Thunderbird, on 31 January 2012 - 04:56 AM, said:
Well, that looks like a challenge for my buddy Ironhawk. (I wouldn't be surprised if he was not already on it)
Punk[KMSD], on 30 January 2012 - 10:47 PM, said:
I'm not very good with the whole photoshopping thing, but I tried a little something with the Centurian here.
Had to throw in abit of the 25th MM paint job, and badge, and my Lance name and Motto. If we can do custom stickers Inouye Man will be on all my Mechs.
If any of you who CAN do the sweet repaints I've been drooling over would be so kind I'd like to see this done well.
Well... it sounds like friend T-bird has set me up in a nice little trap. When I saw Punk's design, there was something I liked: first, he has the guts to express himself and try out a repaint. Kudos! I also liked that gone through the pain of figuring out the design instead of just asking 'Can anyone do a 25th MM? Thanks.'
So yeah, I'll do it, in a 'Mech or 2. Just so we need to iron out a couple of things:
25th MM is supposed to be purple according to camp specs (with red and blue accents respectively on the right and left side of their bodies, which you did). A little bit like this:
Is there a reason for that?
To date, I have found the following decals:

(this one above is some wonderful work by Hayden by the way)

(look at that, also Hayden!)
But I didn't find the other one on the left arm...
If you can guide me towards it, It'd be great! Only piece missing.