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Repainted Concept Art


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#205 Type ZERO


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 01:27 PM

Those are pretty sick man! Great job. =D

I hope we can do custom paint jobs on our mechs in game... Something tells me, we'll be able to spot you fairly easily. lol

#206 Hayden


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 02:34 PM

View PostAdamBaines, on 01 December 2011 - 05:12 AM, said:

Great tutorial Hayden! It works for GIMP as well, as that is what I used.

Here is my first go at this so I did a simple one: Waco Rangers: Per CamoSpecs.com - The unit uses the traditional Ranger dun color scheme with rust-red accents.

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Awesome. I'm glad someone was able to figure it out ^_^

#207 Hayden


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 03:00 PM

View PostRomeox, on 01 December 2011 - 07:36 AM, said:

Hayden, i love your work. And i m asking for a request. ^_^

Would you like to paint me an Atlas with the logo and the colours of the =9th= Blood & Fire ?


Here s a link to a forum where i ´ve posted the picture :wub:


And a link to the Unit if you ´re interested :huh:


Alright, I'm happy to do that for you, I just need to know a bit more about what you want. What kind of Camo, what kind of colors for the Camo (Preferably hex), if you want racing stripes, if you want a special number, and where you want the number and your insignia to go. Warning signs... just give me all the info you can so I can do this as accurately as possible.

View PostAmarus Cameron, on 01 December 2011 - 11:56 AM, said:

I declare a trial of refusal to the threat made on coffi...that is were that threat made real...but then his name would be butt knuckle and then I would be trialing for a guy named butt knuckle and now I do not know how I would feel about that.

Also Hayden, Beta Galaxy Colors please so that I may have a new wall paper...FTW!!!

Patience, grasshopper. EDIT: It's done! Page 9.

View PostType-ZERO, on 01 December 2011 - 01:27 PM, said:

Those are pretty sick man! Great job. =D

I hope we can do custom paint jobs on our mechs in game... Something tells me, we'll be able to spot you fairly easily. lol

Or maybe... you won't see me at all :D

Edited by Hayden, 01 December 2011 - 06:25 PM.

#208 Hayden


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 08:44 PM

Hey all, thanks for watching.

Tonight's third 'mech (the other ones I did today are on page 9) is one from Hansen's Rough Riders. The scheme is not an official one, but a conjectural desert scheme that I based loosely off a suggested scheme from the Camo Specs website. The pilot name plate reads "Unther". The man gets around. EDIT: As an aside, this is intended to be a more "serious" scheme, instead of the more colorful (read: fun) official schemes that I've been doing.
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EDIT: This is a Hunchback from Lindon's Company. Nothing too special. You break, you buy - the maintenance.
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EDIT: Draconis Combine, Ryuken-Go.
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EDIT: Special request. Perhaps the most colorful 'mech I've done... maybe the most ever? We'll see. Hopefully the requester approves. I DO like how the arms turned out, though... EDIT: I can't keep away. I'm gonna go in and take creative liberties with it... I have some ideas that might really make this one pop... I'll leave this one up, as it was the original request, though.
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EDIT: Aaaaaand.... version 2 of the above request. EDIT: Also, that's the ball game for tonight.
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EDIT: Ghost Bear Rho Galaxy Hunchback IIC in relevant camo. I could not find good enough references for what the parade scheme would look like. This paint scheme is based heavily on a Weimar-era camouflage.
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EDIT: Clan Nova Cat provisional Omicron Galaxy. Following the Nova Cat's propensity for subtlety the 'mech is painted in highly subdued colors.
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EDIT Emerald Riders. This is a request to realize the vision of a Table Top gamer. I think I did alright with it. Did the logo yesterday. This is a parade scheme, the chief color is Emerald Green.
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EDIT: Cerberus Garde. This was a request. Their motto is "From Hell, into Hell and back!" ...which may be the most awesome motto I've ever heard.
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EDIT: Aaaaand last one for this page! Battle Corps Atlas per request. This technically does not violate my "No-Wolf's-Dragoons/No-Black-Widows-Until-We-Get-Us-One-O'-Them-Alex-Iglesias-Warhammers" because this 'mech is not currently part of those units. So. That's that.
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Thanks and good night!

