Adridos, on 10 June 2012 - 07:36 AM, said:
I'm sure someone tried to make one already at the start. You could use it as a general guide on how to solve some of teh problems that appear with remaking of the artwork.

Here, done by a Death Commando warrior himself,

I had noticed lxxxl's version. I admit he did a damn good job on it and he does his research well. I appreciate your constructive comments, Adridos, and they motivated me to cook up the new version below, which I think is closer to the canonical 3D. First, a few notes:
1) 'Mech has been slightly rotated clockwise to make JJ feel of suspension and movement a bit more believable
2) Funny no one commented the inverted legs which are now more in line with the 'Mech's body, again to make the JJ flight more realistic. Long hours on reconstructing that left hip, but if it 'feels' natural then that's a good thing since that's what I have been going for.
3) Cockpit is the same, except for 2 things which may feed the illusion of distortion: a) reflection in the glass,

slight body perspective adjustments were made on the left side from FD's original.
4) Though lxxxl's logic on weight distribution is sound and he did an excellent job with that Hunchie arm surgery, I have elected for the more classic weapon positioning.
5) I have changed the effect on the AC to make it more 'LBX'-like (or shotgun like)
6) Added a few touch-ups on the 'Mech itself, including St-Peter's Keys, a Papal cross and a movie reference
7) Hope you all enjoy!