Kittenkrusher, on 23 October 2013 - 04:10 AM, said:
Oh lol I'm not..... I know unlike someone's else here that it's a game and a story that someone thought up... It's not real. So my honor is very much intact I back my friends up and my family is happy and safe. That's real honor. Enjoy your comics kid

Honor also comes in NOT attacking those simply because you have the opportunity. Honor is in treating others as you expect to be treated, in kind. I dishonor myself WHEN I use slurs and foul language AGAINST people and do not advance the conversation. I always think about it, later, and try to make adjustments to my temperament so I can be viewed better, more cleanly, and then become a boon to the community rather than an embarrassment to myself and/or my unit.
So that's my point of view real honor it's having the guts to back up your mates even if it means facing harassment a badgering. To not stick with the pack and leave ur mates out to hang. I think that if my team mate gets caught in the lines of fire and I go out there to save him or to die next to him then I have shown honor.... So yes honor does exist in this game, because I have done just that very thing and others have done it for me.
The problem is, KK, when you back someone who is proven to be wrong, who has proven themselves to be dishonorable. By defending them, you may be keeping a friend, but you are also following them over the cliff. If the community, even the smaller unit-community, has defined someone within the unit as dishonorable, then for that unit-community, that individual is dishonorable, and thus may be labeled as such. If you believe you're honorable, move on, form your own unit-community, define honor the way you want to define it, and drop the old portion of your life. It is dishonorable to continue beating a dead horse, especially when you've been proven readily, by your peers in your old unit-community, to be dishonorable, already. Let it go, move on, it should mean nothing to you, further.
What I pray, for you and those who will go with you, is that if you do define honor in your unit, you allow others who come up in the unit, according to your set standards, to help you refine the requirements, the rules, and the type of honor you and they decide to play by.
Jakob Knight, on 23 October 2013 - 04:15 AM, said:
Well, I am certain a business executive who peers down at the lower classes from his glass office and sips fine wine while considering how many of his employees he should fire to make his company look better on the annual spreadsheet is much more qualified in your view to make decisions on honor.
Oh, but touche... very well said.
To be a unit commander, from my POV, anyway, you have to have a mixture of hard exterior and passionate interior, to be prepared to fire whom you need to, and equally prepared to promote those who've proven themselves to you.
Perhaps that fat guy in the basement is there because he stood up when that executive tried to cover up corruption and graft and was then 'released for cause', losing his job in response for standing on his principles. Perhaps that fat guy in the basement tries to tell people that doing something because you can is not the right thing to do. Perhaps that fat guy in the basement is there because he refuses to leave his parents to fail in their old age while he is off enjoying life and making millions.
I'm certainly not the fat guy in a basement, and I didn't lose my job for standing up -in fact I got promoted-, but I have been laid off for some time, now, so this sort of bites me. However, the argument about "...doing something simply because you CAN, is not the right thing to do", actually hits home with me, as that's the entirety of the argument I was trying to make when AU went south. My Command & Staff, former military people with rank and experience, and one punk kid I thought was more ready for the job than he actually was, didn't agree with me, and were much like those people who say "I will do whatever is necessary to win." Foolish.
Your definition of how a person is to be known as honorable, and who is qualified to make such decisions is in need of serious reworking, quiaff?
I actually think Kittenkrusher has a GOOD base for knowing what honor is, but it's like a Kindergarten version, and requires research, depth, and maturity to understand it. The Kindergarten remark is not a dig, honestly, it's a way of determining how far he has to go to understand.
- It's not just what you say, it's also how you say it;
- It's not just backing up your friends, both on and off the battlefield, it's about making sure they're right in what they're doing (PK/TK is NOT right, on ANY SIDE);
- It's not just participating in the community, it's helping to shape it, through helping other players, through being a positive force, and for helping to convince others of what is truly right, not supposedly right;
- It's not a corporate thing, though it's formed by the community and/or unit-community overall, it's an individual thing, the person claiming to be honorable determining to follow the established and, more often than not unspoken and/or unwritten rules concerning honor;
- Honor is a life-long thing, a life-style. It does NOT change regardless of what section of your life you're engaged in at the time, including while playing computer games;
- Honor is not just about serving others in a real or faux military unit, it's about making sure your friends and your superiors look better as a result of work, in not asking for favors from them, but rather doing the work assigned you with all the gusto you can muster, mister. It is not just about receiving orders and carrying them out, but about trying to find a better outcome to allow your superior(s) to save face, perhaps even advancing better;
- Honor is not just about having a glorious death, on and off the battlefield, real or cyber, but it's more important that you ensure your actions, deeds, and the manner in which you give yourself to the battle, allow you and those who follow you to stay alive. If you have to sacrifice on the battlefield, sacrifice for others, and take as many of the ******** as possible with you.
I hope this helps?