Edited by Hayden, 05 December 2011 - 01:45 PM.

#209 BlueDog


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 09:45 PM

Awesome work Hayden, and everyone else. This stuff is very inspiring. I'm gonna try my hand at painting some mechs with GIMP, and see how it goes.

#210 Dr Roshima


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Posted 02 December 2011 - 02:38 AM

View PostHayden, on 01 December 2011 - 03:00 PM, said:

Alright, I'm happy to do that for you, I just need to know a bit more about what you want. What kind of Camo, what kind of colors for the Camo (Preferably hex), if you want racing stripes, if you want a special number, and where you want the number and your insignia to go. Warning signs... just give me all the info you can so I can do this as accurately as possible.

Would it be possible to paint flames and blood on the atlas? ; D
The Atlas´ primary colour should be grey with yellow, turquoise and green stripes.
And the most importent thing : there should stand =9th= Blood and Fire on the mech . . . (with logo, if possible)

Is this feasible ?

Edited by Romeox, 02 December 2011 - 02:39 AM.

#211 Hayden


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Posted 02 December 2011 - 02:51 AM

View PostRomeox, on 02 December 2011 - 02:38 AM, said:

Would it be possible to paint flames and blood on the atlas? ; D
The Atlas´ primary colour should be grey with yellow, turquoise and green stripes.
And the most importent thing : there should stand =9th= Blood and Fire on the mech . . . (with logo, if possible)

Is this feasible ?

It is. But I need a little more detail. Do you have an image of your unit's paint scheme to work with? I really need you to be detailed an precise as possible: are the stripes diagonal, horizontal or vertical? Is there a pattern or are they random? Should the lines appear solid or "air brushed"? Lots of things to consider :huh: Also, if you could give me hex numbers for the colors that would be nice. (You can get hex numbers off here http://en.wikipedia..../List_of_colors Z.b. Air Force Blue = 5D8AA8. Anyway, I'll get started with the info I have available. Please tell me the rest as soon as possible ^_^

EDIT: Please PM me in the future, so we don't flood the thread, ok? :D

Edited by Hayden, 02 December 2011 - 03:05 AM.

#212 Armored Yokai


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Posted 02 December 2011 - 05:26 AM

Thanks Hayden for the 2 sword of light dragon been waiting for that one a long time

#213 AdamBaines


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Posted 02 December 2011 - 09:02 AM

Hayden, do you also use photo shop to re-angle the unit logos? To get them at the odd angles needed to look right on the mech? I can't seem to find that function in GIMP.

#214 CoffiNail


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Posted 02 December 2011 - 02:05 PM

View PostPaul Inouye, on 01 December 2011 - 10:09 AM, said:

You do know I can change your member title to Butt Knuckle right? :lol:

That made me laugh good, wife looked at me funny... Was not sure how to respond to her look... saying someone wants to change my name to Butt Knuckle. ^_^

All we want to see is desks, new mechwarrior goodness images of 'The Tank' Of course I am sure 3/4s of the image would be all blurred out haha. Problem is Paul does Garth want all the reports of the new posts with the name butt knuckle as the poster... I guess it could be a good laugh when Garth comes in first thing in a AM to, WTH why so many reports today!?... PAUL!

#215 Hayden


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Posted 03 December 2011 - 12:36 PM

View PostPatriot, on 03 December 2011 - 02:56 AM, said:

Found you some info on Rho Hayden


Check the Mad Dog mini for parade scheme ^_^

Looks good in appropriate camo nonetheless :rolleyes:

Hah, yeah, I did see that but couldn't get any good info on what shade of blue to use for the snow drifts, and I didn't want to put the "pelt" on because I doubt either of these 'mechs would be piloted by warriors who earned them.

Anyway, I'm gonna take a couple days for myself here, I'll probably start making things again on Tuesday or so.

