some of you disappoint me. To outright call console users 'dumb' because they either don’t have time or money to build and maintain a top of the line PC.. gee thanks. Sorry I am an Enlisted military personnel and your taxes are not high enough to give me more money so I can purchase $3,000.00 and then settle down and take the time to put it all together between deployments *thumbs up*
How about before blindly stating a group is 'x' you know what that group consists of.. in this case, most gamers..
But I digress. I will probably buy the new xbox some time after it comes out, usually when its sitting around $600.00 like i did last time
You tell me what $600.00 PC you can buy that performs as well as an xbox? So before you go slamming a console because it does not live up to your PC, check the price tags.
The other thing, is Paul is absolutely right, MW:O Is free, and people will play it any way, console or not. I will play it any way even when I have a console.
as far as SWTOR go, that game has an 'art' style. its not the graphics but they were going for a look just like borderlands did.
What other game companies do as far as graphics goes, take your beef up with them, but I assure you, consoles have nothing to do with the graphics of a game unless they are intending it for console release.
I am very sure that they also have keep in mind (As far as the F2P games go) they have to keep in mind distribution, no one wants to sit and wait for 3 hrs to DL a game due to his large size thanks to its awesome graphics.
Edited by Omigir, 25 January 2012 - 04:29 AM.