Minatorc, on 06 June 2012 - 03:41 AM, said:

Edit: and I was drunk!
1) Yes: repainting in a state of higher alcoholic beverage intake is not uncommon
2) You can use the search engine. In this thread in particular, it helps! :-D
3) good looking design nonetheless! It passes the 'even when sober' test.
4) cool fan fiction: mind you what really happened is that you were about to get stripped and abused by a gang of savage, gorgeous women in the street right across our shop and we intervened before it was too late. We left a couple of C-Bills under your cap and surely saved your life. The savage gang left our hangar at noon the next day, hardly able to walk. Some party! By the way, some Capellan sports champ came by looking for you just a bit later. He said you stole his tiger... ;-)