Edited by The Boneshaman, 21 January 2012 - 01:40 PM.

Formerly Clan Sea Fox Thread, Now Random!
Posted 21 January 2012 - 01:09 PM
Posted 21 January 2012 - 01:27 PM
now on to the next paragraph .. In reference to your statement on "Who says the clans ever changed their name to begin with" the full statement would be "Now as you pointed out at the end your right this is a rewrite, so who says that Sea fox ever changed its name to begin with, or more importantly who is to say that they didnt send people towards the inner sphere after the dragoons," in other words ... a rewrite or alternate universe, or how ever you would choose to word such a thing. Near as I can figure your fishing with out much help.
next statement ... your "profanity" would be I diot... which is hardly profanity, how ever with censored words I can see how such would be mistaken ... though I am not sure I can actually think of a 5 letter profanity word, but i am sure google or ubandictionary can help me in that department.
and now your last statement ... until you showed up no one was even talking about becoming a pseudo merc group, or anything of the sort, how ever just to put your nickers in a not i threw it into the merc boards just to see if any one was interested. Though to be honest with you, I doubt any one will, and as has been listed here several times over which you seem to either ignore or just dont care about is the fact that not a single person on this boards was posting anything about invading, or running rampant, or anything of the sorts.
Now on a more personal note...
I have never read any of the DA books nor even the Jihad books, sorry being constantly deployed makes getting and keeping books a rather difficult thing to accomplish, as for learning about CSF that came from the clan books for TT and they never where much known other then their release of the Mad Cat MK II (for the IS) and the fact that they where the most democratic and open of any clan out there. So your right you have more knowledge on the things you apperantly dont like then I do. Most of what I know is postulated from my own guesses from the old books I have and what I can find through the official sources.
How ever I can point out to you that many people seem to think that the original CSF and the one they change back to in 3100 are completely different clans, and in saying that I can also state that the name change did indeed **** off alot of CSF warrior caste, which would not be that far of a stretch to go yes, they got so mad that they left the clan in search of better grounds. But thats just me imagining things for some thing that doesnt even effect a time line ...
So lets recap shall we?
1. Clan Sea Fox / Diamond Shark is known for their exploratory teams (so going by that yes it is quite feasable that they could reach IS on their own and work trading partners and everything else into the the whole thing )
2. This clan is the most open and democratic (from a tactical stand point they would survive introduction into the IS alot better then clan wolf ever would)
3. No one on this board until your arrival even discussed making a speudo merc group chomping at the bit for destruction ... (that would actually go against CSF's orginal doctrine)
4. No one used profanity on you veiled or otherwise. (how ever if you would like some one too please state as such and I am fairly sure we can get creative)
5. Even if all of the warrior caste left CSF and returned to the IS it still would not affect the time line...
but hey i can run with ya all night i got nothing but time
LOL thanks Tyz

had to edit, the name of the book was mechwarrior the battle tech role playing game and it was first published in 1986 my bad
Edited by Rabbit Blacksun, 21 January 2012 - 01:30 PM.
Posted 21 January 2012 - 02:08 PM
"Whats going to spot for my Artcher now? A ****ing helicopter? Those things go down faster then an Clanner on the third date!!"... That made me lol so hard.

Also, as pointed out by Rabbit, not every one from CSF liked the name change and continued to call them selves Clan Sea Fox instead of Diamond Shark. So I really don't see what the big deal is, Sea Fox and Diamond Shark were both used interchangably with in the clan its self so why can't we? I also don't recall any one here who was whole heartedly talk about making a Merc group based off of Sea Fox like the Dragoons which really makes this whole argument pointless.
Oh, and Rabbit, I posted a comment on your Sea Fox Merc lol thread as well. If any one takes it seriusly that would be funny.
Posted 21 January 2012 - 02:12 PM
us Sea Fox's apperantly we cant take anything seriously LOL
Posted 21 January 2012 - 02:14 PM
Posted 21 January 2012 - 02:15 PM
Posted 21 January 2012 - 02:17 PM

Clan Sea Fox just wants to have fu-un.
Edited by Coralld, 21 January 2012 - 02:20 PM.
Posted 21 January 2012 - 02:25 PM
Posted 21 January 2012 - 02:27 PM

I am suprised some one got that.
Posted 21 January 2012 - 03:34 PM
-goes to get his walker and cane-
Posted 21 January 2012 - 04:04 PM
Posted 21 January 2012 - 05:33 PM
now for something new ... our weekly motivational poster ^.^
Posted 21 January 2012 - 05:53 PM
Posted 21 January 2012 - 06:09 PM

Yes Stormwolf, they did change their name to Clan Diamond Shark a few years ago but in 3100 they change it back to Clan Sea Fox because the Sea Fox population returns, which was planned from the very start when they changed their name over to Diamond Shark but saved as many of the Sea Foxes in the hope to bring them back. Also, not every one in the clan, in fact a lot of them didn't like the name change and so continue to call them selves Clan Sea Fox instead of their new Diamond Shark.
Also, no one is saying to change their name at this point in time of the lore or what ever back to Sea Fox. The name Clan Sea Fox and Clan Diamond Shark is used interchangably with in the Clan. Even though other Clans, say Nova Cat see them as Clan Diamond Shark, but not every one with in Clan Diamond Shark call them selves Diamond Shark as they still see them selves as Clan Sea Fox.
Edited by Coralld, 21 January 2012 - 06:16 PM.
Posted 21 January 2012 - 06:13 PM
Coralld, on 21 January 2012 - 06:09 PM, said:

Yes Stormwolf, they did change their name to Clan Diamond Shark a few years ago but in 3100 they change it back to Clan Sea Fox because the Sea Fox population returns, which was planned from the very start when they changed their name over to Diamond Shark but saved as many of the Sea Foxes in the hope to bring them back. Also, not every one in the clan, in fact a lot of them didn't like the name change and so continue to call them selves Clan Sea Fox instead of their new Diamond Shark.
Most of the guys who protested back then are most likely dead in 3049. I know that the vote was won with with 51%, but we have had multiple generations growing up in Clan Diamond Shark, they'd only know Clan Sea Fox from history books.
Posted 21 January 2012 - 06:21 PM
Stormwolf, on 21 January 2012 - 06:13 PM, said:
Most of the guys who protested back then are most likely dead in 3049. I know that the vote was won with with 51%, but we have had multiple generations growing up in Clan Diamond Shark, they'd only know Clan Sea Fox from history books.
True, but national pride, or in this case, Clan pride, can still be carried over, expecially sense Clan Sea Fox was the name given to them by Kerensky.
Posted 21 January 2012 - 09:02 PM
-gets out the new clan motto siggy for it it ... -
Clan Sea Fox ... motto: and on that day not a single **** will be given...
Sheesh people its just a bunch of people who like the sea fox clan grow up, or ill start playing aqua over the comms when we battle

Oh yes I went there ...
Posted 22 January 2012 - 09:44 AM
I agree, people are just being to damn nit picky and anel about the name of Sea Fox and Diamond Shark. Its the same clan for god sakes. Some people want to call them Clan Sea Fox and some people want to call them Clan Diamond Shark, big freeking deal. Its not like they switched from Warder to Crusader or anything drastic like that.
Posted 22 January 2012 - 02:01 PM

But thats ok ... cause i can roll with the best of em xD ... not to mention i can be all ... nope i not support you >_>
MW:O people Y U no likie CSF!
XD ... so been chillin on mw4 recently an shooting up CGB and a few others so its been fun lol
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