Where Is My "mad Cat" & Other Associated Clan Tech Faq
Posted 12 November 2012 - 01:21 AM
Posted 12 November 2012 - 01:48 AM

Edited by Alik Kerensky, 12 November 2012 - 01:55 AM.
Posted 21 November 2012 - 11:14 PM
Posted 11 December 2012 - 10:49 AM

Posted 29 December 2012 - 06:58 AM
Posted 31 December 2012 - 11:05 PM
A 1:1 time ratio, that is not so hot of an idea, this game will be long gone by the time we get to things like the Great Refusal.
Posted 02 January 2013 - 02:36 PM
Elorana, on 31 December 2012 - 11:05 PM, said:
A 1:1 time ratio, that is not so hot of an idea, this game will be long gone by the time we get to things like the Great Refusal.
I would bet on a "expansion pack" coming at some point that will fast forward the timeline for 10 years...
Posted 06 January 2013 - 04:11 PM
-Mad Cat user
Posted 08 January 2013 - 08:07 AM
Edited by KillerKirby, 08 January 2013 - 08:07 AM.
Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:30 PM
KillerKirby, on 08 January 2013 - 08:07 AM, said:
Never know. But, if they follow the current format....it's going to be a while. We've not even seen any concept art yet. Isn't the average time from concept art to in-game approximately 6 months?
Here's for hoping though.
Posted 19 January 2013 - 07:36 AM
a huge amount of new, mechs, weapons and technologies. and to follow the timeline it has to come out pretty soon
Posted 22 January 2013 - 09:57 AM
Just trying to make sure that accurate information is out there about the clans, for those who are not BattleTech junkies.
Posted 22 January 2013 - 09:25 PM
Icebergdx, on 22 January 2013 - 09:57 AM, said:
Just trying to make sure that accurate information is out there about the clans, for those who are not BattleTech junkies.
those who aren't BT junkies will have almost no clue what you just said.
Posted 24 January 2013 - 06:27 PM
Iron Harlequin, on 06 August 2012 - 06:46 PM, said:
Q.What is a "Mad Cat"?
A. The "Mad Cat" is a Clan heavy omni-mech weighing in 75 tons and armed with a wide array of firepower, and has become one of the most iconic battlemechs of battletech. Hence why it is on the cover of multiple Battletech/Mechwarrior games/books.
Q. I've heard the "Mad Cat" referred to as a Timber Wolf, why?
A. "Mad Cat" is the name it has become commonly known as, its real name is Timber Wolf, its nickname comes from it vaguely resembling a cross-over of the Marauder (Mad) and the Catapult (Cat). Canonically speaking what happened was this : (The targeting computer on Phelan Kell's Wolfhound' switched between MAD and CAT when trying to identify it; Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht later officially designated it "Mad Cat".)
Q. When will I get to see/pilot one?
A. Well, there has been no official word from PGI as to when this will happen. However the time-line currently is following canon in a 1:1 format. Meaning that for every day in the Battletech Universe that goes by 1 day in the real world goes by, hence the reason Inner Sphere news updates are dated the way they are. So for example: August 6, 2012 translates to August 6, 3049. With that having been explained the clans have not invaded the main Inner Sphere space yet, they have invaded Periphery space however.
Q. So what does that mean?
A. What that means is that by today's date there aren't any invasions happening in "our" space yet. The invasion process is currently in the "Periphery Action" phase, which takes place from August 3049 until September 3049. Wave 1 of the invasion of the Inner Sphere happens in March of 3050 to April 3050. There are a total of 5 Waves, you can see them here along with which clan invaded what planets on what date.
Q. You keep saying the word Clan, what do you mean?
A. The Clans are a group of self-exiled individuals who were originally from the Star League Defense Force (SLDF) this is where it might get a bit complicated for some people, but in short, a group of people splintered off from "our" space and went off on their own to start anew. They have different technology than the Inner Sphere and different battlemechs.
Q. How many Clans are there?
A. There are a total of 22* Clans: Blood Spirit, Burrock, Cloud Cobra, Coyote, Diamond Shark (Sea Fox), Fire Mandrill, Ghost Bear, Goliath Scorpion, Hell's Horses, Ice Hellion, Jade Falcon, Mongoose, Nova Cat, , Smoke Jaguar, Snow Raven, Steel Viper, Stone Lion, Widowmaker, Wolf, Wolf in Exile, Jade Wolf, Wolverine (The not named clan). *Not all 22 clans existed at the same time, for example(s), Widowmaker was absorbed by clan Wolf, Clan Wolf-in-Exile did not exist until Clan Wolf had the Refusal War with Clan Jade Falcon, Wolverine was wiped out due to holding different views than the other Clans, and Clan Jade Wolf was only in existence for 19 days....
Q. I've heard mention of "Warden" & "Crusader" clans, what does that mean?
A. "Warden Clans were a political alliance of Clans who believed that Aleksandr Kerensky's Hidden Hope doctrine espoused the belief that the descendants of the Star League-in-exile should protect the Inner Sphere from any external threats.
Crusader Clans were a political alliance of Clans who believed that Aleksandr Kerensky's Hidden Hope Doctrine espoused the descendants of the Star League in Exile returning to the Inner Sphere to conquer it and, thus, save it from itself."
Clicking this button, will show a list of Crusader Clans
Clicking this button, will show a list of Warden Clans
