITA!

#273 Threat Doc


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:10 PM

View PostJaroth Winson, on 23 October 2013 - 02:56 PM, said:

Kay Wolf you have NO idea how spot on you are. It is as if you followed the entire chain of events yourself. ;) :( :( <_< :lol:
I have, in my own unit. I've gone down four times, now, but I keep getting back up.


Wow Kitten, even somebody who does not know the details, knows you ****** up. ROFLMAO!

Kay Wolf
Jaroth, I was just about to remove you from my Ignore list, too (you've been there a LONG DAMN TIME). I'm not here to get into the middle of your beef, I was simply stating those who have the authority to do something, whether granted to them, or by their own hand, can do that something, because "this is the house that ?????????? built!" Please do not drag me into your petty Clan squabble, nor twist my words to your own means? Thank you.

View PostWales Grey, on 23 October 2013 - 03:21 PM, said:

Honour is less than worthless. It is used by groups to control social norms, ostracizing people who do not follow the "approved" format or technique.
What is wrong with developing social norms for people to conform to within a group? Every single social group throughout history has done this, and it's not wrong to do so. In fact, by insulting honor and telling us not to ostracize people or control social norms, you yourself have done those things.


This is done to force conflicts into areas where the "elites" are able to prevent any challenges to themselves. The specific example you cite, people whining about legging, resulted in the loss of an entire dimension of tactics and play as a result.
What it resulted in was more fair-minded play, and it did nothing to stop so-called "elites" from having their backsides handed to them from time-to-time.


That said, the concept of a "gentleman's agreement" is another matter entirely. If I'm playing a game with my friends, I usually strive to do what I think would be the most "fun". This is different from the concept of "honour" because this is a totally voluntary restriction on my part; one I do not expect any opponent I have to reciprocate. If I think it would be the most fun to take the game seriously, then I do so. If I think it would be the most fun to goof off and mess around, I do so.
Which makes you a troll, by definition, someone who would rather be an outcast, an Anarchist, and someone who prefers to have fewer friends, because said friends WILL, and DO restrict you from being able to do, 100%, what it is you want to do. Your friends are, as a result, little more than acquaintances, and ties you can sever in 30 seconds or less; they mean nothing to you because, if they did, you would be a part of a group, filled with social norms and that ostracizes people who do not fit into those norms. Therefore, your type of honor is what you are comfortable with, but it is shared by no one. I pity you, whether you want it or not.

Edited by Kay Wolf, 24 October 2013 - 06:07 AM.

#274 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:16 PM


Jaroth, I was just about to remove you from my Ignore list, too (you've been there a LONG DAMN TIME. I'm not here to get into the middle of your beef, I was simply stating those who have the authority to do something, whether granted to them, or by their own hand, can do that something, because "this is the house that ?????????? built!" Please do not drag me into your petty Clan squabble, nor twist my words to your own means? Thank you.

You do what you like with your ignore list. I could care less. It does nothing to me or for me. There was nothing to twist. I quoted you verbatim. It describes what happened to Kitten perfectly. Simple as that.

#275 Threat Doc


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:31 PM

(snick...snick...snick) Touchy, touchy, hehe.

You may have quoted me verbatim, but you twisted my words to be used as a hammer against KK, and that's not cool, because that's not what they were written for. Oh, and twisting words is about using words in a manner other than what they were supposed to be used for.

Now, if you and Kitten Calendar... Krusher, want to fight, do so to your heart's content, there's another thread already set up for it, and it still doesn't belong here. Thank you.

Good evening, gentlemen.

#276 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 05:14 PM

Touchy? I copied & pasted what you typed. Where does feelings come in here? ;)

#277 Threat Doc


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 05:20 PM

(Stops feeding troll)

#278 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 05:35 PM

(types in brackets as well)

#279 CoffiNail


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Posted 23 October 2013 - 06:14 PM

How does a Vegetable hydration technician settle a matter of honor vs a hydration systems engineer?

#280 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 24 October 2013 - 03:47 AM

View PostKittenkrusher, on 23 October 2013 - 04:10 AM, said:

Oh lol I'm not..... I know unlike someone's else here that it's a game and a story that someone thought up... It's not real. So my honor is very much intact I back my friends up and my family is happy and safe. That's real honor. Enjoy your comics kid :)
So that's my point of view real honor it's having the guts to back up your mates even if it means facing harassment a badgering. To not stick with the pack and leave ur mates out to hang. I think that if my team mate gets caught in the lines of fire and I go out there to save him or to die next to him then I have shown honor.... So yes honor does exist in this game, because I have done just that very thing and others have done it for me.

Real Honor is not just backing up a friend in the face of ridicule. Real honor is standing up to death in front of your friend. Standing up to ridicule with a friend, is ordinary friendship where I come from.

Murphy's Law has shown me Honor that I can never repay. But then again, I don't think they see it as I need to, just that I will.

As for your scenario of going to save your friend. If you and your team die in failure cause you broke rank to save your friend, did you honor his sacrifice or just make a dumb call? :)

View PostCoffiNail, on 23 October 2013 - 06:14 PM, said:

How does a Vegetable hydration technician settle a matter of honor vs a hydration systems engineer?

They Beet the krap out of each other???

Edited by Joseph Mallan, 24 October 2013 - 03:47 AM.

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