Name: Louis Jennings Jr.
Callsign: Lucky Lou
Date of Birth/Age: Feb 7, 3028. McHenry, Federated Suns
Current mech/vehicle: Commands from the Command seat of a Zhukov heavy tank, which the rebels salvaged from a DCMS unit. Oddly enough the tank was found in the camps motorpool as if it was being examined by techs prior to the raid. Drove off with it.
House Affiliation: No Affiliation, despite being from the FedSuns.
Military History: One year at the Robinson Military Academy, despite being an good student and passing all exams, flunked out from poor grades in the protocol portion halfway through his sophmore year. After shaming and embarassing his family through his discharge from the academy, he joined up with the first merc outfit he found, a group by the name of Brandon's Blackhearts. They headed out to the periphery hunting bandits, but after a few months of barely scrapping by they disolved with some becoming bandits themselves.
Physical Description: Standing 5'10 with broad shoulders and a boxers build. Well muscled, he weighs around 180lbs. Has a thick head of reddish brown hair and steely gray eyes. He tries to sport a goatee but his facial hair is too thin for anything presentable, so he refers to it as his 'Summer beard- somer here, somer there.' Despite this he refuses to shave it off. Wears miltary style cargo pants in solid colors, black, khaki, brown, green, gray. Sports normal shirts, along with a well worn green paramilitary jacket that he's had for almost ever.
Open Background: Born on the planet McHenry in the Fed Suns [not sure what march it is in] to the owners of a small winery, Louis was destined to inherent the family buisness, but longed for more. After much begging and whining his wish was granted, admitance to the prestigious Robinson Military Academy, as wish that near bankrupted his family in the process. He got good grades in all exams except protocol, he just doesn't have any mind for it. After being booted from college he has refused to go back home in shame so he's taken to the mercenary/pirate lifestyle with gusto. His year at academy has been most useful amongst the rougher crowd. displaying a grasp on tactics and organization he's been a boon to Ryan's Rebels. Quickly earning promotions. He's quick to offer friendly advice to any that ask for it, but mostly stays quiet and aloof. Despite being a bandit, he doesn't engage in wanton acts of violence and theft, unless abosolutely nessacary or ordered. He believes in the age old proverb that you don't s**t where you eat, so he doesn't condone injustaces against the locals.
But that doesn't mean he takes s**t from anyone.
Deep Background: GM knows.
Open Fear: Louis is highly arachnaphobic, which has led to many episodes of his tank crew teasing him. He's so arachnaphobic that he's been known to shoot spiders with a pisol.
Let me know if everything is okay. The Zhukov is the tank that an old NPC of mine had up untill the Snakes killed him in it. There's nothing really special about it, despite having some customizations done to it. It just has some character.
Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 19 August 2012 - 09:51 AM.