Q. Weren't all battlemechs made at the same time, why cant we just have them all now?
A. No, this is incorrect. All battlemechs have different manufacturing dates, and to my knowledge PGI is following these dates to the letter. For example today's date in battletech would be August 6, 3049 and the Timber Wolf was first made in 2945. You might ask well then why dont we have it, but I addressed this already. "We" do not have it because "we" are not the Clans. No one has seen a Clan mech in Inner Sphere space yet, even though it has been manufactured already. A useful site for finding manufacturing dates is here you type in the name of the mech you are looking for and it will list all of its variants and information.
Q. Why can't I have all the cool Clan weaponry yet?
A. Well as I said above due to manufacturing/invasion dates certain equipment and battlemechs/variants are not available until certain dates. So weapons like the ER Medium Laser, Streak SRM 6s, Ultra Autocannon 20s, wont show up until the Clans invade. Generally sarna has information on the weapons' appearance dates if you look under the "production information" section under the weapons picture.
Q. You mentioned "omni-mech" earlier what is that?
A. Quoted from sarna: "An OmniMech is a (sub-)type of BattleMech that does not feature a fixed weapon configuration, but instead has the ability to replace or change its loadout with modular OmniMech-compatible Omni-pods. Omni-pods can be a wide range of weapon systems and even a limited selection of structural components. Therefore, the capabilities of an OmniMech are only limited by the amount of pod space it possesses (both in mass and bulk), and reconfiguration time." They have various pros and cons that are listed on the sarna link. A list of omni-mechs can be found here, notice however that not all of them are clan, because eventually the Inner Sphere started manufacturing omni-mechs of their own. In short that means that if I have an omni-hardpoint on my mech, I am not restricted to just one weapon type. I may equip an energy, ballistic, or missile weapon to the slot, if the mech design allows for it. 2 major draw-backs of clan tech is that it is vastly more expensive than Inner Sphere tech, and they are not fully modular. Meaning that "an OmniMech's structural components: its engine, internal structure, armor and any equipment installed on the base chassis of OmniMech are "hard-wired" and cannot be modified outside of a total redesign of the 'Mech."
Q. Will the Clans be a playable faction?
A. Quotes:
"Posted 03 May 2012 - 03:27 PM
Since Clans are Factions, and not player run (at launch), this would fall under the Faction Unit rules.
Players can earn the privilege to be a member by earning loyalty points and performing certain feats/actions."
source: Here
"Posted 30 July 2012 - 10:11 PM
I think we would need to be brain dead to not want to sell Mad Cats to players. We have design and balance issues to figure out but we will get it sorted so players can play as the clans "
Source: Here
If any more information can be added I will do so, feel free to make suggestions. Also if something should get a link let me know and I'll edit it. Hopefully this will help out some newbies & maybe get a sticky. When I said "today's date" I was using the date of posting as "today's date".
I thought that Hell's Horses was a Warden Clan with a Crusader Leader....
Posted 25 January 2013 - 03:02 PM
I am however sad that it is so close to clan invasion while were are still in Beta. I wish they had started a little further back in the timeline or hope for a reset (though I'm sure many people won't want a reset).
I'd love to see this game get popular (hope it does) before the clan invasion.
Then gain, hope in one hand and **** in the other, right?
Posted 25 January 2013 - 05:14 PM
Sasuga, on 25 January 2013 - 03:02 PM, said:
I am however sad that it is so close to clan invasion while were are still in Beta. I wish they had started a little further back in the timeline or hope for a reset (though I'm sure many people won't want a reset).
I'd love to see this game get popular (hope it does) before the clan invasion.
Then gain, hope in one hand and **** in the other, right?
My poop hand is full lol,
also I wished they had started in 3025
Posted 26 January 2013 - 02:16 AM
Stable Manager William, on 09 August 2012 - 12:58 AM, said:
That depends on who you ask.
The Wolves-in-Exile retain their clan trappings and maintain that they are the true clan wolf, the Crusader elements of Clan Wolf having been absorbed by Clan Jade Falcon who were then strong armed by Vlad Ward into unabsorbing Clan Wolf.
Clan Nova Cat also maintains clan trappings and would say they are still a clan, but they were abjured, so the clan council don't accept them as being a true clan any more either.
Then of course, post Wars of Reaving, the Clans in the homeworlds consider the clans in the Inner Sphere to be abjured dezgra rather than true clans while the clans in the Inner Sphere don't care what the homeworlds think.
I'm not sure what to make of Clans Ghost Bear and Snow Raven, as they have integrated their governments with the local Spheroids rather than maintaining the strict caste system in the other Occupation Zones
Posted 26 January 2013 - 11:34 AM
And a Dire Wolf/Daishi would also be nice

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