Dihm, on 15 March 2012 - 09:39 AM, said:
Yeah, the heat generated is more than the heat delivered. It'd be odd for flamers to generate that much heat now that they are ammo based too. I really hope they rebalanced them since they are no longer pulling from the reactor.
actually under the TT rules - flamers never delivered heat to the enemy mech - they increased heat by 3 points from the firing mech but only 2 damage (NO heat) to the enemy target - They are the worst weapons in the game - the only reason to ever use one was to start fires in wooded hexes!!
Dont know about the ammo part - I know they didnt mention flamers being ammo free which indicates they will use ammo but I havent read anywhere stating they will use ammo - could be wrong there.
I personally think we shold use the houserule my group used - flamers added 1 heat to firing mech (heat transfer from reactor to weapon) but delivered 3 heat & 1 damage to enemy mech - no ammo use. This prevents them from being over used since they still cause a heat buildup - take up space & weight & have a very short range - the increase heat to the enemy is unlikely to be alot due to these reasons
Helmer, on 15 March 2012 - 09:44 AM, said:
As one of the other threads showed, the potential for OP is there if someone mounts a lot of flamers on their 'mech. You definitely want it to be useful, without being too OP. I can see plenty of people mounting them on light 'mechs, rushing up to an assualt and firing until shutdown or reactor explosion.
As I stated above they didnt deliver heat to the enemy so the only shutdown would be their own - if you wanted to run behind an assault like that better to use MGs which caused no heat increase, were lightest weapon & had lots of ammo per ton (100 shots per ton)