Ironhawk, on 04 February 2012 - 04:12 PM, said:
Capital REAL challenge is correct. It is not easy. Based on one of your earlier posts, I figure the expectation is to have the UrbanMech 'wicked'... two words tough to put together (Urbie and wicked). Until the Urbie concept is finalized and pasted onto the CCG card style you are referring to, here is a work in progress view of some FD-style concept Urbie work... Hope the critiques and purists are not going to be too tough!
EDIT: Colored model with changed legs as per Sesambrot's constructive comments.
EDIT: Posting a ROUGH version of yet another alternative legs. This time closer to the original design while I hope it retains some of the Flyingdebris style. Obviously because this is rough, some of the shapes need to be defined further and the second leg is to be more detailed during finalization. Anyway, I'll be interested in the reader's (you) opinion before I push much further.

As an Urbanmech fanatic, I must say that I do love your resesign. I like the lower legs on the Concept 3 best but if you could add the splayed toes from concept 2, that would increase the foot size and give a better sense of stability. I do like how the new art has this on most of the mechs and I find it very logical to help with difficult terain. Since their feet wouldn't flex as ours do, it makes sense that you would need to have the foot broken down into smaller parts that can move independently of the rest to get the best grip possible on the ground.
As to the Autocannon and small laser, they are supposed to be mounted at the shoulder, which would allow them to flip around, While I do like your rendition of it with the upper and lower arm actuators, they do not match the classic, armless look of the Urbanmech. Perhaps mounting them directly to the shoulders would give you a look much closer to the original design. Also this would simplify maintenance and allow for the mech to fire in any direction which would be a necessity in the tight confines of a city.
I really love how you did the cockpit and torso, I can't wait to see the final product. I think I will be attempting to build one of these for my N-Scale games. Urbanmechs are GODS in my world, they just don't grant your prayers as often as I would like.................