View PostFirefly, on 03 December 2011 - 01:26 PM, said:

Request: Atlas, BattleCorps Regiment colours (tan and blue). Somewhere on the 'Mech: "Dagny Taggart" (lulz)

I'll start after my little "vacation."

EDIT: On my "To Do" list:
-Snow Raven Beta Galaxy Great Wyrm
-BattleCorps Reg. Atlas
-Kiyomori Minamoto's Personal Atlas
If I've forgotten any, do let me know :lol:

P.S. No Black Widow Company or Wolf's Dragoons until we get a Warhammer.

Edited by Hayden, 05 December 2011 - 07:25 PM.

#216 Firefly


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Posted 03 December 2011 - 01:26 PM

Request: Atlas, BattleCorps Regiment colours (tan and blue). Somewhere on the 'Mech: "Dagny Taggart" (lulz)

#217 AdamBaines


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Posted 03 December 2011 - 04:40 PM

Here is my first try at something a little more elaborate. The program GIMP works pretty well for all of you who don't have or afford Photoshop, but its a bit buggy. Bu what can I expect from free ware :-)

Nueva Castile: 1st Brigada

The 1st Brigada possesses the heaviest Castilian 'Mechs. Though originally an assault force, the spearhead of the “Reconquista” is now mainly defensive force stationed on the Castilian capital Asturias.

Posted Image

#218 Threat Doc


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Posted 03 December 2011 - 05:27 PM

I'm really going to have to try this GIMP, because I have several other things I want to do, and there's no clear documentation for Photo Impact 4 about either layers or masking. Or, perhaps there is and I'm just not getting it. Adam, what do you mean by buggy, would you please elaborate?

#219 AdamBaines


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Posted 03 December 2011 - 05:41 PM

Nothing major but just kind of annoying sometimes. An example. Sometimes if i switch from one layer to another then make a change it makes it to the previous layer not the one selected. If I undo, select the layer again it will work again. Its not often but still annoying. Small things like that. Again if you cant get your hands on Photoshop like me its the next best thing as faras I have seen. Most of the same functionality. There is an online Manuel as well. I'm getting better at it. And the tutorial Hayden gave for Photoshop pretty much works the same way. Small differences you can figure out.

#220 Threat Doc


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Posted 03 December 2011 - 05:52 PM

Thank you for letting me know; I'll have to look into GIMP and see what I can do with that, then. I would really like to learn how to do layers and masking correctly, something I've worked on and off with for half-a-dozen years, without getting real serious, but it would sure help me, with all the graphics I already do. Thanks, again.

#221 AdamBaines


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Posted 03 December 2011 - 06:42 PM

Go to CNet and you can download it there. CNet is an awesome resource for freeware or getting trial versions of software.

#222 Hayden


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Posted 04 December 2011 - 02:40 AM

View PostPatriot, on 04 December 2011 - 02:36 AM, said:

I'm kinda wondering how this one escaped your notice guys


It's from 2006. I don't think it's connected with MWO, but the style is very similar. I personally won't be using it, but good find!

#223 Cake Bandit


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Posted 04 December 2011 - 08:55 PM

View PostKay Wolf, on 03 December 2011 - 05:52 PM, said:

Thank you for letting me know; I'll have to look into GIMP and see what I can do with that, then. I would really like to learn how to do layers and masking correctly, something I've worked on and off with for half-a-dozen years, without getting real serious, but it would sure help me, with all the graphics I already do. Thanks, again.

Pretty much anything people do with photoshop can be done with GIMP. The only thing about it is that the interface is a little clunky. You should like it.

#224 Hayden


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Posted 04 December 2011 - 09:32 PM

View PostAdamBaines, on 04 December 2011 - 09:30 PM, said:

Ok. Here is my latest and could be last entry....man its allot of work :-) Much respect to the Hayden factory! This is the Periphery Star Guard.

The Periphery Star Guard (per CamoSpecs.com) - Star Guard units are painted in a flowing coat of black and dark blues to emulate the night sky. White dots represent stars the unit has visited, while kills are represented by larger white dots.

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You, sir, are a champion.

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